Monday, December 30, 2019

Definition and Examples of Headlinese

Headlinese is an informal term for the abbreviated style of newspaper headlines — a register characterized by short words, abbreviations, cliches, noun stacking,  word play,  present-tense verbs,  and ellipsis.   Headlinese combinations are not in themselves sentences, said linguist  Otto Jespersen, and often cannot be directly supplemented so as to form articulate sentences: they move, as it were, on the fringe of ordinary grammar (A Modern English Grammar, Vol. 7, 1949). Nonetheless, says British journalist Andy Bodle, [m]ost of the time the meaning of headlines is quite clear (to native English speakers, anyway). They generally achieve their aim of provoking interest without misrepresenting the facts too grievously (The Guardian [UK], December 4, 2014). Examples and Observations Perhaps a copy editors best test for headlinese is the question: How often do I hear this word used in ordinary conversation with its headline meaning? If hardly ever, the word is headlinese.(John Bremner, Words on Words. Columbia University  Press, 1980)In their quest for concision, writers of newspaper headlines are . . . inveterate sweepers away of little words, and the dust they kick up can lead to some amusing ambiguities. Legendary headlines from years past (some of which verge on the mythical) include Giant Waves Down Queen Mary’s Funnel, MacArthur Flies Back to Front and Eighth Army Push Bottles Up Germans. The Columbia Journalism Review even published two anthologies of ambiguous headlinese in the 1980s, with the classic titles Squad Helps Dog Bite Victim and Red Tape Holds Up New Bridge.(Ben Zimmer, Crash Blossoms. The New York Times, January 10, 2010)[W]hen the folks at Variety toss around insider lingo and cryptic headlinese like B.O. Sweet for Chocolat and Helmi ng Double for Soderbergh its hard to tell what the heck theyre talking about.(Scott Veale, Word for Word/Variety Slanguage. The New York Times, Feb. 25, 2001)Plane Too Low to the Ground, Crash Probe Told(Headline quoted by John Russial in Strategic Copy Editing. Guilford, 2004)Police: Middletown Man Hides Crack In His Buttocks(Headline in the Hartford Courant, March 8, 2013)Man Shoots Pictures of Wolf Chasing Him on Motorcycle in CanadaBANF, Alberta – A Canadian man says he was chased by a gray wolf while he was riding a motorcycle in British Columbia. . . .(Headline and lead at, June 21, 2013)Short Words in Headlinese: Thinnernyms- Headlinese  might be defined as words that no human being would utter in context but that headline writers use because they fit into tight spaces.(John Russial,  Strategic Copy Editing. Guilford Press, 2004)- The grandest, oldest and arguably finest headline tradition of all, of course, is the use of short words. Instead of disagre eing, people clash. Rather than competing, they vie. Instead of divisions, we have rifts. And instead of a Mexico president promising reforms of the policing system in an effort to mollify people’s anger over the murder of 43 students, we get Mexico president vows police reform in bid to quell massacre rage. I was inordinately pleased with myself for coining the word thinnernym to describe these short words, although I’ve since been informed that I’m not the first to do so.(Andy Bodle, Sub Ire as Hacks Slash Word Length: Getting the Skinny on Thinnernyms. The Guardian [UK], December 4, 2014)- [B]revity is a whip-bearing  dominatrix in the discipline of headline writing.(William Safire, Hotting Up. The New York Times Magazine, June 10, 2007)Life on Mars—War of the WordsThis is a headline from The Friday Review Section of The Independent of 21 August 1998. It introduces an article reviewing a fierce scientific debate about the possibility of life on Mars. Headline writers use a wide range of devices to create a very specific style, which is sometimes called headlinese. Their one-liners must put in a nutshell the main point of the news story they relate to and at the same time capture the readers attention. . . . [I]f we pad out the above headline, we might get something like The life on Mars debate remains a war of words. It will be noticed that the headline as it stands contains no verbs: this is replaced by the dash (—). The structure has the effect of all the focus being on the balanced phrases, Life on Mars and War of the Words.(Peter Verdonk, Stylistics. Oxford University  Press, 2002)Telegraphic EllipsisA form of written language which typically uses telegraphic ellipsis is the newspaper headline. . . .Grammatical clues present in  the headlines themselves . . . interact with contextual information from the setting to encode retrievable meaning; This process is essentially cataphoric in that headlines refer forward to the main body of the text, a fact exploited by editors and sub-editors on a daily basis to encourage headline-spotters to read on.(Peter Wilson, Mind The Gap: Ellipsis and Stylistic Variation in Spoken and Written English., 2000. Rpt. Routledge, 2014)Noun Stacking in HeadlinesA string of unleavened nouns will form a whole headline. Three nouns stuck cheek by jowl was once the limit, but now four is standard. Some months ago two tabloids gave their front pages to SCHOOL COACH CRASH DRAMA and SCHOOL OUTING COACH HORROR and a week or two later one of them achieved five with SCHOOL BUS BELTS SAFETY VICTORY. There is some loss of seriousness here, as if anyone cared.(Kingsley Amis, The Kings English: A Guide to Modern Usage. HarperCollins, 1997)A colleague points out: It sometimes seems that any time anyone writes a piece about Africa (or, in fact, dark-skinned people), the first (and usually last) headline everyone comes up with is Heart of Darkness. Its unimaginative, and boring, bu t more importantly perpetuates lazy colonial attitudes, ideas of ignorance and benightedness, etc.(David Marsh, Mind Your Language. The Guardian, February  14, 2010) See Examples and Observations below. Also see: Block LanguageCopyeditingCrash BlossomJargonJournaleseTelegraphic Speech

Sunday, December 22, 2019

CC of Cultural and Intellectual Tradition of The M.E....

Arisen from the influences of Christian and Jewish traditions, the nomadic peoples of the Arabian Peninsula joined forces to form the Dar-ar-Islam. Used to unite the Middle Eastern Empire, Islam – founded by the prophet Muhammad in 610 CE – created a stable civilization based on Islamic views and teachings for its individuals. In the Middle East during the time of 600 CE to 1450 CE, the religion of Islam stayed unchanged, while the influences of different cultures altered the traditions of the society as well as the women’s rights and status in the civilization. As the Middle East developed over the years, the prominence and teachings of Islam sustained. Numerous aspects in the Middle Eastern Empire altered, but a key element in the†¦show more content†¦India offered knowledge mathematically in the branches of algebra, geometry, and trigonometry and even on teachings relating to medicine and antidotes. Whereas Greece influenced the Middle East with their alphabet and philosophy, mostly focusing on the works of the two famous Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle. Philosophy taken in from Greece even challenged Islamic teachings as certain Islamic philosophers attempted to combine Greek philosophical works with the teachings of the Qur’an, just resulting in many upset Muslims. As centuries passed in the Middle East, certain cultural and intellectual traditions in the Middle East changed through the influences of other civilizations yet managed to stay the same in the aspect of Islam in the society. And as shown by the status of women in the Middle East, while certain beliefs and traditions may stay unchanged, the way cultures have influenced them can affect how the previously mentioned beliefs and traditions are taken into

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Meaning to Your Name…Hehehe Free Essays

What does the name â€Å"Magdeline† mean? A name is much more than just a name! M is for  musical, your hidden talent! A is for  absolute, for you know your mind. G is for  goal, your eye on the future. D is for  dazzle, the sparkle of you. We will write a custom essay sample on Meaning to Your Name†¦Hehehe or any similar topic only for you Order Now E is for  excellence, your passion, your drive. L is for  luxury, the luxury of your smile. I is for  intense, your zest of living. N is for  neatness, your orderly way. E is for  exquisite, who could argue? What does the name â€Å"Gladys† mean? A name is much more than just a name! G is for  genial, a pleasing personality. L is for  luxury, the luxury of your smile. A is for  accomplished, in all that you do. D is for  dashing, the romantic you! Y is for  yearn, your innermost desires. S is for  sensible, the practical side What does the name â€Å"Magdeline† mean? A name is much more than just a name! (1991/11/20) M is for  munificent, for you are extremely liberal in giving. A is for  able, for you surely are. G is for  glitter, the spark that is you. D is for  dependable, on you I can rely. E is for  easy going, no ruffles here. L is for  lucky, who is more? I is for  impress, for impress you will. N is for  name, a pleasant one indeed. E is for  enchant, for enchant you will. What does the name â€Å"Catherine† mean? A name is much more than just a name! C is for  casual, no pretension here. A is for  affirm, the certainty of knowledge. T is for  treasure, that of your friendship. H is for  heavenly, your spirit is strong. E is for  elate, you make others happy. R is for  refreshing, the sparkling you. I is for  inspire, others seek your guidance. N is for  noble, your regal bearing. E is for  expressive, not one to hold within. The name  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Catherine†Ã‚  is of Greek origin and it means  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Pure†. It’s a name commonly given to girls. What does the name â€Å"Cletuse† mean? A name is much more than just a name! C is for  confident, no doubts here! L is for  look, the way you look at life. E is for  excellence, your passion, your drive. T is for  treasure, of your friendship. U is for  upstanding, your inner-self. S is for  select, as few are chosen. E is for  elegant, born within you. What does the name â€Å"Alphoncina† mean? A name is much more than just a name! Ais for  accomplished, in all that you do. Lis for  laughter, you spread wherever you go. Pis for  passion, your fire! His for  hope, the encouragement you give. Ois for  outlook, pleasing to all. Nis for  nice, need I say more? Cis for  cuddle, those intimate moments you cherish. Iis for  impress, for impress you will. Nis for  nice, need I say more? Ais for  affirm, the certainty of knowledge. What does the name â€Å"Rethabile† mean? A name is much more than just a name! Ris for  realist, the way you are. Eis for  enjoy, your life can be fun! Tis for  tried, tried and true you. His for  honor, your most valuable possession. Ais for  abundant, your cheer knows no bounds. Bis for  beloved, as you are to many. Iis for  instill, the lesson of life. Lis for  luxury, the luxury of your smile. Eis for  expressive, not one to hold within. How to cite Meaning to Your Name†¦Hehehe, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Rosa Parks Essay College Example For Students

