Thursday, October 31, 2019

Teams and Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Teams and Leadership - Essay Example Ideally, a leader is capable of creating a vision for the organization and has the ability to inspire the people around him. However, these important traits are usually not present in leaders at a very high level. Most leaders in practice in most practice are working at a demanding operational level that requires a specific set of knowledge and skills—and therefore the virtuous traits are often ruled out. It will be very helpful of to consider leadership in management. It will serve in the best interest of the organization (Trent 2004). Forming the right team is crucial in attaining success in the performance of tasks because research shows that the composition of a team and the complexity of the tasks are directly related to performance. This was of particular concern the study of Higgs, Plewnia, and Ploch (2005). The authors used the Belbin Team Role model to operationalize team diversity and used questionnaires to assess task complexity and performance. The results of the study demonstrated that there is a clear relationship between team compositions (which is related to diversity), complexity of task and team performance. Complex tasks are positively related to a diversified team. However, it is negatively related for straightforward tasks. This implies that it will be beneficial to consider the complexity of the task when forming a cohesive team. The mix of the individuals is important because the talents of a diversified group are more likely to cover wider tasks. The degree of complexity will give clues on w hat will comprise the mix of individuals to be included in the team in terms of diversity of personal traits. These insights will provide a helpful framework in establishing high performance teams. There is also correlation between team constraint and team performance. Constraint is defined as the quantitative measure that pertains to the pattern of connections between contacts in

Monday, October 28, 2019

Desert Economy Struggling To Stay Afloat Essay Example for Free

Desert Economy Struggling To Stay Afloat Essay When Americas economy fell into a recession in 2008, it took down mexico along with it. America is by far the largest buyer of Mexican products, last year alone doing $400 billion in business. The Economist article, Making The Desert Bloom, brings to light the condition that Mexicos economy is currently in, restricted by cartels, monopolies and its unfortunate situation with America. When stocks plummeted and jobs were lost in america, Mexicos economy as a whole fell by 6.1%, the northern state of Coahuila getting hit the worst with a drop of 12. 3%. Until the recession, Mexico was on schedule to have a reasonable decade but with personal income growth now at only 0.6% , some of the worst in the world, it doesnt look promising. Mexicos unemployment rate peaked at 6.4% in 2009 and is only slowly getting better. The foundation of Mexicos economy is based on its exports. With americans share of Mexicos exports falling from 89% to 78% and expecting to get worse, mexico has a problem on their hands. At the beginning of the decade, Mexico claimed the largest Latin American economy but since has been over taken by brazil with a GDP grow to more then 2 times that of Mexicos. In 2010, the murder rate was 17 out of every 100,000 people, expected to cause a 1% drop in Mexicos annual growth rate. Foreign direct investment has fall from $30 billion to just half that over the last 5 years. With so many problems limiting Mexicos potential, the country needs to get everything in order to to revive itself from the current recession. Mexico has been hit by the steepest recession of any latin american country. A recession can be explained by a significant decline in activity across the economy effecting in industrial production, employment, income and trade. Between 2008 and 2009, 700,000 jobs were lost in Mexico. In certain parts, 4 in 10 business shut down. The head of economic planning in Mexicos fiancee ministry, Miguel Messmacher, has seen a major shift in the direction of exports out of his country. Sales to latin America and asia are growing twice as fast as those to America. Mexicos largest export is the automotive industry, although its exports to America make up only 65%. Eduardo soils head of the industrys national association thinks this is a good sign because it always Mexico to establish markets in other countries, opening up more opportunities. His goal is to get it down to 50%. Others argue that Mexico can not become a commodity exporter. just because countries like china have a demand for soy beans, doesnt mean that Mexico should start growing and export this product. They believe the economic future still lies in Americas economy. They way out of the recession is to gain a bigger piece of Americas slowly growing economy.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Comparing Functionism, Marxism, and Social Action Theory Essay

Sociology is generally made up of three paradigms: Functionalism, Conflict Theory and Symbolic interactionism. A paradigm is a set of assumptions that shape and underlie explanations of why society is the way it is (Early Stratification Theory, internet 2003). Functional Theory is often traced from Durkheim, Parsons and Merton. Functionalists believe in shared norms and values, which are influenced by the Family, Education, church and employment. It sees society as a shaper of people rather than people shaping society. The functionalist says we need social order in which to survive normally. Roles are also important to the functionalist for example the roles in marriage. The functionalist believe we as humans look at the roles played around us, for example, our parents and then we copy them. We think the pattern of life that we see is a natural one. We learn roles from our family thus the son is expected to take the role/job of his father as is the daughter expected to cook and clean akin to her mother. The role of the family is to socialise its new members and teaches them the norms and values essential to the social life, working together to make society work as a whole. The church's role according to the functionalist, plays a major role in holding society together by endowing it's agreed values and beliefs with sacredness and, through rituals, eter Worsley 1970 pg 475) Harmony, common consent, unity, unanimity and agreement are common words used by the functionalist. If we all agree to peace and goodwill, have respect for each other and stick together and follow the guidelines set down for us by our an..., although I understand we need the basis of structures and economics but we also need to be able to make up our own minds and direct our own actions. BIBLIOGRAPHY Berger, P. and Kellner, H. (1981) Sociology reinterpreted. U.K. Pelican books. Class: An Introduction (internet) Available from: essays/class.htm accessed 29.10.03 Early Stratification Theory (internet) Available from: accessed 29.10.03 Weber, M. (1999) (internet) available from: accessed on 29.10.03 Worsley, P. (ED) (1970) The New Introducing Sociology Penguin books Middlesex impressing them upon society's members and renewing and reinforcing their attachment to them. (P

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Violence in The Crusades :: essays research papers

The Crusades were a bloody time period. They were a military campaign by the pope and the Roman Catholic Church to take back Jerusalem from the Muslims. They lasted from the 11th- 13th century. They were catastrophic and left Europe in ruins. Although the Crusades were such a violent period of time, they had a positive impact in history because of their role in the renaissance and exposing the Western world to the Eastern. The Crusades were an outlet for the intense religious tension between the Muslims and the church which rose up in the late 11th century. This all started because the church and the Catholics wanted the Holy Lands back from the Muslims. Around this time the church was the biggest institute and people were god-fearing. Pope Gregory VII wanted to control more lands and wanted to get back the lands that they had lost to the Muslims (Medieval Europe). So in order to get back these lands he launched The Crusades which he insisted to the peasants was a holy war instead. A major part of the fighters in the crusades were untrained and unqualified peasants who went out to get back the holy lands for the church from the ?evil Muslims? (Medieval Europe 164-167). This was called the Peasants Crusade. In order to get these peasants, who knew no better, to go and fight the church told them that if they were to go and fight these ?horrible Muslims? then they would automatically get admission into heaven. Of course this automatically appealed to the peasants being that they were so god-fearing. They thought that if they helped the church then they would go to heaven and so they jumped at such an opportunity to get a get-into-heaven-free card. These people in all their religious glory went in and attacked the city of Nicaea (TWW, 104), and got killed. The city of Nicaea was a well fortified city controlled by Seljuk Turks. The peasants went in and attacked and literally got slaughtered. Only 2000 peasants survived their hasty attack. Unfortunately mo st of the crusades went this way(TWW) The goal of the Crusades was to regain the Holy Lands in the name of the church and drive the Muslims out of Jerusalem. Violence in The Crusades :: essays research papers The Crusades were a bloody time period. They were a military campaign by the pope and the Roman Catholic Church to take back Jerusalem from the Muslims. They lasted from the 11th- 13th century. They were catastrophic and left Europe in ruins. Although the Crusades were such a violent period of time, they had a positive impact in history because of their role in the renaissance and exposing the Western world to the Eastern. The Crusades were an outlet for the intense religious tension between the Muslims and the church which rose up in the late 11th century. This all started because the church and the Catholics wanted the Holy Lands back from the Muslims. Around this time the church was the biggest institute and people were god-fearing. Pope Gregory VII wanted to control more lands and wanted to get back the lands that they had lost to the Muslims (Medieval Europe). So in order to get back these lands he launched The Crusades which he insisted to the peasants was a holy war instead. A major part of the fighters in the crusades were untrained and unqualified peasants who went out to get back the holy lands for the church from the ?evil Muslims? (Medieval Europe 164-167). This was called the Peasants Crusade. In order to get these peasants, who knew no better, to go and fight the church told them that if they were to go and fight these ?horrible Muslims? then they would automatically get admission into heaven. Of course this automatically appealed to the peasants being that they were so god-fearing. They thought that if they helped the church then they would go to heaven and so they jumped at such an opportunity to get a get-into-heaven-free card. These people in all their religious glory went in and attacked the city of Nicaea (TWW, 104), and got killed. The city of Nicaea was a well fortified city controlled by Seljuk Turks. The peasants went in and attacked and literally got slaughtered. Only 2000 peasants survived their hasty attack. Unfortunately mo st of the crusades went this way(TWW) The goal of the Crusades was to regain the Holy Lands in the name of the church and drive the Muslims out of Jerusalem.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Marketing Principles