Rosa Parks Essay College Rosa Parks Rosa parks was born on February 4,1913, in Tuskegee, Alabama. She was a civil rights leader. She attended Alabama State College, worked as a seamstress and as a housekeeper. Her father, James McCauley, was a carpenter, and her mother, Leona (Edwards) McCauley was a teacher. Rosa P. had one younger brother named, Sylvester. Her family lived in Tuskegee. When Rosa was two years-old her parents split up and she, her mother, and her brother moved to her grandparents farm in Nearby Pine Level, Alabama. Her grandparents were one of the few black families who owned their own land, rather than work for someone else. Although they were poor, they were able to raise enough food for all. During the first half of this century for all blacks living in America skin color affected every part of their lives. The South in particular was very racist. Slavery had been abolished only by some fifty years earlier, and blacks were still hated and were feared by whites because of skin color. Jim Crow had a law separate but equal. The Supreme Court ruled in 1896, that equal protection could not mean separate but equal facilities. Blacks were made to feel inferior to whites in every way. They were restricted in their choices of housing and jobs, were forced to attend segregated schools, and were prohibited from using many restaurants, movie theaters. Rosa Parks said, years later, Whites would accuse you of causing trouble when all of you were doing was acting like a normal human being, instead of crining. You didnt have to wait for a lynching. You died each time you found yourself face to face with this kind of discrimination. Rosa Parks didnt like attending a poor, one-room school, with few books or supplies, not being able to stop on her way home from school to get a soda or a candybar. She hated how they were parts for blacks like restaurants, trains, and bus and even being forced to give up her seat for a white person. Rosas mother, Leona McCauley, worked as a teacher, an d the whole family knew the value of education. Rosa attended the local black elementary school, where her mother was the only teacher. When she graduated, the family worked hard to save enough money to send her to a private school for black girls. At the age of 11 she began to attend Montgomery Industrial School for Girls. At the age of 13, she started a Booker T. Washington Junior High, a black public school in Montgomery. When she graduated, two years later no public high schools in Montgomery were open to black students, who were then forced to abandon their education. The McCauley family was determined that Rosa would succeed, and they worked together to raise enough money to send her to Alabama State College to finish her high school classes. When Rosa was close to graduating, though , the family fell on hard times and could no longer afford schools, etc. Her grandfather had died a few years earlier, and her grandmother became ill. Rosa decided to leave school for a while to h elp take care for her and to help out on the family farm. Her grandmother died soon after, and then her mother also became ill. Rosa was forced to abandon her classes for good. In 1931, Rosa met and fell in love with Raymond Parks, a barber who was active in civil rights causes. They were married in 1932 and settled in Montgomery. Raymond Parks encouraged Rosa to finish her education, and she received her high school diploma from Alabama State College in 1933. After her marriage, Rosa Parks worked at several different jobs, as an insurance saleswoman and as a seamstress, doing alterrations either in a shop or in peoples homes. Through the Depression, both Parks and her husband were fortunate to be able to find regular work. Leaders in the black community planned the strategy to challenge parks arrest, because she sat in a white seat in a bus. To protest the unfair treatment and to show their strengh, they decided to stage a one- day boycott of the citys buses on the coming Monday. A s Nixon said, The only way to make the power structure do away with segregation is to take some money out of their pockets, and considering that 70 percent or more of the Montgomery bus riders were black, they were in position to do just that. Ministers of black churches were soon involved in the planning, including Rev. Ralph Abernathy and Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., both of whom became leaders in the civil rights movement. King, then young and virtually unknown, was asked to lead the boycott, which soon brought him to the forefront of national attention. Within a few months bus segregation was ruled unconstitutional, and the buses were officially desegregated in December 1956. Rosa who had lost her job because of the boycott, moved to Detroit, Michigan, the following year, and again took in sewing. She also worked as a fundraiser for the NAACP. In 1965 she was hired by Congressman John Conyers, Jr., also a cvil rights leader, to manage Detroit office. She remained active in the NAACP and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). In 1987 she founded the Rosa and Raymond parks Institute for Self Development, offering Guidance to young blacks She won the NAACPs Spingman Medal (1970) and the Martin King Jr. Award (1980), as well as an honorary degree from Shaw College. .u2b7b6dda8d177a06aa322c3ada3cef78 , .u2b7b6dda8d177a06aa322c3ada3cef78 .postImageUrl , .u2b7b6dda8d177a06aa322c3ada3cef78 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2b7b6dda8d177a06aa322c3ada3cef78 , .u2b7b6dda8d177a06aa322c3ada3cef78:hover , .u2b7b6dda8d177a06aa322c3ada3cef78:visited , .u2b7b6dda8d177a06aa322c3ada3cef78:active { border:0!important; } .u2b7b6dda8d177a06aa322c3ada3cef78 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2b7b6dda8d177a06aa322c3ada3cef78 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2b7b6dda8d177a06aa322c3ada3cef78:active , .u2b7b6dda8d177a06aa322c3ada3cef78:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2b7b6dda8d177a06aa322c3ada3cef78 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2b7b6dda8d177a06aa322c3ada3cef78 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2b7b6dda8d177a06aa322c3ada3cef78 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2b7b6dda8d177a06aa322c3ada3cef78 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2b7b6dda8d177a06aa322c3ada3cef78:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2b7b6dda8d177a06aa322c3ada3cef78 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2b7b6dda8d177a06aa322c3ada3cef78 .u2b7b6dda8d177a06aa322c3ada3cef78-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2b7b6dda8d177a06aa322c3ada3cef78:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Is Psychology a Science? Essay

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Issue of Abortion

Introduction Since the Supreme Court made abortion a legal procedure in the United States over three decades ago, the issue of abortion has continued to elicit highly charged debate both in the political and social scenes (McCoy 45-50). In such a context, inflammatory anti-abortion versus pro-choice sentiments are inevitable, hence the need to use a rational approach in this crucial topic.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Issue of Abortion specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In this paper, I discuss the litigious issue of abortion on a moderate position. I argue that the act of abortion is morally wrong and problematic. However, minimal/slight moral permissibility of this act should be allowed especially during instances of need to restore the health of the mother. The Moderate Position of Abortion The moderate position on abortion is a mid-position that agrees to the moral permissibility of some abortions, but a t the same time considering suffering and pain both on the part of the mother and fetus. Therefore, the moderate position regards the mother and fetus as having certain entitlements and rights. It also recognizes that permissibility of abortion causes suffering to both the mother and fetus. In this sense, a moderate position considers the moral permissibility of some abortions while at the same time having a sense of loss of entitlements to the mother and fetus. In the moderate position, abortion is only indicated in the hardest instances e.g. abortion may be considered in cases where the life of the fetus greatly puts the life of the mother at risk (Shannon and Kockler 82-88; McCoy 45-50). Why I Agree With the Moderate Position A moderate position on abortion is a strong and comprehensive argument against the act of abortion, especially regarding issues of morality and permissibility. This is because philosophers have argued that a woman has duty to protect herself while at the sam e time having much consideration to the life of the fetus (the moral status of the fetus) (McCoy 45-50). In this part, while I concur with the liberalist position that the life and the agency of a pregnant mother should take precedent over fetal life, such people must also bear the consideration that the life of a fetus is a potential human life and the act of aborting a fetus entails ending this life. Therefore in this context, I consider the right to life and other entitlements of the fetus as important discussions which should be engaged especially when addressing litigious issues of abortion (Shannon and Kockler 82-88; McCoy 45-50). Since the conservative approach towards abortion strictly prohibits abortion, it denies the mother the rights and entitlements she should access, such as the right to life. A moderate position is an important position which I adopt because it prohibits the act of abortion, while giving a chance for slight/minimal permissibility where the life and ent itlements of the woman have to be protected.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In this case, I adopt this position because I consider the act of abortion of a fetus which endangers the life of the mother as being morally permissible and therefore the moderate position on abortion is a more comprehensive solution and should be adopted. In addition and from a philosophical perspective, a mother who continues to carry a fetus which greatly endangers her life denies herself the ‘perfect duties’ which she should accord herself and her body (Shannon and Kockler 82-88; McCoy 45-50). The moderate position regarding abortion is the best position I adopt because it does not set the bar too low regarding the permissibility abortion. This is because this position is considerate of the fetus as a potential human life which has rights and entitlements. In this case, moderate positi ons on discussions of abortion prohibit approaches which tend to lie greatly towards permissibility while at the same time refuting conservative approaches which insists on absolute impermissibility of abortion. Therefore I consider this position the best which should e adopted as a societal approach to curb increased permissibility of the act or total impermissibility. For instance, the argument by liberalists on this matter that abortion should be allowed in various circumstances and a wide range of moral justifications contravenes the right to life of the fetus as a potential human being. This is because in my perception, the liberal position sets the bar too low regarding the permissibility of the act of abortion e.g. the suggestion that abortion should be allowed in certain instances like maintaining the bodily integrity of the mother is ‘a bar too low to set’ regarding the permissibility of abortion. In addition, philosophers e.g. McCoy have argued that a woman wh o aborts or considers an abortion just to maintain her twenty six inch waist denies the fetus the right to life and goes against the natural orientation which perceives women as having the natural and ethical desire to love, nurture and care for their children (Shannon and Kockler 82-88; McCoy 45-50). Therefore in my argument, I settled on the moderate position because it does not set the bar too low regarding permissibility of abortions. In my opinion, a woman who aborts because effects of pregnancy and motherhood are incompatible with her life projects contravenes the rights to which the fetus is entitled e.g. the right to life. Therefore, the moderate position is best to be adopted. For instance, in my view, it is morally permissible for women to have abortions in cases of great need to safeguard their life but such reasons propounded by liberalists such as rewarding hobbies, once-in-a-lifetime trips, and important careers are imperfect choices which should not be morally and leg ally permissible (Shannon and Kockler 82-88; McCoy 45-50).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Issue of Abortion specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The rights Ethical Approach Therefore the moderate position which I adopt to argue the issue of abortion emanates from the rights ethical approach. In the moderate position, I argue that abortion should only be allowed for the hardest of indications e.g. safeguarding the health of the mother or a deformity of the fetus. From the rights ethical approach, I have mentioned that the act of abortion is morally wrong and should be permissible only during hard indications. Since the fetus is a potential human life which has rights and entitlements, it should not be aborted unless strongly indicated. Therefore, the most ethical choice for women is to carry the pregnancy to term, as aborting the child for reasons short of ‘hard indications’ is unethical and a disre gard of the fetus as a potential human life which has a right to live. In addition, using this approach, the mother has an ethical obligation to the fetus as she knew that the act of sex which she got involved in would result to a pregnancy. It is also natural and ethical for women to desire to love, nurture and care for their children, thus abortion is regarded as unethical unless indicated. Furthermore, the fetus is a potential human life with moral standing and complete with rights and entitlements. Thus aborting a fetus for reasons below the ‘hard indications’ bar is unethical, morally wrong and a contravention of the right of the fetus as a potential human life (Shannon and Kockler 82-88; McCoy 45-50). How People Who Don’t Agree With the Moderate Position Might State Their Position Since my argument in this paper lies in the moderate position, it is inevitable that it is likely to elicit debate in different scenes such as philosophical and social scenes. A c onservative approach to the issue of abortion adopts a position of absolute impermissibility; hence such conservative positions should be moderated to adopt some extent of permissibility. Similarly, the liberal approach should be moderated to adopt slight permissibility of abortion. Therefore, liberalists should not set their bar too low (regarding permissibility) and the conservatives too high (regarding impermissibility) (Shannon and Kockler 82-88; McCoy 45-50). Conclusion In the above paper, I have adopted the moderate position to explore the issue of abortion. I have also used the rights ethical approach to explore this topic. As abortion continues to raise heated debate in various parts of the world, the moderate position is the most comprehensive approach towards addressing issues of permissibility. This is because a mid-position considers the rights and entitlements of both the mother and fetus.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Works Cited McCoy, Ronny. The Morality of Abortion, Coe College: Coe College Press, 2011. Print. Shannon, Thomas, and Kockler Nicholas. An Introduction to Bioethics, Paulist: Paulist Press, 2009. Print. This essay on The Issue of Abortion was written and submitted by user Maliyah K. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here. The Issue of Abortion The morality and legality of abortion remains a controversial, pertinent subject world all over. With some countries legalizing it, the great question is, should abortion be allowed? Regardless of the perspective viewed from, abortion is unethical, unhealthy, and utterly unacceptable. Abortion is killing, it is murder, and now that a human being cannot give life; he or she should not take it away. Why should we be politically correct while we can be correct?Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Issue of Abortion specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As aforementioned, abortion is killing and no one should think in those lines. Forgetting about the dead foetus, the trauma that comes with abortion is unbearable. It is better to be physically sick than to be psychologically sick. A research by Ekanem, Etuk, Ekabua and Iklaki (2009), indicates, â€Å"Abortion still contributes significantly to high maternal morbidity and mortality† (p. 374). People have come out in the past to confess the untold life-lasting trauma that they have to face daily because of an abortion they had many years ago. The most worrying trend is that many people carry abortion unsafely because they fear what people will say about it. This leads to grave medical consequences like infertility and cancer. In her work, Colker (1992) posits that, â€Å"abortion is not a question of moral permissibility, or justification of laws permitting or restricting it; it is a mater of life and death where the former takes pre-eminence† (p. 6). It is true that some children are born from â€Å"accident†; however, it is not the duty of anyone to determine who should live and who should not. Even though there is no evidence to justify this argument, there is a high probability that some world great leaders have died even before seeing the light of the day courtesy of this inhuman act. Physical and mental heath notwithstandin g, it is unethical to kill, supposing we were all aborted! Those supporting abortion, commonly known as pro-choice, put across vague arguments about why abortion should be allowed. For instance, Levitt and Donohue (1999), vaguely argue that unwanted children were mostly likely to be criminals and this explained low crime rates in states where abortion is legal (p. 12). This is shoddy argument and it takes one back to philosophical issues on crime. Pro-choice scientists argue that there is no relationship between breast cancer and abortion. The truth is, during pregnancy; due to hormonal changes, breast cells proliferate in preparation of breastfeeding. Advertising Looking for essay on ethics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Once abortion takes place, these cells do not become â€Å"aborted† and this leads to cancer not unless we redefine cancer. While scientists can detach breast cancer from abortion, they have failed terribly in explaining maternal morbidity that comes with abortion. There is so much attachment between a mother a pregnancy and this is irrefutable. Abortion should only be allowed in cases where the mother is in danger. The other alternative to prevent unwanted pregnancies is to use contraceptives rightly and avoid the so called, â€Å"biological accidents.† Otherwise, live and let life. To Pro-choice adherents, it important to note that, the question is not about abortion or not, rather it is about to murder or not. Abortion is unethical, unhealthy, and unacceptable. Killing is unlawful not only to God but also to human beings. The psychological price to pay for abortion is irredeemable and not unless anyone wants to live a downtrodden life, she should refrain from abortion. If you had unwanted pregnancy today, would you prefer to abort or would persevere until you handle the bundles of joy in your hands after short nine months? Reference List Colker, R. (1992). Abortion dialogue: pro-choice, pro-life, and American law. USA: Library of Congress Cataloging. Ekanem, E., Etuk, S., Ekabua, J., and Iklaki, C. (2009). Clinical Presentation and Complications in Patients with Unsafe Abortions in University Of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar, Nigeria. Niger Journal of Medicine, 18(4): 370-74 Levitt, D., Donohue, J. (1999). The Impact of Legalized Abortion on Crime. Social Science Research Network, 56(3): 12-15Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Issue of Abortion specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This essay on The Issue of Abortion was written and submitted by user Darrell Glenn to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Sickle Cell essays

Sickle Cell essays Sickle cell anemia is a chronic disease in which the red blood cells loose their disc-shape and become crescent. As a result of this change in shape, they function abnormally and break down, causing reoccurring painful episodes. An abnormal type of hemoglobin called hemoglobin S causes sickle cell anemia. Sickle cell anemia can only be inherited when both parents have the hemoglobin S gene. Sickle cell affects eight out of 100,000 people. However, it is more common in certain ethnic backgrounds. The disease affects one out of every 600 African Americans and one out of 1,000 to 1,400 Hispanic Americans. Sickle cell anemia may become life threatening when damaged blood cells break down or bone marrow fails to produce blood cells. These affects can cause damage to the kidneys, lungs, bone, liver, and even the central nervous system. Blocked blood vessels and damaged organs can cause acute painful episodes. These painful symptoms, which occur in 70% of patients, can last hours to days, affecting the bones in the back and chest. Some sufferers may have one episode every few years, while others may have many per year. The symptoms can even be severe enough to require admission to the hospital for pain control. People with Sickle cell anemia may have delayed growth and puberty, have ulcers in the lower legs during both adolescents and adulthood, and Not all symptoms of Sickle cell anemia are so threatening. Other symptoms include fatigue, breathlessness, rapid heart rate, fever and vomiting, poor eyesight and decreased fertility. There is currently no cure for this disease. During a crisis, bed rest is recommended to reduce the use of energy and oxygen needs. Transfusions of Folic acid, essential in producing cells, are required because of rapid blood cell turnover. Acute painful episodes are treated with analgesics and adequate liquid intake. Sometimes the spleen become damaged from these aberrant&...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Evidence based- practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Evidence based- practice - Essay Example This is because it decreases uncertainties frequently experienced by patients and healthcare professionals in the contemporary complex healthcare system. RNs use proven techniques as well as interventions (evidence –based practices) in the delivery of patient care. The use of proven techniques and interventions is tested and confirmed and is based on the earlier research work and experiences with earlier patients (Mabbott 10). Therefore, the chances of recording failure in the use of evidence-based practice is close to minimal since the entire practice and processes had been proven to work in earlier experiments. Moreover, the use of evidence-based practice ensures improvement in patient outcomes thus better than the traditional practice. Since the use of evidence-based practice in the delivery of patient care is an already proven, its use helps in enhancing patient outcomes thereby ensuring success in patient treatment and handling (Mabbott 18). The RN can act as a facilitator of evidence-based nursing practice due to the vast knowledge and experience he or she gained from earlier research conducted on the techniques and interventions. Since the RN has gained critical skills and expertise and has knowledge on the values and preferences of patients, he or she can use the same in implementing evidence-based practice (Mabbott 21). This is possible since the RN understands the challenges experienced during the research process and, therefore, know ways of avoiding or reducing the challenges thereby ensuring success of the practice in healthcare systems. There are various the methods that can be used to overcome barriers to evidence-based practice. First, both the individuals and the systems need to make a commitment to advancing the evidenced based approach in addition to apportionment of resources required for the practice (Mabbott 25). Secondly, both basic as well as graduate nursing programs should commence teaching the value and