Marketing describes –product, good services and customers. Marketing all aboutidentify customer need and satisfying customer with products and make profit. In Mr Tan’swords [22/4/13] â€Å"marketing is mutually satisfying exchange at profit in the long term†. Marketing isthe built-up relationship and created customer delight, capture value from customer to create profit and customer quality. Marketing process identify customer need, situation analysis and marketing strategy decisions about product prise distribution and promotion and then how this is implemented monitored and controlled. A. Situation Analysis:- In a situation analysis a company need to understand customer need and carefully think about company resources and capability in which it is operating. Some point can be used for situation analysis -5c, Pest analysis, Swot analysis. a) 5c:- 5c presentcompany, customers, completions collaborations and climate. Company present internal situations, sources, availability and options. Customer, compitions, collaborations climate are external situation. For example tescowas tea but when they analysis customer need then tesco start adding brand and products in their business. In other example, Tesco analysis customer by rewarding club card points, in this way tesco gathering all information about customer need, interest, and product and spending. b) PEST Analysis:- Political, economic, socitical and technological factors come pest analysis. Day by day customer need is changing, because of change economy society and change of interest. After second war Jack tesco funder launched a food rationing to make sure everyone received an equal amount if food[political, economic] Now England is multicultural country so tesco selling so many ethnic products to serve different community [societal]. Tesco add electrical product intesco market according to customers need. [technology] c) SWOT Analysis:- Strength, weakness, opportunity and threats is in swot analysis. For example strength- tesco was the only one and one only retailers and had no competitors. Opportunities-Tesco has 50 branches and soon 1939 have doubled branches. Weakness and threats- after opening 150 stores tesco business was going down because of internal weakness. Then mr Jack son-in-law came and manage all business. B. Marketing Strategy:- Marketing strategy that combines all its marketing goals into one comprehensive plan. A good marketing strategy should be drawn from good marketing research and focused on the right product mix in order to achievethe maximumprofit potential and grow the business. The marketing strategy is the foundation of a marketing plan, this includes- segmentation targeting, positioning the product within the target market. C. Marketing mix decisions:- After marketing making market strategy Tesco take decisions about marketing mix. Marketing mix includes 4 basic things which are known as 4 ps, they are following as: * Product: – Tesco identify and design their product. * Price: – Tesco fix the prices for their products. * Place: – Tesco identify a specific area in which they will introduce their product. * Promotion:- Tesco make advertising campaigns to advertise their products by using different mediums of advertisement such as electronic media, print media. D. Implementation and Control:- After situation analysis, marketing strategy, marketing mix decisions Tesco launched their product in market. They implement their all strategies on product and also on target market. They control and monitor their products such as is their product fulfils the customer needs and wants. POSITIONING positioning helps establish product or services to identify within the eyes of the customers. A company positioning strategy is related to customers’ motivation and requirements, as well as by its competitors. Tesco express store mainly in high street to target working people who have less time for shopping VALUE PROPOSITION TO THE TARGET MARKET A value roposition is a promise of value to be delivered and a believe from the customer that value will be experienced. 2. 2 MARKETING MIX DECISIONS Marketing mix dicision is mixture of product, pricing, distribution and promotion, and make decisions and policies to maximise profit and minimise cost. Product development –product is the physical product or services which is company offer to consumers. product development include appearance, pa ckaging, warranty etc. Tesco adding and changing products according to customer need. Prise-prising decisions is important in marketing mix decisions,company have to consider product production cost , advertising,prising response of competitors and margin Distribution contracts- the distribution system performs transactional, logical and facilitating functions. Distribution contract help to company to put the products in market Promotion – promotion decisions are communicating and selling the products in market. Promotions decision involve advertising, public relation media type ect. 2. IMPLEMENTION AND CONTROL Implementation is a type of feedback, inimplementationmonitor all business activities and identify problem and shortfall in business. As the market change the marketing mix can be adjusted to accommodate the changes and can control on business. Often Small changes in consumer wants can addressed by changing the advertising massage, if the change become more significant, a product re-design or entirely new product may be needed. In Tesco for example horse meat was found in beef burgers and other products, Tesco removed all products containing horse meat and apologised to all their customers. Marketing Principles Marketing describes –product, good services and customers. Marketing all aboutidentify customer need and satisfying customer with products and make profit. In Mr Tan’swords [22/4/13] â€Å"marketing is mutually satisfying exchange at profit in the long term†. Marketing isthe built-up relationship and created customer delight, capture value from customer to create profit and customer quality. Marketing process identify customer need, situation analysis and marketing strategy decisions about product prise distribution and promotion and then how this is implemented monitored and controlled. A. Situation Analysis:- In a situation analysis a company need to understand customer need and carefully think about company resources and capability in which it is operating. Some point can be used for situation analysis -5c, Pest analysis, Swot analysis. a) 5c:- 5c presentcompany, customers, completions collaborations and climate. Company present internal situations, sources, availability and options. Customer, compitions, collaborations climate are external situation. For example tescowas tea but when they analysis customer need then tesco start adding brand and products in their business. In other example, Tesco analysis customer by rewarding club card points, in this way tesco gathering all information about customer need, interest, and product and spending. b) PEST Analysis:- Political, economic, socitical and technological factors come pest analysis. Day by day customer need is changing, because of change economy society and change of interest. After second war Jack tesco funder launched a food rationing to make sure everyone received an equal amount if food[political, economic] Now England is multicultural country so tesco selling so many ethnic products to serve different community [societal]. Tesco add electrical product intesco market according to customers need. [technology] c) SWOT Analysis:- Strength, weakness, opportunity and threats is in swot analysis. For example strength- tesco was the only one and one only retailers and had no competitors. Opportunities-Tesco has 50 branches and soon 1939 have doubled branches. Weakness and threats- after opening 150 stores tesco business was going down because of internal weakness. Then mr Jack son-in-law came and manage all business. B. Marketing Strategy:- Marketing strategy that combines all its marketing goals into one comprehensive plan. A good marketing strategy should be drawn from good marketing research and focused on the right product mix in order to achievethe maximumprofit potential and grow the business. The marketing strategy is the foundation of a marketing plan, this includes- segmentation targeting, positioning the product within the target market. C. Marketing mix decisions:- After marketing making market strategy Tesco take decisions about marketing mix. Marketing mix includes 4 basic things which are known as 4 ps, they are following as: * Product: – Tesco identify and design their product. * Price: – Tesco fix the prices for their products. * Place: – Tesco identify a specific area in which they will introduce their product. * Promotion:- Tesco make advertising campaigns to advertise their products by using different mediums of advertisement such as electronic media, print media. D. Implementation and Control:- After situation analysis, marketing strategy, marketing mix decisions Tesco launched their product in market. They implement their all strategies on product and also on target market. They control and monitor their products such as is their product fulfils the customer needs and wants. POSITIONING positioning helps establish product or services to identify within the eyes of the customers. A company positioning strategy is related to customers’ motivation and requirements, as well as by its competitors. Tesco express store mainly in high street to target working people who have less time for shopping VALUE PROPOSITION TO THE TARGET MARKET A value roposition is a promise of value to be delivered and a believe from the customer that value will be experienced. 2. 2 MARKETING MIX DECISIONS Marketing mix dicision is mixture of product, pricing, distribution and promotion, and make decisions and policies to maximise profit and minimise cost. Product development –product is the physical product or services which is company offer to consumers. product development include appearance, pa ckaging, warranty etc. Tesco adding and changing products according to customer need. Prise-prising decisions is important in marketing mix decisions,company have to consider product production cost , advertising,prising response of competitors and margin Distribution contracts- the distribution system performs transactional, logical and facilitating functions. Distribution contract help to company to put the products in market Promotion – promotion decisions are communicating and selling the products in market. Promotions decision involve advertising, public relation media type ect. 2. IMPLEMENTION AND CONTROL Implementation is a type of feedback, inimplementationmonitor all business activities and identify problem and shortfall in business. As the market change the marketing mix can be adjusted to accommodate the changes and can control on business. Often Small changes in consumer wants can addressed by changing the advertising massage, if the change become more significant, a product re-design or entirely new product may be needed. In Tesco for example horse meat was found in beef burgers and other products, Tesco removed all products containing horse meat and apologised to all their customers.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