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Cloud Computing and Security Issues Dissertation

Cloud Computing and Security Issues - Dissertation Example Cloud com-puting services offer an innovative and cost effective means of utilizing IT capabilities, and as such are being offered as long term solutions for numerous educational, govern-mental, defense, and private businesses. Cloud computing can provide rapid scalability and enhanced IT capabilities to business operations with the investment of minimal costs. It allows the users to deploy services on demand using a network of pooled resources and hence helps the user in using the service as and when needed. The concept behind cloud computing is truly revolutionary as it allows small organizations to scale up their operations to high proportions without buying hardware and software and without hiring a fleet of IT experts. The immense potential offered by cloud computing is acknowledged across the industry, and yet, there is hesitation in its rapid adoption by many organizations (Armbrust et al, 2010). This is because the rapid growth in the technology is also accompanied by growing con-cerns about security related issues. Cloud computing, being an innovative method of using applications and hardware, has to face various implementation issues as it requires a shift in perceptions about work ethics, organizational culture and technical skills needed by the end users. Moreover, there have been several incidences where cloud technology has found itself defenseless in front of hacking attacks like the one against Gmail and the Sony PlayStation gaming network (Paul, 2011) The reasons for the security vulnerabilities are varied ranging from the inherent vulnerabilities in the core technologies to the network vulnerabilities (Armbrust et al, 2009). As cloud computing is an emerging technology, so are the concerns about security challenges being discovered and addressed. The current dissertation aims to explore the perception of the end users about the security challenges, their expectatio ns from the service provider and also attempts to make a list of recommendations for enhancing the security as well as building confidence in the end customers. Research Rationale There is very little evidence of any empirical research undertaken to gauge the performance of cloud computing services in organizations or to assess the satisfaction levels or expectations of the end users. There is however a plethora of information available on the various platforms and modes of cloud computing and their associated advantages and disadvantages ((Rochwergeret al, 2009; Reese, 2009; Armbrust et al, 2009; Rhoton, 2009; and Sosinsky, 2011). This information is in the form of technical knowledge regarding the concept and applications of cloud computing services and does not seem to include the point of view of the end users or the people who actually adopt and work with the services. Â  There is a growing sense of doom among some scholars who predict vicious cyber-attacks that can ride on th e security loopholes and vulnerabilities of the cloud computing services (Barroso and Hoelzle, 2009). However, there still remains a lack of research into assessing these security vulnerabilities empirically or using the perception and experience of those who are the end users of the service. There appears to be a need to conduct an analysis of the possibilities of the security attacks as well as to assess the perceptions of the organizations that are using it about the security sturdiness or vulnerability of the cloud computing environment. This knowledge is expected to provide an insight about possible challenges and opposition that cloud computing service providers’ face in marketing their products. It will also enable the researcher to develop a comprehensive set of recommendations that can be adapted to provide better satisfaction to the end users. The

Monday, November 18, 2019

Three questions of Hillel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

Three questions of Hillel - Essay Example These are inspirational words for me as they motivate me in working for the best interest for myself and the people around me. After being advised with these sayings, I felt that if I have to achieve something in life and make my life good, I will have to work towards it myself and when ill work hard to achieve my aims and objectives, I will be helped by God in achieving those aims and objectives. These sayings even helped me learn that I should not only focus upon my own self interest and should even take into consideration the interest of others while conducting any activity and this behavior of mine will be liked by God. The end of the saying which states that individuals should act instantly in the right manner and not wait for the right time as the right time is not in the future, instead it is right now. I gained this advice at a very early age and I learned that I should act in the right manner and in a virtuous manner during my youth and should not wait for my adult ages to d ecide about my action plan. These sayings were put in the form of questions by Hillel because he wanted individuals to ask these questions from themselves when ever they are under the situation of making a decision. These sayings have always been the guidance of all the decisions I have ever taken. While taking any decision that might result in effecting me along with others around me, I have scrutinized options in accordance to these sayings. These sayings have provided me a step by step guide to solve any problem. When ever I face a decision making situation, I first analyze what are my interests and how can I safeguard my interest. While pursuing my personal interest, I ensure that the interest of the others is not compromised and once I select an option that is viable for my self interest as well as the self interest of others, I take actions.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Object Oriented and Modelling Concepts Car Parking

Object Oriented and Modelling Concepts Car Parking Akila Kanishka Gangodage   At the present time parking is the major requirement of the people. And also there are limited spaces to park vehicles in the city area. Therefore car park systems should have proper management system to control the day to day activities. Peoples time is very valuable their time cant be wasted. People cant spend lot of time in the car park to park their vehicles. Traditional car parking systems are mainly best on human. That kind of systems use human to control activities of the car park, as example collect the money, generate the tickets, check the remaining space etc. But to do all these activities are taken lot of time and it is not efficient process and also this type of systems are no longer applicable for the modern society. Modern systems are using computers and software systems to manage and control the activities of the car park which can be interact by people time to time According to fact which are discuss above, a car park need a proper system that can manage and control all the day to day activities of car park efficiently Generate tickets. System should have generate two type of tickets. For ordinary customer and season customer. Season tickets should be issued to defined individual or company, a ticket need to be included contact number address and each season ticket should be valid for the given time period and issue date and expiry date should be display on the ticket. Ordinary tickets should be issued time period at the car park. Accept tickets. For the ordinary customers, if car park is full, no tickets should be issued. Each and every ordinary customers ticket should have bar code on it. When ordinary customer is leaving the dates or time should be the same, if not the ticket is ejected. For the season ticket holder, a check is made that the season ticket is valid for this car park and has not expired. Season ticket holder should not be recorded as having already entered this car park and not left. When the car park is full, tickets should not be issued from the control pillar. Handle payment. Payment can only be card (Master/Visa/Debt) or cash (50c, 1$, 2$, 5$, 10$, 20$, 50$). For ordinary customer, according the duration of the stay in the car park charge should be calculated and displayed. System should identify the notes and coins which are inserted by customer and the value added to an accumulated amount. When that amount exceed the charge, the ticket should be validated. And also change should be given accordingly. Invalid notes and coins can be identified and returned back to the customer. Control boom gates. The barrier should be raised, after the customer pull the ticket from the control pillar. Car should be detected by the sensor on the other side of the barrier when it has passed then barrier should be lowered. When the customer reach the exit barrier should be detected by a sensor and then the control pillar should allow the customer to check the ticket and after complete the payment the barrier should be raised. If this process consume more than fifteen minutes, the attendant can view the details of the ticket on his computer and should be able to control the barrier Record problem in a log book. If there any fault of equipment or any other aspect of the operational system the maintenance company must be notified straight away. The system should be able to generate static report of all faults. Manage security. The security guard should be able to put his or her card into card reader and arrival date and time should be recorded. Leave time also should be recorded as the same. The system should be able to handle one or more security companies. Hardware resources. Computer Boom gates Ticket scanner Printer Security camera Sensor Software resources. Windows Operating System. Need a user friendly and lightweight operating system for the computers for manage all other software. Browser. Since the developed system is interacted with web the computers require browser in order to use it. Database. System require a central database to store and process all the data. Barcode reader software. By using this software the system can identify each and every barcodes which are on the ticket. Payments handling software. Using this software system can detect and identify the notes and coins get the accumulated amount. Financial resources. The City Administration is fund for the project. Human resource. Most of the activities of the car park is done by the system itself but to be the complete system the car park system need human interaction. So system need to at least 10 peoples to proceed, Five peoples for the IT department. Three developers, one Tech Lead and one Project Manager Three peoples from the client company. Tow from the security company and one from the maintenance company One investor User There are some possible risks that can be happened while this car park system is using. Natural disaster. The significant increase in disasters of a natural and/or technological origin seen today has serious consequences for CI, the population, the environment, and the economy. These consequences have been exacerbated by the development of sociotechnical systems such as transport networks and industrial plants, their interdependencies, and their sensitivity to major hazardous events. (Farid kadri, Babiga birregah Eric chatelet, 2014). Natural disaster like Earth quick, flood, fire, and tornado can be done major impact for the hardware, software and human resources of the system. As an example when Earth quick happened it can be effected for the hardware devices like CTTV camera, boom gates control pillar, computer etc. and also it can be harm people and vehicles in the car park. Hardware failure. Hardware failures are permanent failures that occur over a period of time (Asim kadav, Matthew j renzelmann Michael m swift, 2009). Hardware devices can fail, but many systems assume they do not. When confronted with real devices that misbehave, these assumptions can lead to driver or system failures (Roozbeh bakhshi, Surya kunche Michael pecht, 2013). For an example if a boom gate will not work, cars cant enter the car park. Software failure. Sometime software need to be updated for work with the new technologies Database crash. Valuable data can be lost because of database crash Electricity failure. This kind of systems are mainly depend on electricity. So electricity failure is major risk that this system have to face. Lack of trained employee. Sometime it can be hard to fine trained employee to work with the car parking system. Propose outcome of this project is, that provide the efficient and effective car parking system for the people and avoiding unnecessary time wasting at the car park. And also this car parking system is very simple to control and manage and regulate for the city administration and can get higher business value in the city area. By introducing this new car parking system with new technology can gain lots of benefits for the company. Since parking is becoming a major requirement of people who come to the city for office, busyness, studies, work, shopping and hospital etc. this kind of efficient parking system can get high demand rather than other car parking system. Maintaining the parking system is becoming easier. Because of any fault of equipment can be notified by the system for the Maintenance Company. Another main benefit of car parking system is can operate with low manpower because of most of the activities of car park can be managed by the system itself therefor company can save lot of money Safety and security of drivers and cars are very high because system has security management system itself. Therefor company can earn customers trust and can have regular customer base. Another benefit of this system is system can keep the record easily in database and use them any way company want. Company use record for security purpose, financial purpose and maintain the statistic. Using this kind of car parking system the City Administration can have maximum utilization of space in city area. References Asim kadav, Matthew j renzelmann Michael m swift.(2009). Tolerating Hardware Device Failures in Software. University of Wisconsin-Madison : . Roozbeh bakhshi, Surya kunche Michael pecht.(2013). Intermittent Failures in Hardware and Software. University of Maryland: . Farid kadri, Babiga birregah Eric chatelet. (2014). The Impact of Natural Disasters on Critical Infrastructures: A Domino Effect-based Study. Retrieved 16 March, 2017, from

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

A Clean, Well-Lighted Place Essay -- Literary Analysis, Ernest Hemingw

Human Life: Torture of the Mind Ernest Hemingway captures the essence and origins of nihilistic thought in â€Å"A Clean, Well-Lighted Place†, written in a time of religious and moral confusion shortly after The Great War. The ideas expressed in this short story represent the post World War 1 thinking of Hemingway, and the notoriously nihilistic Lost Generation in Paris, which was greatly influenced by the many traumas of war. Learning from his unnerving experiences in battle, Hemingway enforces the idea that all humans will inevitably fade into eternal nothingness and everything valued by humans is worthless. He develops this idea by creating a brilliant mockery of two coveted religious documents, revealing authority figures as typical, despicable, human beings, and he reduces life into the most raw, simplistic, and frightening reality imaginable. Hemingway states that all humans will naturally die alone and literally be â€Å"in despair† about â€Å"nothing† (494), and that people will eithe r seek a â€Å"calm and pleasant cafà ©Ã¢â‚¬  (496), or a self-inflicted death simply to escape despair. Undoubtedly, Hemingway eliminates any consideration of a higher meaning because he believes that â€Å"[life is] all a nothing, and a man [is] nothing too† (496). By viewing the actions of three different generations, Hemingway’s â€Å"A Clean, Well-Lighted Place† elaborates on the idea that human life is not continual enlightenment and growth, but gradual despair, and an inevitable death into â€Å"nada† (497). The youthful and confident waiter, representing the youngest of the three male generations, is the only apparent spec of existentialist thought in the story. However, this young man is simply an unconcerned existentialist due to his age; he is not in despair bec... ...ed Place†, represent the opinions and views of one typical person, in one ordinary life. The theme of a world of nothingness is overwhelming to the human brain, and almost inconceivable, and everything we do in this life is simply designed to help us take our mind off of death; suicide is the ultimate escape from â€Å"despair† over â€Å"nothing† (494). Hemingway’s brilliant transitions in time explain how life eventually grows worse with age, and humans will succumb to suicide, drunkenness, or something comforting and safe, much like a clean, well-lighted cafà ©. Further, Hemingway has shown the world that man has created many bogus ways to cope with the insurmountable fear of nothingness, namely religion. Bluntly, people can try to kid their selves into feeling soulful, genuine, or meaningful, but there is no need to â€Å"fear for [the human] soul†, as it is non-existent.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Civil Disobedience : Bane of Boon to the Concept of Just Society? Essay

Even as the nations are engaged in tackling the menace of terrorism among its rank and file, the debate over what makes a ‘just society’ has renewed itself with fresh questions evolving out of it, especially from the perspective of civil disobedience, where issues on ethics, emotion, justification and morality are embedded in an inseparable way and therefore add complexities in the comprehension of just society. Thus this paper weighs some pertinent points involving the concept of just society from the perspective of civil disobedience before arriving at an inference on whether civil disobedience is a bane or a boon to the concept of just society. A Brief Definition of Just Society â€Å"Just Society† refers to a particular condition of a society, where its subjects enjoy some freedom beyond laws that are framed, provided that freedom should ideally be directed towards garnering collective benefits for the society. This facility of a citizen goes down under the head of â€Å"fair treatment† of the state to its subjects and is commonly known as social justice. With time, this freedom has become a medium of the thinkers and well wishers of the society to share and air their views to draw the attention of the government on several issues pertaining to the well-being of the concerned society. Different political ideas, ideologies or situations create different interpretations of a just society. As for example, the left-wing ideology could prescribe an extensive use of income redistribution after judging its present state as a deterrent to the just society, while a right-wing political party could stress on philanthropy, open market system or charity to attain social justice for the society. However, the broad base of just society is powered by the concepts like equality and human rights. A Brief Definition of Civil Disobedience The briefest definition of civil disobedience could be like â€Å"an act guided by conscience towards preventing or developing a condition in the society, which might overstep certain areas of written law, yet that overstepping is not intended to oppose the law†. Civil disobedience is supposed to be an outcome of a serious observation of any flaw or the scope of development in the society, totally backed up by moral and ethical values and totally devoted towards a positive change in the society. Here the gray area lies in the quality of such an observation and inference. For example, a group of thinker might observe that certain areas of taxes are burdening the citizens and thus be waived, while another group might observe a positive impact of taxes on the citizen. However, civil disobedience is supposed to act under the guideline of equality and human rights and it has to be morally justified. Understandably, these preconditions are liable to vary according the laws of various states. The Questions The preconditions of civil obedience raises certain questions like why a civil disobedience would be considered as anarchy, if it fails to remain within such preconditions like moral justification or total submission to the written law of the land. Reasonably, questions like that evolve out of human rights’ parameter or the natural human qualities like emotion – where driven by the cause, one might go overboard and breach the law to end up in the prison. There are questions too, about the applicable yardstick of identifying the nature of civil disobedience or distinguishing it from ordinary offences. Civil disobedience is generally not considered as a crime in a democratic society. Thus, if a civil disobedient is jailed or otherwise punished, it becomes a recognized offence, which, in other words, stands as a different interpretation of the person’s motive. Perhaps it is for this reason even the founder of the very coinage ‘civil disobedience’, Henry David Thoreau, once rued over the apathy of the society towards the plight of the intellectuals who raise voice for the society itself – after he was jailed for refusing to pay the state poll tax to American government as a protest against governmental plan to prosecute a war in Mexico. An agitated Thoreau wrote in his essay – â€Å"Only a very few people – heroes, martyrs, patriots, reformers in the best sense – serve their society with their consciences, and so necessarily resist society for the most part, and are commonly treated by it as enemies† (Thoreau, 1991). Towards Making a Just Society Thus questions like above validate another query like ‘what makes a just state’, and stress on garnering more flexibility through legal parameters instead of leaving the subject on the leniency of the government – like when, in spite of acting on moral drive, a civil disobedient stands at a crossroad where the state can either overlook his/her offence or jail him/her. In either of the action, the government stands to loose – if it overlooks the situation it might be blamed for not doing its duty, and if it imprisons the person, it might be condemned of violating human rights. This indicates that to create a just state, states have a role to formulate a convincing script of the division of justice like Compensatory (corrective) justice, Retributive justice or Distributive justice. The observation of Thoreau as mentioned earlier, also points towards another roadblock towards making a just society. Since the range of values like transparency, security, privacy, integrity and autonomy cannot be fully defined by the scripts of justice, the governmental interpretations of them can invoke mixed reaction among people – some might resort to civil disobedience, some might remain skeptic to the situation. Majority should be able to justify the situation and their best role in it, before pursuing a cause. Thus people should be equipped to meet the standards of civil disobedience or to reap any benefit out of it – â€Å"Justified civil disobedience†, says John Rawls, â€Å"can serve to inhibit departures from justice and to correct departures when they occur; thus it can act as a stabilising force in society† (Rawls, 1971). This situation speaks about the important role of the civil society too – that it is their duty to educate and inform the mass about the nature of civil disobedience (direct or indirect) and the possible consequences attached to them. Alongside it should be a joint effort by state and the civil society to spread awareness about how civil disobedience differs from legal protest, rule departures and conscientious objection – and more importantly how it has no relation with the breakaway groups like radical protesters and extremists. CONCLUSION There can be no doubt that civil disobedience keeps the society lively and interacting, besides being instrumental in guarding the common interest of people through the conscientious voice of the citizens. Without this vigilance, the concept of just society cannot be put into action. While the governmental interpretation of just society determines the scope and outcome of civil disobedience, the clarity of perception of the civil society about ‘just society’ keeps civil disobedience movement on its desired track. Thus, both state and the civil society have to share the task of disseminating appropriate education at the every corner of the society to invoke awareness on judiciary system and the scope of civil rights. This awareness would then automatically serve as a shield to the civilians and as an alert to the state. However, in the modern context of terrorism or increasing rate of violence, some might opine that civil disobedience has lost its sting – which is in fact, not true. Now the new world order evokes global citizens to resort to civil disobedience on global issues like terrorism or environment, which might have no bearing with the local state’s policy or its actions. This speaks about how the civil societies across the globe have adapted itself to the new avatar of civilization – they are now connected to one another for the sake of making a ‘just global society’ – all the while depending on a common tool like civil disobedience. Thus, in both of its new and old role, civil disobedience proves to be a boon to the concept of just society. Ends Works Cited Rawls, John (1971), A Theory of Justice. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Thoreau, Henry David (1991), ‘Civil Disobedience’ in Civil Disobedience in Focus. Hugo A. Bedau (ed. ), London: Routledge. Works Consulted Brownlee, K. (2007). Civil Disobedience. Web Article. Retrieved on Dec 1, 2007, from http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/civil-disobedience/#FeaCivDis Civil Disobedience. Web Article. Retrieved on Dec 1, 2007, from http://www. answers. com/topic/civil-disobedience