References Essays - Cognitive Disorders, Psychiatric Diagnosis

References Essays - Cognitive Disorders, Psychiatric Diagnosis References Beach, Thomas G. (1987). The history of Alzheimers Disease: three debates. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 42, 327-349. Blenow, Kaj, Wallin, Anders Clinical subgroups of Alzheimers Disease. In V. Olga, B. Emory and Thomas E. Oxman (Eds.), Dementia: Presentations, Differential Diagnosis, and Nosology. Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press. Carson, Robert C and Butcher, James N (1992). Abnormal psychology and modern life. New York: Harper Collins publishers Clarfield, A. Mark. (1989). Canadian consensus conference of the assessment of dementia. Montreal: the Canadian Consensus Conference on the Assessment of Dementia. Cummings, Jeffery L. (1988). Dementia of the Alzheimer type: challenges and definition and clinical diagnosis. In Harry A. Whitaker (Ed.), Neuropsychological studies of nonfocal brain damage. New York: Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Derix, Mayke M.A. (1994). Neuropsychological differentiation of dementia syndromes. Amsterdam: Swets & Zeitlinger B.V., Lisse. Graves, Amy B. and Kukull, Walter A. (1994). The epidemiology of dementia. In John C. Morris (Ed.), Handbook of dementing illnesses. New York: Marcel Dekker Inc. Hart, Siobhan and Semple, James M (1990). Neuropsychology and the dementias. London: Taylor & Francis Ltd. Katzman, Robert, Lasker, Bruce and Bernstein, Nancy. (1988) Advances in the diagnosis of dementia: accuracy of diagnosis and consequences of misdiagnosis of disorders causing dementia. In Robert D. Terry (Ed.), Aging and the brain. New York: Raven Press. Lezak, Muriel Deutsch. (1995). Neuropsychological assessment (Third edition). New York: Oxford University Press. Mahendra, B. (1984). Dementia a survey of the syndrome of dementia. Lancaster: MTP Press Limited. Marco, L.A. (1995). Alzheimers dementia and related disorders: genetic and molecular pathology. In Manfred Bergner and Sanford I. Finkel (Eds.), Treating Alzheimers and other dementias. New York: Springer Publishing. Mirra, Suzanne S., The neuropathology of dementia. In John C. Morris (Ed.), Handbook of dementing illnesses. New York: Marcel Dekker Inc. Morris, John C. (1994). Evaluation of the demented patient. In John C. Morris (Ed.), Handbook of dementing illnesses. New York: Marcel Dekker Inc. Plum, Fred. (1987). Dementia. In George Adelman (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Neuroscience (Volume 1). Boston: Birkhauser. Schmitt, Frederick A. and Sano, Mary C. (1994). Neuropsychological approaches to the study of dementia. In John C. Morris (Ed.), Handbook of dementing illnesses. New York: Marcel Dekker Inc. Schneider, Lon S. (1994). Experimental pharmacotherapy of primary symptoms of dementia. In John C. Morris (Ed.), Handbook of dementing illnesses. New York: Marcel Dekker Inc.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Judged Without Justice essays

Judged Without Justice essays Does the United States promote unjust laws? Are we morally obliged to obey these laws? Think about what this implies. This indicates that laws, regardless of how unfair, unjust, or immoral they may be, must be followed with no better reason than that they are the law. How do you decide if a law is just or unjust in todays society? According to St. Thomas Aquinas, Any law that uplifts human personality is just. Any law that degrades human personality is unjust. As said by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., An unjust law is a code that a numerical or power majority compels a minority group to obey, but do not make binding on itself. A just law is created by both a majority and minority, and is equally compulsory. An unjust law is created by a majority, where the minority has no voice in creating the law. An unjust law is one that shames and demeans an individuals personality through the unreasonable anguish and distress of a minority group at the hands of a majority group. Any law that causes a person to suffer simply because they do not agree with the majority is an erroneous and unfair law. Following the creation of the gay adoption law in Florida in 2001, the homosexual minority population suffered. (King 146-147) Civil disobedience is refusing to comply with a law, in order to create change in that law. Often the law goes against what the government think is morally right and lawmakers are forced to make the decision on whether individual morals are more vital than the laws of society. King makes an excellent distinction between Civil Disobedience and breaking the law. He says, One who breaks an unjust law must do so openly, lovingly, and with willingness to accept the penalty. This brings about some of the terms and conditions that go along with Civil Disobedience. (King 147) King also states, In any nonviolent campaign there are four basic steps: collection of the ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

economic growth essays

economic growth essays Economic growth refers to the rate of increase in the total production of goods and services within an economy. Economic growth increases the productivity capacity of an economy, thereby allowing more wants to be satisfied. A growing economy increases employment opportunities, stimulates business enterprise and innovation. A sustained economic growth is fundamental to any nation wishing to raise its standard of living and provide a greater well being for all. Gross domestic product (GDP) is the monetary value of all final goods and services produced in Australia over a specific period of time, usually a year. It is the total value of production within the economy. The total value of production is the total value of the final goods or services less the cost of intermediate goods purchased. GDP at market prices (nominal GDP) measures the value of total production at the present price level. That is, GDP at market prices measures both the total physical volume of goods and services produced and the prices at which these goods and services are sold. GDP at market prices has considerable usefulness when measuring the growth rates and relative importance of different industries or sectors within the economy. The method for measuring GDP at market prices is implied by the following formula; [(current year quantity) x (Current year price)]. However GDP at constant prices is the most common method of measuring economic growth. GDP at constant prices excludes the effect of price variations and allows for the measurement or comparison of real or actual production levels. Because of this, GDP at constant prices is usually referred to as real GDP. Real GDP is measured by the following formula; [(current year quantity) x (based year price)]. A more reliable measure of economic growth is real GDP per capita; this measurement takes into account both the total production of the nation and the total population. Real GDP per capita measures the ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Reading and writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Reading and writing - Essay Example News about the 9/11 attacks became incredibly sensational, this clearly goes to show that sensational news has a place in our ever changing society. Wouldn’t we get bored if there is no sensational news on channels? The obvious answer is yes. Ordinary people become heroes overnight if they become a part of sensational news, for instance Anna Hazare gained immense popularity in India when he launched an anti-corruption movement which shook the government of India. The movement is aimed at eliminating corruption at the grass root level in the country. â€Å"Two weeks ago, a TV news channel here broadcast an exposà © alleging that a math teacher at a local school had forced young girls into prostitution. The public reaction was swift and harsh: Within an hour, hundreds of enraged parents had stormed the school and a crowd had found the teacher, ripped her clothes and beaten her.† (Nation and World) This is a fine example of how ordinary news becomes sensational

Friday, October 18, 2019

Goethals Bridge Replacement Project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Goethals Bridge Replacement Project - Assignment Example Once the reviews are a finalized, a final draft of the plan document is proposed. Possible alternatives include rehabilitating the surrounding environment of the bridge so that no harm is done; a bridge built to south of the existing bridge and destroying the current bridge; implementing toll booths in the most traffic times or peak hours so that traffic could be minimalised with high toll rates; Usage of transit based options that would help reducing the same congestion during the peak hours. Actions involve building a bridge in the south direction to Goethals bridge; building a bridge in the north direction aligned to Goethals bridge; in addition to this another action is to extend the now present Goethals bridge in north and south direction by building single bridges. These actions impact logically as well as physically the historical artifacts of the surrounding areas. The proposed actions could logically alter the visual view of the subjective resource or it may change the entire texture. Physically, the building up of bridges involves breaking of woods, bricks which involve noise, pollution etc. all these could physically lead to damaging the structure of the architectural resources. To reduce the disadvantages of the existing bridge is the most important goal of this project. To help people to walk over the bridge as well as allow people to ride bicycles is another usage.