Friday, November 8, 2019

Top 10 Low Stress Jobs that Pay Well

Top 10 Low Stress Jobs that Pay Well every job comes with a certain amount of stress. even some of the ones on this list. stress is unavoidable- and often seasonal. certain times of year, or certain crises, can catapult a low-key job into an uncharacteristically high stress bracket. but, in most jobs, that peak will fade and the rest of the year and your career can be spent in relative calm. low stress jobs that pay well do not come by easily. the following 10  jobs have been deemed - based on travel, potential for growth, intensity of deadlines, public scrutiny, competition, physical demands, environmental factors and hazardous conditions, risk- yours and others’- and public presence/speaking- to be the least stressful options on the market. some of these jobs will have a high stress time of year, or require some high stress interactions, but overall they strike a gentler balance than, say, wall street trader or neurosurgeon.if high-stress and high-stakes aren’t for you, consider trying for one of the f ollowing careers.information security analystthe growth rate here is about 18% and the median income is almost $89k per year.diagnostic medical sonographerthis position has a high growth rate (24%) and decent median income (~$62,5k).(tenured) university professorgranted, you’ll have to go through tons of stress to actually get to this position, but once there, the tension eases up considerably. good money (~$70k/year) as stylistthe money isn’t that high (around $23k/year median), but it’s flexible and relatively low stakes.medical records techthis position comes with good growth (15%) and good median income (~$36k). you get all the perks of being in the healthcare field, none of the life or death situations.medical laboratory techthis certainly comes with higher stress than working in records, but the money is better (almost $50k/year median) and there is still good potential for growth.jewelerthis isn’t a fast-growing field (-11%), but it comes with decent money ($36,870 median) and relatively low stress.audiologistthis field comes with  great growth (29%) and almost $75k per year. we hear that!dieticianhere’s another field with good growth and good pay ($56,950k/year median).librarianyou wouldn’t expect a librarian to have more stress than most of the previous positions, but believe it or not there are cycles of higher stress that makes this career rate a bit higher than even laboratory techs and professors. there’s low growth (2%), but the pay is around $56k per year.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The business of goodwill - Emphasis

The business of goodwill The business of goodwill It’s that magical time of year again. Chestnuts roasting on an open fire, Jack Frost nipping at your nose and – quite possibly – being thrown together with people you have nothing more in common with than blood. And, as anyone who has grin-and-borne-it through a stressful or tedious family gathering can verify, if Christmas is actually going to be a time of peace on Earth, it wont be without a bit of effort (and a fair bit of eggnog). Which is why we’re about to suggest something a little radical: writer-focused reading. Now, we still stand firmly by the idea of reader-centred writing: by concentrating on the recipient’s needs and situation, you’re guaranteed to produce the best response in them with your document. Yet what about when it’s too late for that? The deed is done, and now you’re the reader stuck with the stressful and tedious task of untangling what the author actually meant to say. Well, before you escalate the situation and potentially sever a business relationship for good, here’s one for the season of goodwill: focus on the writer. Although of course not a business matter, the accidentally offensive letter Gordon Brown sent to the mother of Jamie Janes, the young soldier killed in Afghanistan earlier this year, is one such example. While a tragic and delicate subject like this should naturally be handled with the utmost care, in the reading it might also be considered in context: that the blind in one eye, half-blind in the other leader of the country took the time personally to hand-write a letter of condolence, most likely with the best of intentions. So, if you are the poor reader and you have the seeds of a scornful comeback sprouting in your head – hold on. First, consider your answers to our writer-profile questionnaire: 1. Â   Â   Â  Think about the document you’ve received. What is its subject? 2. Â   Â   Â  Who wrote it? 3. Â   Â   Â  How much did they know about the subject? 4. Â   Â   Â  What was their likely attitude towards it? 5. Â   Â   Â  How involved in the subject are they? 6. Â   Â   Â  How important is the subject to them? 7. Â   Â   Â  How interested in the subject are they? 8. Â   Â   Â  Do you have any other relevant knowledge about their situation (work-related or otherwise)? 9. Â   Â   Â  What is your relationship like with the author? 10. Â   Â   Â  How important is maintaining a good relationship with the writer of the document to you and your company? After you’ve answered these questions, you may have a better understanding of the writer’s position and motivations. You may be feeling calmer and more forgiving (you have, after all, just counted to ten). You may even have just saved an important business connection. So treat yourself to a cup of eggnog. And don’t worry: the season will be over before you know it.

Monday, November 4, 2019

HUM CAPSTONE WK9 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

HUM CAPSTONE WK9 - Essay Example g how other people practices their respective beliefs and preferences and recognized that most of the ultimate goals of these religious affiliations is the promotion of peace and the aim to attain salvation and eternal life. Why is it important to learn about other peoples beliefs and attitudes? It is therefore important to learn about other people’ beliefs and attitudes to understand the basic theoretical premise for assuming a particular behavior, a frame of mind, or an adherence to identified ideals. By learning concepts about other religions, one was more sensitive in acknowledging how religion has likewise shaped their lives and how the way they behave and interact with others seem to be influenced by their firm belief on a divine power or Supreme Being who governs peoples’ daily lives. How will you utilize this information in the future? The information learned could be useful and could be utilized in the future through manifesting an open-minded perspective in interacting and communicating with people from diverse cultural and religious orientations and in various situations and settings. I realized that most of these religions actually adhere to the ethics of reciprocity and respecting the lives of others as a way to living the right path of life and eventually attaining the ultimate purpose of one’s religion: salvation, peace, inner calmness and eternal

Friday, November 1, 2019

How did the British Empire Understand and Try to Combat Violent Literature review

How did the British Empire Understand and Try to Combat Violent Nationalism - Literature review Example It is a trusteeship under what Lord Lugard has strikingly called a "dual mandate" in colonial government (Williams, Gwyn A., 1980). For it entails not only a compulsion to develop the territory in the interests of a world economy but the fortification of the native inhabitants from the too atrocious impact of contact with extremely geared industrial civilizations. An analysis into the success of the British Empire in dealing with this most annoying problem has astonishing interest to all colonizing powers. The consideration of the world has been focused on atypical intensity for that reason on the East Coast of Africa, now almost completely British, either through direct control or under League Mandate. There the white settlement, from which West Africa has been secured by its climate, is probably in the high uplands of Kenya, in parts of Tanganyika and Nyasaland, and perhaps on down to the Union of South Africa, on the island peaks of high plateau country such as an increase as one goes south through the Rhodesias. Over the entire area, Cecil Rhodes' dream of a white African empire for England is being fought out between the Colonial Office's policy of constraint and the stubborn nationalism of the Union of South Africa.   it settlements of the Rhodesias and of Kenya, though the latter is still sparingly settled protectorates or crown colonies, in the case of Kenya without accountable government. The shibboleth that divides men about native policy in Africa is the "dominant" interest of the natives (D. C. Dorward, 1986, pp. 399-459).The concern of this African struggle and of the other troubles of an empire can only be astutely foreseen after a study of each discretely, focusing attention first on the British Commonwealth of equivalent nations and weighing centrifugal and centripetal pulls from race, religion, class, chronological ties, and economic interests.British foreign policy compounded and compromised into an incorporated system out of the pull of these various interests, with other centers of economic and political gravitation pulling at its component members from both North and South America, and Europe (Philip Foster, 1965). Nor can one overlook that Russia is potentially threatening to the structure of that capitalist world economy in which the City in London shares with New York the ruling position. As long as capitalist nations evade war the threat is slight (G. O. Olusanya, 1973).

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Teams and Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Teams and Leadership - Essay Example Ideally, a leader is capable of creating a vision for the organization and has the ability to inspire the people around him. However, these important traits are usually not present in leaders at a very high level. Most leaders in practice in most practice are working at a demanding operational level that requires a specific set of knowledge and skills—and therefore the virtuous traits are often ruled out. It will be very helpful of to consider leadership in management. It will serve in the best interest of the organization (Trent 2004). Forming the right team is crucial in attaining success in the performance of tasks because research shows that the composition of a team and the complexity of the tasks are directly related to performance. This was of particular concern the study of Higgs, Plewnia, and Ploch (2005). The authors used the Belbin Team Role model to operationalize team diversity and used questionnaires to assess task complexity and performance. The results of the study demonstrated that there is a clear relationship between team compositions (which is related to diversity), complexity of task and team performance. Complex tasks are positively related to a diversified team. However, it is negatively related for straightforward tasks. This implies that it will be beneficial to consider the complexity of the task when forming a cohesive team. The mix of the individuals is important because the talents of a diversified group are more likely to cover wider tasks. The degree of complexity will give clues on w hat will comprise the mix of individuals to be included in the team in terms of diversity of personal traits. These insights will provide a helpful framework in establishing high performance teams. There is also correlation between team constraint and team performance. Constraint is defined as the quantitative measure that pertains to the pattern of connections between contacts in

Monday, October 28, 2019

Desert Economy Struggling To Stay Afloat Essay Example for Free

Desert Economy Struggling To Stay Afloat Essay When Americas economy fell into a recession in 2008, it took down mexico along with it. America is by far the largest buyer of Mexican products, last year alone doing $400 billion in business. The Economist article, Making The Desert Bloom, brings to light the condition that Mexicos economy is currently in, restricted by cartels, monopolies and its unfortunate situation with America. When stocks plummeted and jobs were lost in america, Mexicos economy as a whole fell by 6.1%, the northern state of Coahuila getting hit the worst with a drop of 12. 3%. Until the recession, Mexico was on schedule to have a reasonable decade but with personal income growth now at only 0.6% , some of the worst in the world, it doesnt look promising. Mexicos unemployment rate peaked at 6.4% in 2009 and is only slowly getting better. The foundation of Mexicos economy is based on its exports. With americans share of Mexicos exports falling from 89% to 78% and expecting to get worse, mexico has a problem on their hands. At the beginning of the decade, Mexico claimed the largest Latin American economy but since has been over taken by brazil with a GDP grow to more then 2 times that of Mexicos. In 2010, the murder rate was 17 out of every 100,000 people, expected to cause a 1% drop in Mexicos annual growth rate. Foreign direct investment has fall from $30 billion to just half that over the last 5 years. With so many problems limiting Mexicos potential, the country needs to get everything in order to to revive itself from the current recession. Mexico has been hit by the steepest recession of any latin american country. A recession can be explained by a significant decline in activity across the economy effecting in industrial production, employment, income and trade. Between 2008 and 2009, 700,000 jobs were lost in Mexico. In certain parts, 4 in 10 business shut down. The head of economic planning in Mexicos fiancee ministry, Miguel Messmacher, has seen a major shift in the direction of exports out of his country. Sales to latin America and asia are growing twice as fast as those to America. Mexicos largest export is the automotive industry, although its exports to America make up only 65%. Eduardo soils head of the industrys national association thinks this is a good sign because it always Mexico to establish markets in other countries, opening up more opportunities. His goal is to get it down to 50%. Others argue that Mexico can not become a commodity exporter. just because countries like china have a demand for soy beans, doesnt mean that Mexico should start growing and export this product. They believe the economic future still lies in Americas economy. They way out of the recession is to gain a bigger piece of Americas slowly growing economy.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Comparing Functionism, Marxism, and Social Action Theory Essay

Sociology is generally made up of three paradigms: Functionalism, Conflict Theory and Symbolic interactionism. A paradigm is a set of assumptions that shape and underlie explanations of why society is the way it is (Early Stratification Theory, internet 2003). Functional Theory is often traced from Durkheim, Parsons and Merton. Functionalists believe in shared norms and values, which are influenced by the Family, Education, church and employment. It sees society as a shaper of people rather than people shaping society. The functionalist says we need social order in which to survive normally. Roles are also important to the functionalist for example the roles in marriage. The functionalist believe we as humans look at the roles played around us, for example, our parents and then we copy them. We think the pattern of life that we see is a natural one. We learn roles from our family thus the son is expected to take the role/job of his father as is the daughter expected to cook and clean akin to her mother. The role of the family is to socialise its new members and teaches them the norms and values essential to the social life, working together to make society work as a whole. The church's role according to the functionalist, plays a major role in holding society together by endowing it's agreed values and beliefs with sacredness and, through rituals, eter Worsley 1970 pg 475) Harmony, common consent, unity, unanimity and agreement are common words used by the functionalist. If we all agree to peace and goodwill, have respect for each other and stick together and follow the guidelines set down for us by our an..., although I understand we need the basis of structures and economics but we also need to be able to make up our own minds and direct our own actions. BIBLIOGRAPHY Berger, P. and Kellner, H. (1981) Sociology reinterpreted. U.K. Pelican books. Class: An Introduction (internet) Available from: essays/class.htm accessed 29.10.03 Early Stratification Theory (internet) Available from: accessed 29.10.03 Weber, M. (1999) (internet) available from: accessed on 29.10.03 Worsley, P. (ED) (1970) The New Introducing Sociology Penguin books Middlesex impressing them upon society's members and renewing and reinforcing their attachment to them. (P

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Violence in The Crusades :: essays research papers

The Crusades were a bloody time period. They were a military campaign by the pope and the Roman Catholic Church to take back Jerusalem from the Muslims. They lasted from the 11th- 13th century. They were catastrophic and left Europe in ruins. Although the Crusades were such a violent period of time, they had a positive impact in history because of their role in the renaissance and exposing the Western world to the Eastern. The Crusades were an outlet for the intense religious tension between the Muslims and the church which rose up in the late 11th century. This all started because the church and the Catholics wanted the Holy Lands back from the Muslims. Around this time the church was the biggest institute and people were god-fearing. Pope Gregory VII wanted to control more lands and wanted to get back the lands that they had lost to the Muslims (Medieval Europe). So in order to get back these lands he launched The Crusades which he insisted to the peasants was a holy war instead. A major part of the fighters in the crusades were untrained and unqualified peasants who went out to get back the holy lands for the church from the ?evil Muslims? (Medieval Europe 164-167). This was called the Peasants Crusade. In order to get these peasants, who knew no better, to go and fight the church told them that if they were to go and fight these ?horrible Muslims? then they would automatically get admission into heaven. Of course this automatically appealed to the peasants being that they were so god-fearing. They thought that if they helped the church then they would go to heaven and so they jumped at such an opportunity to get a get-into-heaven-free card. These people in all their religious glory went in and attacked the city of Nicaea (TWW, 104), and got killed. The city of Nicaea was a well fortified city controlled by Seljuk Turks. The peasants went in and attacked and literally got slaughtered. Only 2000 peasants survived their hasty attack. Unfortunately mo st of the crusades went this way(TWW) The goal of the Crusades was to regain the Holy Lands in the name of the church and drive the Muslims out of Jerusalem. Violence in The Crusades :: essays research papers The Crusades were a bloody time period. They were a military campaign by the pope and the Roman Catholic Church to take back Jerusalem from the Muslims. They lasted from the 11th- 13th century. They were catastrophic and left Europe in ruins. Although the Crusades were such a violent period of time, they had a positive impact in history because of their role in the renaissance and exposing the Western world to the Eastern. The Crusades were an outlet for the intense religious tension between the Muslims and the church which rose up in the late 11th century. This all started because the church and the Catholics wanted the Holy Lands back from the Muslims. Around this time the church was the biggest institute and people were god-fearing. Pope Gregory VII wanted to control more lands and wanted to get back the lands that they had lost to the Muslims (Medieval Europe). So in order to get back these lands he launched The Crusades which he insisted to the peasants was a holy war instead. A major part of the fighters in the crusades were untrained and unqualified peasants who went out to get back the holy lands for the church from the ?evil Muslims? (Medieval Europe 164-167). This was called the Peasants Crusade. In order to get these peasants, who knew no better, to go and fight the church told them that if they were to go and fight these ?horrible Muslims? then they would automatically get admission into heaven. Of course this automatically appealed to the peasants being that they were so god-fearing. They thought that if they helped the church then they would go to heaven and so they jumped at such an opportunity to get a get-into-heaven-free card. These people in all their religious glory went in and attacked the city of Nicaea (TWW, 104), and got killed. The city of Nicaea was a well fortified city controlled by Seljuk Turks. The peasants went in and attacked and literally got slaughtered. Only 2000 peasants survived their hasty attack. Unfortunately mo st of the crusades went this way(TWW) The goal of the Crusades was to regain the Holy Lands in the name of the church and drive the Muslims out of Jerusalem.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Marketing Principles