Explain how the development and growth of the stock market effects the Essay

Explain how the development and growth of the stock market effects the real economy - Essay Example Stock markets have securities notified on stock exchanges and also provide private trading facilities. According to an estimate, at the close of 2012, world stock market was more than $50 trillion with US having the largest market of about 35% and United Kingdom and Japan with 6% each (Perry 1-2). Impact of stock market growth and development on economies is indeed an important area of research among economists. It provides for steering financial matters and forming future economic strategy to improve business and investment environment of a country. Thus impact of stock market growth has both direct and indirect effects on an economy. Industries, Service providers and Corporations of various types get their stocks available in stock market. Large companies usually put their stock available/ registered in many exchange markets around the world. It is done after weighing potentials of business in a specific stock market. Participant of stock markets are traders, banks, retail investors, insurance companies and corporations etc. which deem to invest, buy, sell, transfer and even evaluate their stocks through the facility of a stock market. Trading in stock market is done through evaluation and bidding process carried out among buyers and sellers who agree over a deal on value o f the product. From hedge funds to stock investors the participants of a market can perform this activity anywhere in the world. A representative of business activity carries out buying, selling, exchange or valuation on behalf of his employer to execute exchange activity. Thus companies are not physically available or do not come with their active products and investment plans but they perform these transactions virtually through their representatives. A rational response to the concept of stock exchange and its activities can be transpired as effectiveness and vibrancy of economic activities in a market.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Final questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Final questions - Essay Example She is furious because she is conformed to the fashions, behaviors and values of the time. As a result, she plays havoc and introduces new attitudes and beliefs as well as seduction of the basketball captain Skip. The scenes now begin to change with color and the film gains a new perspective as the society embraces and become contaminated. The cinematography of the film identifies the major theme of the film which is change. The movie touches on many social, political, ideological and religious themes such as race, sexuality, personal freedom, feminism and womens liberation, passion, prejudice and social change. The themes are displayed in a continuous play of events with proper projection. The symptomatic meaning is identified through the color changes from a black and white setting to a colored setting and the transition from a real world to an unrealistic world. The implicit meaning of the film is displayed by the way people react to change. It denoted that people either embrace, reject or resign to the inevitability of change. While some people are inclined to the past, this movie helps us to examine the changes that appear in Pleasantville critically by analyzing our attitudes towards change in general. Cinematically, I found the film effective because the plot is continuous and the essence in daily life is applicable. The scene where Bud helps his mother with the make-up in order to change her skin tone is effective and well displayed in both colored and black and white scenes. The shots are clear and there is a wide angle shot to give way to the house in which they are situated, the distance is well measured and the movement of the camera is both aerial and with a direct view. The montage of this scene is in a traditional sense with a conservative approach to the the customs and based on the need to remain an obedient wife. The

Healthcare Management - Organizational Behavior Essay

Healthcare Management - Organizational Behavior - Essay Example Essentially, this culture reveals the shared beliefs, values, and assumptions that work together to as a social fabric that binds the members of the organization together (Buchbinder and Shanks, 2012). Whereas each organization has its own culture, it is sometimes difficult to establish or reinforce it. A strong culture comprises informal rules that spell out the general behavior of people of an organization. On the other hand, employees in an organization with a shaky culture waste a lot of time trying to figure out how they should act in different scenarios (Frost, 1985). Factors that influence and shape organizational behavior The establishment of organizational culture is a combination of several factors. However, before the culture becomes clearly cut out, the role of effective management team cannot be downplayed. While most managers do not dispute the role that a culture plays in satisfying employees, very few of them fail to note the direct influence that they have in shaping the culture. From the numerous factors that influence organizational culture, the main ones are discussed below. The working group: the work force in most organizations is a combination of several networks of formally created work groups. The variables that influence the formation of these work groups include personalities (i.e. training and experience) and situational variables (i.e. availability of space and the task to done). The nature of the group and the number of members constituting it affect the manner in which the culture of an organization is perceived. This is because each of the members in these groups brings their own attitudes, behaviors and convictions whose interactions result in the formation of organizational culture (Dugger, 1991). The second factor influencing organizational culture is the style of leadership of the managers. Organizations that have created a ‘distant’ barrier between managers and the subordinates often create a negative impact on the culture. On the other hand, the trust in a manager often influences positively the affective commitment of working groups. It is worth noting that managers influence greatly the formation of organizational culture and this influence is directly proportional to the hierarchical level (Frost, 1985). The organizational characteristic is the other factor that influences the formation as well as the type of a culture in an organization. These characteristics include the attributes and the degree of complexity of the organization. For instance, there exists a directly proportional relationship between the complexity of organizational culture and the size of the company. In addition, bigger organizations have a tendency towards high degree of specialization as well as impersonal character. Unlike in bigger organizations where the overall culture is shaped by sub-cultures, the cultures of small companies are normally homogenous (Dugger, 1991). In addition, the founders or owners of an o rganization play an integral role in influencing the nature of the culture developed by an organization. In most scenarios, it is the founders who create the philosophy of the company as well as stipulate the fundamental values to be upheld. The owners of the company can impress their influence on the culture developed from a multiple dimensions which include the type of the owner (i.e. natural or juridical persons) or the number of owners.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Final questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Final questions - Essay Example She is furious because she is conformed to the fashions, behaviors and values of the time. As a result, she plays havoc and introduces new attitudes and beliefs as well as seduction of the basketball captain Skip. The scenes now begin to change with color and the film gains a new perspective as the society embraces and become contaminated. The cinematography of the film identifies the major theme of the film which is change. The movie touches on many social, political, ideological and religious themes such as race, sexuality, personal freedom, feminism and womens liberation, passion, prejudice and social change. The themes are displayed in a continuous play of events with proper projection. The symptomatic meaning is identified through the color changes from a black and white setting to a colored setting and the transition from a real world to an unrealistic world. The implicit meaning of the film is displayed by the way people react to change. It denoted that people either embrace, reject or resign to the inevitability of change. While some people are inclined to the past, this movie helps us to examine the changes that appear in Pleasantville critically by analyzing our attitudes towards change in general. Cinematically, I found the film effective because the plot is continuous and the essence in daily life is applicable. The scene where Bud helps his mother with the make-up in order to change her skin tone is effective and well displayed in both colored and black and white scenes. The shots are clear and there is a wide angle shot to give way to the house in which they are situated, the distance is well measured and the movement of the camera is both aerial and with a direct view. The montage of this scene is in a traditional sense with a conservative approach to the the customs and based on the need to remain an obedient wife. The

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Cheap Escape v. Haddox and Tessman Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Cheap Escape v. Haddox and Tessman - Case Study Example This case was brought before the Franklin County Municipal Court, State of Ohio. The municipal court awarded a default judgment, in favor of Cheap Escape. The municipal court denied Tessman’s motion to vacate. Tessman appealed. Judgment was reversed by the appeals court and remanded for dismissal (p. 1, 2). Issues Presented or Questions of Law Does the municipal court have jurisdiction over subject matter when relevant events occurred outside the county (Cheap Escape Co., Inc. v. Haddox, L.L.C., 2008)? Arguments or Objectives of the Parties Appellant argues that â€Å"the municipal court has subject-matter jurisdiction over any statutorily prescribed action, regardless of where underlying events occurred. Conversely, Appellee argues that the phrase (original jurisdiction within its territory), limits subject-matter jurisdiction to those actions which occurred within the territorial limits of the court† (p. 3). Holding/Rule of Law â€Å"R.C. 1901.18(A) limits municipal court subject-matter jurisdiction to actions or proceedings that have a territorial connection to the court† (p.6). â€Å"The parties admittedly did not have territorial connections to the Franklin County Municipal Court†, (so) the court lacked subject matter jurisdiction† (p. 6). Judgment of the municipal court is void for lack of jurisdiction and the holding of the court of appeals is affirmed (p. 6).

The effect of reactant concentration Essay Example for Free

The effect of reactant concentration Essay Then pour the amount of Sodium Thiosulfate using a measuring cylinder to the conical flask, the amount will vary depending on the sample. 4. Rinse the measuring cylinder in water under the tap to clean it of excess sodium thiosulfate. 5. Pour the water from the measuring cylinder into the conical flask (already containing the Sodium Thiosulfate), the amount of water will vary depending on the sample. 6. Draw a cross on a blank piece of paper. 7. Place the conical flash containing the water and Sodium Thiosulfate mixture directly on top of the cross on the paper. 8. Collect 5 ml of Hydrochloric Acid using the clean measuring cylinder. 9. Keep the stop watch ready to time the reaction time once the Hydrochloric Acid is added to the conical flask. 10. Transfer all of the 5 mL of Hydrochloric Acid into the conical flask and swirl the conical flask to start the reaction and begin timing. 11. Stop timing and record the time taken, when you can no longer see the cross drawn on the paper. 12. Repeat steps 2-11 for each sample while changing the some of the variants. Variables: Independent Variable: The variable that changes in the investigation is the amount of Sodium Thiosulfate in the solution. Â  Dependent Variable For this experiment the measured variable is the time taken for the reaction to conclude. This was measured in seconds. Â  Controlled Variables: o The amount of water in solution this was added to ensure that 50 mL of mixture was contained within the flask for each sample case. o Temperature o Amount of Hydrochloric acid 5 mL each time. Results: We observed that when the HCL was added into the conical flask that a murky perception formed in the solution thus the clear solution turned unclear. This can be explained by the following chemical reaction taking place; 2HCL (aq) + Na2S2O (aq) S(s) + SO2 (g) + H2O The table below captures the results we obtained; Table 1 Sample 2M HCL Amount of Na2S2O Amount of H2O Concentration of Na2S2O Time mL mL mL M Sec Graph 1 Graph 2 Discussion: By collecting the results from the investigation we were able to come to a conclusion on the affects of varying the amount of Na2S2O and water has on the reaction of a solution. Graph 1 and Table 1 above shows the amount of Na2S2O and the amount of water in each sample. This graph also shows the time taken for the reaction to finish, this being the time when we could no longer see the cross on the paper below the conical flask due to the solution becoming too murky in colour. It can be observed by looking at Graph 1 that, the lower the amount of Na2S2O that is present in the solution, the longer the time taken for the reaction to finish. This occurs because there is a reduced amount of Na2S2O concentration present in the mixture which can react with the HCL. This can also be seen in Graph 2 which shows the relationship between the amounts of Na2S2O concentration to the time required for the reaction to finish. Graph 1 also shows that the greater the amount of water present in the solution the longer it takes for the reaction to finish as the concentration of Na2S2O to HCL is further diluted. Thus it can be concluded that our results support the hypothesis; that more concentrated solutions react faster than diluted solutions do. The affect on the reaction rate when varying the amount of water and Na2S2O is that; more concentrated the Na2S2O and HCL mixture is, the faster the reaction occurs, i.e. the less water that is present to dilute the mixture the faster the reaction occurs. Evaluation: Overall the investigation was completed successfully and we achieved our aim of investigating how a change in the concentration of a reactant affects that rate of a chemical reaction. There are a number of factors that can be changed and controlled so that to improve the accuracy of the results. The following things done in the future will help to ensure that more reliable data is obtained; Using a rubber stopper in the conical flask: when the HCL was transferred into the conical flask, gas escaped form the top of the flask. If in future tests, this gas was trapped inside the flask with the use of a stopper the reaction may have completed faster. Â  Reducing human error: Starting the timer at the same time in all the reactions would have helped to increase the accuracy of the results. The timer should have been started either once the full amount of HCL was transferred in the conical flask or should have started when the pouring started. Another variable which could have been controlled was the number of times the conical flask was swirled after the HCL was added. This would have further helped with the accuracy of the data if all the samples were swirled at the same speed and the same number of times. Â  Using distilled water: this would ensure that the water is pure There might have also been errors with reading the scales on the measuring cylinder as we were reading these to the best of our ability. To be certain that the exact amount of solution was added an electronic weighing scale could have been used.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Treatment and Quality of Life of Heart Failure Patients