Marketing describes –product, good services and customers. Marketing all aboutidentify customer need and satisfying customer with products and make profit. In Mr Tan’swords [22/4/13] â€Å"marketing is mutually satisfying exchange at profit in the long term†. Marketing isthe built-up relationship and created customer delight, capture value from customer to create profit and customer quality. Marketing process identify customer need, situation analysis and marketing strategy decisions about product prise distribution and promotion and then how this is implemented monitored and controlled. A. Situation Analysis:- In a situation analysis a company need to understand customer need and carefully think about company resources and capability in which it is operating. Some point can be used for situation analysis -5c, Pest analysis, Swot analysis. a) 5c:- 5c presentcompany, customers, completions collaborations and climate. Company present internal situations, sources, availability and options. Customer, compitions, collaborations climate are external situation. For example tescowas tea but when they analysis customer need then tesco start adding brand and products in their business. In other example, Tesco analysis customer by rewarding club card points, in this way tesco gathering all information about customer need, interest, and product and spending. b) PEST Analysis:- Political, economic, socitical and technological factors come pest analysis. Day by day customer need is changing, because of change economy society and change of interest. After second war Jack tesco funder launched a food rationing to make sure everyone received an equal amount if food[political, economic] Now England is multicultural country so tesco selling so many ethnic products to serve different community [societal]. Tesco add electrical product intesco market according to customers need. [technology] c) SWOT Analysis:- Strength, weakness, opportunity and threats is in swot analysis. For example strength- tesco was the only one and one only retailers and had no competitors. Opportunities-Tesco has 50 branches and soon 1939 have doubled branches. Weakness and threats- after opening 150 stores tesco business was going down because of internal weakness. Then mr Jack son-in-law came and manage all business. B. Marketing Strategy:- Marketing strategy that combines all its marketing goals into one comprehensive plan. A good marketing strategy should be drawn from good marketing research and focused on the right product mix in order to achievethe maximumprofit potential and grow the business. The marketing strategy is the foundation of a marketing plan, this includes- segmentation targeting, positioning the product within the target market. C. Marketing mix decisions:- After marketing making market strategy Tesco take decisions about marketing mix. Marketing mix includes 4 basic things which are known as 4 ps, they are following as: * Product: – Tesco identify and design their product. * Price: – Tesco fix the prices for their products. * Place: – Tesco identify a specific area in which they will introduce their product. * Promotion:- Tesco make advertising campaigns to advertise their products by using different mediums of advertisement such as electronic media, print media. D. Implementation and Control:- After situation analysis, marketing strategy, marketing mix decisions Tesco launched their product in market. They implement their all strategies on product and also on target market. They control and monitor their products such as is their product fulfils the customer needs and wants. POSITIONING positioning helps establish product or services to identify within the eyes of the customers. A company positioning strategy is related to customers’ motivation and requirements, as well as by its competitors. Tesco express store mainly in high street to target working people who have less time for shopping VALUE PROPOSITION TO THE TARGET MARKET A value roposition is a promise of value to be delivered and a believe from the customer that value will be experienced. 2. 2 MARKETING MIX DECISIONS Marketing mix dicision is mixture of product, pricing, distribution and promotion, and make decisions and policies to maximise profit and minimise cost. Product development –product is the physical product or services which is company offer to consumers. product development include appearance, pa ckaging, warranty etc. Tesco adding and changing products according to customer need. Prise-prising decisions is important in marketing mix decisions,company have to consider product production cost , advertising,prising response of competitors and margin Distribution contracts- the distribution system performs transactional, logical and facilitating functions. Distribution contract help to company to put the products in market Promotion – promotion decisions are communicating and selling the products in market. Promotions decision involve advertising, public relation media type ect. 2. IMPLEMENTION AND CONTROL Implementation is a type of feedback, inimplementationmonitor all business activities and identify problem and shortfall in business. As the market change the marketing mix can be adjusted to accommodate the changes and can control on business. Often Small changes in consumer wants can addressed by changing the advertising massage, if the change become more significant, a product re-design or entirely new product may be needed. In Tesco for example horse meat was found in beef burgers and other products, Tesco removed all products containing horse meat and apologised to all their customers. Marketing Principles Marketing describes –product, good services and customers. Marketing all aboutidentify customer need and satisfying customer with products and make profit. In Mr Tan’swords [22/4/13] â€Å"marketing is mutually satisfying exchange at profit in the long term†. Marketing isthe built-up relationship and created customer delight, capture value from customer to create profit and customer quality. Marketing process identify customer need, situation analysis and marketing strategy decisions about product prise distribution and promotion and then how this is implemented monitored and controlled. A. Situation Analysis:- In a situation analysis a company need to understand customer need and carefully think about company resources and capability in which it is operating. Some point can be used for situation analysis -5c, Pest analysis, Swot analysis. a) 5c:- 5c presentcompany, customers, completions collaborations and climate. Company present internal situations, sources, availability and options. Customer, compitions, collaborations climate are external situation. For example tescowas tea but when they analysis customer need then tesco start adding brand and products in their business. In other example, Tesco analysis customer by rewarding club card points, in this way tesco gathering all information about customer need, interest, and product and spending. b) PEST Analysis:- Political, economic, socitical and technological factors come pest analysis. Day by day customer need is changing, because of change economy society and change of interest. After second war Jack tesco funder launched a food rationing to make sure everyone received an equal amount if food[political, economic] Now England is multicultural country so tesco selling so many ethnic products to serve different community [societal]. Tesco add electrical product intesco market according to customers need. [technology] c) SWOT Analysis:- Strength, weakness, opportunity and threats is in swot analysis. For example strength- tesco was the only one and one only retailers and had no competitors. Opportunities-Tesco has 50 branches and soon 1939 have doubled branches. Weakness and threats- after opening 150 stores tesco business was going down because of internal weakness. Then mr Jack son-in-law came and manage all business. B. Marketing Strategy:- Marketing strategy that combines all its marketing goals into one comprehensive plan. A good marketing strategy should be drawn from good marketing research and focused on the right product mix in order to achievethe maximumprofit potential and grow the business. The marketing strategy is the foundation of a marketing plan, this includes- segmentation targeting, positioning the product within the target market. C. Marketing mix decisions:- After marketing making market strategy Tesco take decisions about marketing mix. Marketing mix includes 4 basic things which are known as 4 ps, they are following as: * Product: – Tesco identify and design their product. * Price: – Tesco fix the prices for their products. * Place: – Tesco identify a specific area in which they will introduce their product. * Promotion:- Tesco make advertising campaigns to advertise their products by using different mediums of advertisement such as electronic media, print media. D. Implementation and Control:- After situation analysis, marketing strategy, marketing mix decisions Tesco launched their product in market. They implement their all strategies on product and also on target market. They control and monitor their products such as is their product fulfils the customer needs and wants. POSITIONING positioning helps establish product or services to identify within the eyes of the customers. A company positioning strategy is related to customers’ motivation and requirements, as well as by its competitors. Tesco express store mainly in high street to target working people who have less time for shopping VALUE PROPOSITION TO THE TARGET MARKET A value roposition is a promise of value to be delivered and a believe from the customer that value will be experienced. 2. 2 MARKETING MIX DECISIONS Marketing mix dicision is mixture of product, pricing, distribution and promotion, and make decisions and policies to maximise profit and minimise cost. Product development –product is the physical product or services which is company offer to consumers. product development include appearance, pa ckaging, warranty etc. Tesco adding and changing products according to customer need. Prise-prising decisions is important in marketing mix decisions,company have to consider product production cost , advertising,prising response of competitors and margin Distribution contracts- the distribution system performs transactional, logical and facilitating functions. Distribution contract help to company to put the products in market Promotion – promotion decisions are communicating and selling the products in market. Promotions decision involve advertising, public relation media type ect. 2. IMPLEMENTION AND CONTROL Implementation is a type of feedback, inimplementationmonitor all business activities and identify problem and shortfall in business. As the market change the marketing mix can be adjusted to accommodate the changes and can control on business. Often Small changes in consumer wants can addressed by changing the advertising massage, if the change become more significant, a product re-design or entirely new product may be needed. In Tesco for example horse meat was found in beef burgers and other products, Tesco removed all products containing horse meat and apologised to all their customers.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

References Essays - Cognitive Disorders, Psychiatric Diagnosis

References Essays - Cognitive Disorders, Psychiatric Diagnosis References Beach, Thomas G. (1987). The history of Alzheimers Disease: three debates. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 42, 327-349. Blenow, Kaj, Wallin, Anders Clinical subgroups of Alzheimers Disease. In V. Olga, B. Emory and Thomas E. Oxman (Eds.), Dementia: Presentations, Differential Diagnosis, and Nosology. Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press. Carson, Robert C and Butcher, James N (1992). Abnormal psychology and modern life. New York: Harper Collins publishers Clarfield, A. Mark. (1989). Canadian consensus conference of the assessment of dementia. Montreal: the Canadian Consensus Conference on the Assessment of Dementia. Cummings, Jeffery L. (1988). Dementia of the Alzheimer type: challenges and definition and clinical diagnosis. In Harry A. Whitaker (Ed.), Neuropsychological studies of nonfocal brain damage. New York: Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Derix, Mayke M.A. (1994). Neuropsychological differentiation of dementia syndromes. Amsterdam: Swets & Zeitlinger B.V., Lisse. Graves, Amy B. and Kukull, Walter A. (1994). The epidemiology of dementia. In John C. Morris (Ed.), Handbook of dementing illnesses. New York: Marcel Dekker Inc. Hart, Siobhan and Semple, James M (1990). Neuropsychology and the dementias. London: Taylor & Francis Ltd. Katzman, Robert, Lasker, Bruce and Bernstein, Nancy. (1988) Advances in the diagnosis of dementia: accuracy of diagnosis and consequences of misdiagnosis of disorders causing dementia. In Robert D. Terry (Ed.), Aging and the brain. New York: Raven Press. Lezak, Muriel Deutsch. (1995). Neuropsychological assessment (Third edition). New York: Oxford University Press. Mahendra, B. (1984). Dementia a survey of the syndrome of dementia. Lancaster: MTP Press Limited. Marco, L.A. (1995). Alzheimers dementia and related disorders: genetic and molecular pathology. In Manfred Bergner and Sanford I. Finkel (Eds.), Treating Alzheimers and other dementias. New York: Springer Publishing. Mirra, Suzanne S., The neuropathology of dementia. In John C. Morris (Ed.), Handbook of dementing illnesses. New York: Marcel Dekker Inc. Morris, John C. (1994). Evaluation of the demented patient. In John C. Morris (Ed.), Handbook of dementing illnesses. New York: Marcel Dekker Inc. Plum, Fred. (1987). Dementia. In George Adelman (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Neuroscience (Volume 1). Boston: Birkhauser. Schmitt, Frederick A. and Sano, Mary C. (1994). Neuropsychological approaches to the study of dementia. In John C. Morris (Ed.), Handbook of dementing illnesses. New York: Marcel Dekker Inc. Schneider, Lon S. (1994). Experimental pharmacotherapy of primary symptoms of dementia. In John C. Morris (Ed.), Handbook of dementing illnesses. New York: Marcel Dekker Inc.