Treatment and Quality of Life of Heart Failure Patients Compliance to treatment and quality of life of Sudanese patients with heart failure Mugahed AL-khadhera,*,Imad Fadl-Elmulab ,Waled Amen Mohammed Ahmedc Abstract Background: Heart failure is known to decrease the quality of life, especially in non-compliance patients with regards to medications and life style changes. Objective: The present study aimed to determine the level of compliance to treatment and quality of life of Sudanese patients with heart failure. Methods: This descriptive study was conducted on 76 patients with heart failure admitted to the Sudan Heart Institute. Demographic and clinical data including the compliance (medication, sodium restriction, fluid restriction, daily weights, exercises, and appointment-keeping) were collected. The quality of life was measured using the Minnesota living with heart failure Questionnaire. The data were collected from all patients and the analyzed using SPSS version 22 software. Results: Heart failure patients showed low compliance ranged between 11.84% and 75% of which the highest compliance was to medication (75%) followed by the follow-up appointments (71.05%), and the lowest compliances were to the fluids restrictions (11.84%), the weight monitoring (17.10%), regular exercise (21.05%), and the sodium restriction (27.6%). Quality of life score ranged between 62-97 score and the Mean (SD) 83.6 (7.82) which reveled of poor quality of life in most of Sudanese patients with heart failure involved in the present study. Conclusion: The study showed that patients with heart failure in Sudan have low compliance to treatment and poor quality of life. Key words Heart Failure, Treatment Compliance, Quality of life, Sudan Introduction: Heart failure incidence increases with age, increase from approximately 20 per 1000 individuals with age 65 to 69-year-old to more than 80 per 1000 individuals aging 85-year-old (1). In fact few epidemiological data on heart failure in Sudan exists and the recognition of the disease as a major health issue remains questionable, the prevalent of heart failure accounts for 2.5% of the population, and hence it is one of the major causes of hospital mortality (2). The WHO defined adherence as extent a person’s behavior –taking drugs, following a diet, and/or executing lifestyle modifications, follow the agreed recommendations from a health care providers (3). Poor compliance â€Å"noncompliance† usually refers to patients’ failure to follow health interventions as recommended by the health care provider, but it can also refer to the providers’ failure to act according to practice guidelines or standards of care(4). The factors affecting the compliance could be divided into patient-related factors, regimen-related factors, and health care providers-related factors (5). Non-compliance to medications and diet contributes in many cases to worsening heart failure symptoms. The compliance to prescribe medications or other caregivers recommendations such as lifestyle changes is a widely acknowledged problem leading to hospitalization ((6-8). The non-compliance of HF patients is a major problem and remains to be a continuous source of concern for patients. It is mainly for diet and fluid, daily weight and exercises (9). Quality of life (QOL) is defined as the individual’s unique cognition and a way to express feelings about his/her health status(10).Moreover, QOL is a good predictor of mortality and the need for hospitalization (11-13). Patients in class II and III heart failure of New York Heart Association (NYHA) classification cannot normally do their daily activities (9). Although, several studies on compliance of HF patients and their quality of life have been performed worldwide, to our knowledge this is the first ever study conducted in Sudanese HF patients, aimed to assess the compliance to treatment and quality of life in Sudanese patients with heart failure. Materials and Methods This descriptive study was conducted on 76 patients with heart failure admitted to the Sudan Heart Institute. A total of 76 Sudanese HF patients were randomly selected from Sudan Heart Institute in Khartoum, January-March 2014. The patients participated were above 20 years, confirmed diagnosed as heart failure by the cardiologist at least a month, already start HF treatment, in class II or III heart failure of NYHA, and with ability to communicate. The questionnaire consists of 36 questions of which 10 for demographic and clinical data, 5 questions for compliance, and 21 questions for quality of life. Demographic and clinical data were collected from medical records and/or by interviews. The demographic data included age, gender, educational level, and marital status, whereas clinical variables include left ventricular ejection fraction (EF), previous hospitalization in the past three months, and duration of HF. Revised HF Compliance Questionnaire was used (14), on a five-point scale (1=‘never’; 2= seldom; 3= half of the time; 4 =mostly; 5=‘always’) (15). the participant’s compliance to medications, diet, fluid restriction, exercise, weight, and appointment keeping was evaluated by asking patients to rate their compliance of the last week (drugs, diet modifications, fluid restriction, and exercises), the last month (daily weighing), and the last 3 months (appointment keeping) before hospitalization. The patients were divided into two groups; either compliant or noncompliant (16-19). Patients were considered ‘overall compliant’ the compliance with four or more of the six recommendations.(20) (Table 2). The quality of life data were collected and measured using the Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire after translated to Arabic language (9). This instrument used most widely to evaluate quality of life in research studies (21-24) .Which Contains 21 questions and overall score of 105 (521) with possible answers ranging from 0 (no) to 5 (very much), (0= no; 1= Very Little ; 2= little: 3= moderate; 4= much; 5= very much). The final score is the sum points obtained for the 21 questions; it can therefore vary between 0 and 105. It evaluates how heart failure affects patients ‘physical (8 questions), emotional (5 questions), and socioeconomic (8 questions) dimensions (25). The sum of responses reflects the overall effects of heart failure and treatments on individual’s quality of life (9). Data was presented using descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage, mean with standard deviation (SD) and P-value of ≠¤0.05 was considered statistically significant for relationship investigations. Ethical approval was obtained from Al Neelain Ethical committee at Al Neelain University. All patients signed an informed consent before participate in the study. Results The study showed that out the 76 patients, 63.2% were male and 36.8% were female; the mean age was 61.4  ±13.5 years. The education levels were 34.2% of patients were illiterate, 32.9% had completed primary school, 19.7% secondary school, and 13.2% had university graduation (Table 1). Although the vast majority of the patients were chronic patients with diagnosis for more than 5 years, the participant ask to define what is the heart failure? Only 24% had basic conscious about their disease, the remaining 76% of patients had no idea what the heart failure is. Overall compliance among the patients was 28.95%, whereas 71.5% of the patients were classified as non-compliant. Of those compliance with medication was 75% and 70% compliance with appointment-keeping. In general most patients showed low compliance with diet restriction (27%), exercise (21%), weighing (17%), and fluid restriction (11%) (Table2). The quality of life data showed that poor quality of life, the score ranged from 62-97 score /105, and the Mean (SD) quality of life was 3.2 (1.3) which reveled of poor quality of life in most of Sudanese patients with heart failure involved in the present study .There is statistically significant in compliance and quality of life (p value= 0.002) in compression with patients who is noncompliant. Also statistically significant with improved NYHA classification, LVEF and quality of life (pTable 3). (Table.1): Demographic and clinical variables of the study population (n=76) in Sudan. (Table.2) Compliance (Medications, diet, Fluid restriction, Exercise, weight, and appointments keeping) in Sudan. (Table.3) Quality of life of heart failure patients in Sudan (N=76) Discussion The patients’ compliance in this study ranged between 11.84% and 75% of the patients. Although the differences in measurement instruments and differences in interventions, the result of the this study showed low compliance compared with other previous studies including knowledge of the patients about their illness, the hazard of high salt consumption, and the daily weighing. Study done by Baghianimoghadam MH, et al, reported that the disease knowledge in Iranian patients reached 38% (26), whereas our result showed that 76% of HF Sudanese Patients lack essential knowledge of their disease or what the heart failure is. According to definition of ‘overall compliance (16).The overall patients’ compliance of the present study was 28% compared with the study conducted by van der wal in which the overall compliance reached 72% of patients with HF(16). In the same study compliance with medication (98.6%), appointment keeping, salt restriction (79%), fluid restriction (73%), exercise (39%), and weighing (35%) where all higher compared with the results of the present study(16). Also the compliance level of present study is lower than Evangelista study which found higher levels of compliance more than 90% for (follow-up appointments, medications, smoking, and alcohol cessation), low compliance dietary 71% and exercise recommendations 53% (17). Medicati on compliance in the present study result is similar to the study done by kamlovi yayhd which found 74.7% that compliance to medication (27). This may be a reflection of lack of knowledge and training programs offered to HF patients in Sudan. The Minnesota living with heart failure questionnaire (MLWHFQ) showed that poor quality of life, the score ranged between 62-97 score /105, and the Mean (SD) quality of life was 83.6 (7.82) which reveled of poor quality of life in most of Sudanese patients with heart failure involved in the present study . It was also found that no correlation between age and quality of life (p value =0.925) ,this similar to study done by Kato N,et al (28), some studies found association between age and quality of life (29). We did not observe sex differences in quality of life ( p value =0.99 ), which similar to study done by Heo S, et al 2007 (29). But other studies have reported quality of life worse in female (30;31). Also we found marital status had no influence on QOL in our subjects (p value =0.34) , it is lower to study done by Luttik ML, which found differences in QoL between married patients and those living alone were most pronounced with regard to future expectations of QoL (6.5 vs 5.0, P=.00 (32). Our study shows there is statistically significant in duration of disease with QOL (p value =0.004), Also statistically significant with improved NYHA classification, LVEF and Quality of life (p In this study, the researcher found that total compliance was poor for HF Sudanese patients, compliance for drugs and appointments keeping were high but still in an unacceptable level. Compliance with diet, fluid restriction, activity and daily weighing was low. Also the study revealed that non-compliance negatively affects the quality of life of Sudanese HF patients. Based on result of present study, education and counseling are extremely needed to increased patients-knowledge about their disease, leading to more compliance and improvement of their quality of life.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

John Dryden :: essays research papers

Research Essay on John Dryden John Dryden was born on an unsure date in 1631 in Aldwinkle, Northamptonshire. He was born the oldest of 14 children in a landed family of modest means. His parents sided with the Parliament against he King. There is some question to whether or not he was raised in a strict Puritan environment. His father was a country gentleman of moderate fortune. He was given the opportunity by his father to be educated at Westminster School and at the University of Cambridge. Around 1657 he went to London as a clerk to the chamberlain to the Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell. The death of Cromwell in 1659 inspired Dryden to write his first important poem, Heroic Stanzas. After the Restoration Dryden became a Royalist and celebrated the return of kin Charles II. During the celebration he wrote two more famous poems, Astraea Redux and Panegyric on the Coronation. The rest of his life was then devoted to being loyal to Charles and his successor, James II. In 1663 he became happily married to Lady Eliza beth Howard, a sister of his patron. Until then he had no real source of income. He began writing plays as a source of income. His first attempt failed, but his second attempt The Rival Ladies, a tragic comedy, was a success. During the next 20 years he became an important and well-known dramatist in England. Some of his most famous plays included names like Ladies a la Mode, Mock Astrologer, and An Evening’s Love. Another play that was famously known because it was banned as indecent was Mr. Limberham. This was unusual for this time period for a play to be banned because of it’s indecency because the Restoration was a time of change. He was also a master of writing the heroic rhymed couplets. They were extravagant and full of pageantry. One of his later tragedies, the World Well Lost, was written in blank verse and was considered one of his greatest plays and one of the masterpieces of the Restoration tragedy. Throughout his career he wrote several "occasional poems," which celebrated particular events of a public character, a military victory, a death, or a political crisis. What made these poems he wrote special was the fact that they were written not for the self but for the nation. In 1670 he was appointed poet laureate and royal historiographer.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Placebo and Justinus :: Papers

Placebo and Justinus After discussing the dangers and advantages of marrying young women, January asks friends for advice. Placebo [Latin, "I will please"] flatters him, telling him he is right to marry a young woman. Justinus [L. "just one"] warns him of the dangers he risks and counsels him not to marry, based on his own experience as a married man. January does what he wants, in the end, and suffers for it. Their speeches are almost a little play about bad and good advice. Are they played for satiric/comic effect, or do they seem to tend toward tragedy? Especially note the way January responds to their advice (IV.1566-1571). January then discussed his problem with his friends and expressed his desire to marry a very young maiden of not more than twenty years old. This led to a great debate and a dispute between the Knight’s brothers named Placebo and Justinus. While Placebo told January to take his own decision without taking anybody’s opinion into consideration, Justinus counseled against marriage since women are fickle. January then decided to get married. January, wished to have a young wife of no older than thirty, for a young wife would be more pliable, but Placebo warned him that it takes great courage for such an aged man to take a young wife. He warned him of the misery that can come from taking a wife, for she could be shrewish or a drunkard, facts that a husband will not learn until well into the marriage. Despite the common opinion that Placebo has a wonderful wife, he knows what faults she has. They argue about the merits of marriage, with Placebo predicting that January will not please his wife for more than three years, but Placebo eventually assents to January's plan. January finally decided to take a young and pretty wife, foolishly believing that nobody would find fault with his choice. He spoke to Placebo and his friends about his choice, praising his intended wife. January, however, worries that a man who finds

Friday, October 11, 2019

Fighting Methods Essay

World War 1 Since fire power (guns) had now become the main weapon of use, people began to dig trenches and use them for protection/barracks for the war. They used a wave maneuver to attack other sides, where they swarmed over No-man’s land (huge danger of being shot from opposite side) to try to get in to the other side’s trenches to fight. This kind of attack caused many casualties because people became very vulnerable once on No-man’s land. Gas attacks were also used but they were hard to control since the wind could change direction and blow it back to your own side. People had to constantly have masks It caused a lot of suffering and immediate death (lungs deteriorated), If you didn’t die you were still severely affected. Psychologically as well. Tanks were invented and used, however they also had a difficult time because they continually got stuck in the mud. Tanks were first invented in this war. However they were rushed into combat before the idea of it was fully perfected. So they were usually defective. Very good for fighting, hard time on No-Mans land Places that were bombed a lot caused tanks to get stuck. They also broke down a lot. Out of 42 sent to the Battle of Somme, 32 actually could begin attacking, however only 9 made it across No-man’s land. World War 2 Tank became the dominating weapon Used other methods over land and sea unlike ww1 some sea battles were so expansive that sometimes ships could not even see each other because they sent aircrafts to bomb/sink the other side. America and Britain mainly used aerial warfare because it could be destructive enough to cause surrender (e.g. Hiroshima) AIR WARFARE: Strategic: used bombers to destroy the opposing side’s industries, cities, and morale. The ‘Heavy Bomber’ aircraft was used for this, primarily by british and American Troops Tactical: Used planes to attack opposing side’s army forces on the battlefield. They usually coordinated with their own troops on the ground The ‘Fighter Bomber’ was the plane they mainly used for this. It was fast and heavily armed/armored. NAVAL WARFARE: Submarines became a major danger to ships Germans used a ‘Wolf Pack’ technique where they ganged up and used coordinated attacks on shipping convoys American forces adopted this method and used it against the Japanese The normal type of submarine used was the ‘Torpedo’ and the most famous of these being the ‘Long Lance’ used by the Japanese, which sunk 4 cruisers. LAND WARFARE: Tanks: Fast, heavily armored and low to the ground. Armed with powerful large and small caliber guns. The Soviet ‘T-34’ was considered the best model. The Germans liked it so much that they copied it and called it a ‘Panther Tank’ Artillery: Was developed to have easy mobility. Guns were often mounted on tracked, self-propelled carriages. Hand-carried rocket launchers were widely used against tanks. Example of that would be the Bazooka. Small Arms: Small, semi-automatic hand guns were used. People liked them because you didn’t have to pull a lever or bolt, and they weren’t hard to reload. (simple) Similarities: Other than the fact that firepower was the main weapon of choice, the wars differed widely in fighting methods. Differences: – Tanks were changed from tall unwieldy vehicles that fought alongside troops, to an independent offensive weapon. – The range of different firepower weapons increased dramatically, as well as quality No longer fought in trenches or used the ‘storming’ technique. First world war was an offensive attack of the Germans, however the second was more about border conflict. New developments in technology for battle World war 1 Armored tanks (1915), Junkers (1918), Bomber (1916-1918), Garros (1915), Voison, Gas (1915), Synchronized guns (1916), Antiaircraft (1916), Bolt action rifle, Lee Enfield, Mauser Rifle World war 2 M1 Garand, MP43 (Sturmgewehr 44), Colt M1911, Bazooka, Panzerfaust Almost all types of technology were utilized, although major developments were: Weaponry; including ships, vehicles, aircraft, artillery, rocketry, small arms, and biological, chemical and atomic weapons. Logistical support; including vehicles necessary for transporting soldiers and supplies, such as trains, trucks, and aircraft. Communications and intelligence; including devices used for navigation, communication, remote sensing and espionage. Medicine; including surgical innovations, chemical medicines, and techniques Industry; including the technologies employed at factories and production/distribution centers. Similarities between the two wars In both technology dictated the way the war was fought and often dictated events on the battlefield. Differences between the two wars Technology was relatively primitive in world war 1, with most of the war being done in trenches. Early airplanes were used. Poisonous gas was deployed for the first time. In World War 2, tanks were used as the main deployment in many areas. Planes had improved, and bombers and fighters were heavily used. Submarines were also more heavily used. Encryption codes for secret also became more complex.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Competition and Markets

United Parcel Service, Inc. is the brand name that this paper seeks to analyze using its monopolistic characteristics and the advertising trends in the company. With its headquarters in Sandy Springs, Georgia, the company is so far the world’s largest package delivery company.United Parcel Service, Inc major competitors in the US market are the United States Postal Services and FedEx which are also joined with other international operators among of them being: Royal Mail, Japan Post, LDH Express, and FCML Couriers among many other international delivery companies.It is therefore practical to state that United Parcel Service, Inc does not enjoy a purely monopolistic market although various characteristics in its operations have enabled it to enjoy a larger share of the delivery market. In a single day for instance, it delivers over 15 million packages to 6. 1 million customers in m ore than 200 countries (Heijdra and Brakman 2004). UPS gained its popular brand name originally f orm its brown trucks which are responsible for ‘The Big Brown Machine’ name that is locally used to refer to it.Advertising especially in firms characterized by monopolistic features aims at benefiting the producer to increase the sales levels (Semenik and O’Guinn 2008). On the other hand though, it is argued that advertisement serves a role in ensuring that consumers are more enlightened on market supply hence reduce the risks of making uninformed purchase decisions. Some economists though argue against advertisement stating that it leads to misallocation of resources in the economy as consumers are propelled into buying what they had not intended to initially.It is also argued that it promotes unfair market dominance as firms aim at enhancing their brand name at the expense of other players in the industry. Basing on the reasoning, put above advertising is the only way for firms in monopolistic market to ensure they maintain their edge in the market (Kapferer 2 008). References Kapferer, J, 2008, The new strategic brand management, K. P. P. , Washington D. C. Heijdra, B & Brakman, S, 2004, The monopolistic competition revolution in retrospect, C. U. P. , California. Semenik, R & O’Guinn, T, 2008, Advertising and Integrated Brand Promotion, Cengage Learning, Boston.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Supply Chain Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 7

Supply Chain Management - Essay Example Zara. Zara is an international fashion company which designs, manufactures, and markets the products of fashion industry. Although the company has set up its marketing units in the Asian markets, it seems to be reluctant to shift its focus from the European market with the purpose of manufacturing. The objective of the paper will be to identify the influencing factors due to which the company executes more than 80% of its manufacturing operations only in Europe. With this purpose, the paper shall consider the various aspects of the company’s supply chain and analyse them with relation to the opportunities provided in most of the emerging markets of Asia. The operations of Zara are entitled to perform various tasks from the preparation of a design and producing the stock to the distribution of the finished products. Therefore, the organisational operations of the company can be observed as a lengthy and complex process which can be defined as the company’s supply chain. Supply Chain basically refers to the accumulation of the activities supporting the customers’ demand with efficacy. With this virtue, the term ‘Supply Chain Management’ can be referred as the managerial approach adopted to control the various stages of the supply chain in a strategy. It is perceived to be most applicable in the case of manufacturing companies, providing a comprehensive outlook to its operational processes. Four stages can be identified differently in the supply chain of a company, i.e. supply network (the suppliers of raw materials to the firm), internal chain of supply (the manufacturing units of the company), distribution channels and the ultimate customers of the product (Li, 2007). Being a manufacturing as well as a marketing company, Zara also maintains a supply chain in its operations which is identifiably different from that of its rivals or any other similar companies. Even the corporate strategies differ largely from its

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

He implications of asymmetric information for the function of markets Essay

He implications of asymmetric information for the function of markets at both the microeconomic and macroeconomic levels - Essay Example The situation where the market produces more or less than the ideal or the optimal amount of a particular good, it is regarded as the market failure in terms of economics There are several factors that results in the market failure like externalities and monopoly power, and asymmetric information.Еhe implications of asymmetric information for the function of markets at both the microeconomic and macroeconomic levels.In an analysis of the competitive market structure it is always assumed that the buyers and the sellers have perfect knowledge about the market. But in reality this does not happens. When the available information about any product is more with someone than the others then the arisen situation is of market failure and the phenomenon is termed as â€Å"asymmetric information†. The information about the product is an important factor and if the quality of the goods could be judged about whether it being excellent or inferior then the price would have adjusted acc ording to the quality differences. Asymmetry and Market failure and the need of the government intervention A. Market failure and the used car market The situation of information asymmetry leading to market failure is best understood by the example of used cars. In a transaction of a used car, a seller would always know more than the buyer. Considering a case of a second hand Chevrolet Malibu which would cost $15,000 in an ‘average’ condition, if the condition of the car is ‘excellent’, that would cost $18,000 and if the condition of the car is ‘poor’, the car will be priced at $12,000.... without any excellent car will be ready to pay not more than $13500 that is the average price of the cars, which are either in average or poor condition. This in turn will prevent the average car owners from offering their car at such a low price. So at the end the market forces will adjust itself to equilibrium for the poor cars at the selling price of $12000. This is an example of market failure where the market for the excellent and average cars does not exist due to the asymmetry of information. This is a situation of quality uncertainties where the high quality goods are driven out by the low quality goods. (Chauhan, n. d, pp. 224-225) This is explained with the help of a diagram: PH SH P E P’ E’ DH DH’ DH† 0 Q’ Q Figure 1 (a) PL p’ e' SL p e DL’ DL 0 q q’ Figure 1(b) Source: Chauhan, n. d, pp. 224-225 In the diagram Figure 1 (a) DH represents the demand for high quality goods, SH, the supply for high quality goods. They int ersect at the point E where the quantity OQ must be demanded and it must be supplied at OP price. Due to the asymmetry of information, the same amount OQ is demanded at a lower price E†. As the buyers are uncertain about the quality of the product they treat the high quality good as the low quality good and hence the demand curve shifts downwards to DH’. At this lower price some of the seller refuses to sell the product which causes the supply to fall from OQ to OQ’. Hence the new equilibrium is at E’, where the DH’ intersects S H. The OQ amount of high quality goods is sold at a price OP’.As there exists quality uncertainty the demand curve is expected to further slide down to DH† which does not intersect with the supply curve SH at all. This shows how the market for high quality goods fails. In the figure 1(b),

Monday, October 7, 2019

Public Relations and Tourism in Lebanon Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Public Relations and Tourism in Lebanon - Thesis Example The intention of this study is an international tourism is one of the most important sectors in the world today as expenditure on tourist goods and services represent some 8% of total world export receipts and 5% of world GDP while the Arab world attracts only 3% of international tourist arrivals and receipts. Most countries that specialize in the tourism sector have made good economic progress. The progress is largely dependent on how the destination has been marketed. Public relations play a vital role in constructing images of a location and the activities that the location offers. This has become important as tourism today has been categorized as adventure tourism, conference tourism, eco tourism, health tourism, spa tourism, event tourism, religious tourism or cultural tourism. Lebanon as a destination has much to offer to tourists. It has a diverse patchwork of Mediterranean-lapped coast, rugged alpine peaks, and green fertile valleys over an area of 225 km. long and 46km wide. The Lebanese coast has the Mediterranean Sea to the west and the Mount Lebanon Range to the east. Apart from these it offers multi-sport adventure and archaeological wonders but tourism has been adversely affected in the last decade for various reasons. Much of these has been attributed to the image that been created by the media. Hazbun contends that of late Lebanon has been proactive in promoting tourism. The author suggests that Beirut’s urban redevelopment efforts will not be able to attract the western tourists as Lebanon carries an external negative image, is gripped by fears of regional instability and attracts high prices.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Daniel C. Smith , Teacher Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Daniel C. Smith , Teacher - Case Study Example He entered into a discussion with the talk show host about teaching the African history in his class during the black history month. Procedural history The case was authored in the United States Supreme Court. This is where the proceedings started and the decision was made. The decision made was based on a motion summary of the judgment. The case was decided after all the evidence and interpolation of all constitutional issues were interpreted and considered in the case. Issues After the case was put before the judges several witnesses and information concerning the case was produced. He was given a chance to prove his case. School superintendent testified that he received a call from his secretary about calls that were being made into a radio show about a statement made by one of the teachers. The comments were about a banner hanged that read, â€Å"200 years of United States history, 2000 years of African history† the teacher continued and added his comments to â€Å"in 200 years we went to the moon. After 2000 years they are still urinating in the drinking and bathing water.† The superintendent responded to one of the messages from a group called Media watchdog. The group said it had a recording of the telephone conversation made to the radio show but they could not identify the caller. Daniel, who was later on identified as the caller, was given a chance to respond to the claims. ... In this case, there are two conflicting rules that are supposed to be considered. The constitution of the United States advocates for freedom of speech, while the ethics of public servants are asked to carry themselves with decor. The court will also look at the impact that the remarks had on the community. In addition, the intention of the remark will be a focus point. The court will try to make its decisions while considering all these facts. Analysis The court has heard all the comments and arguments from both sides. The court has heard what Mr. Daniels had to say about the accusations before the court he has been given to respond to the accusations. The remarks made that â€Å"in 200 years we went to the moon. After 2000 years they are urinatinging and drinking water†, are at the center of the case. These remarks were made in reference to the Africa history month. In making its decision the court will consider the repercussions that the remarks have in the community. The c onstitution is clear on how such malicious remarks should be treated. The respondent is a civil servant does not allow him to make sue constitution freedom approach is guaranteed responsibility. Such remarks can cause unrest in the county. The comments attracted a lot of attention from the media and other centers. This could affect a lot the subsa1tantive due process of the case. Many views on how the case should go were aired. On February 10, 2002, a concerned citizen wrote a letter the governor of the state. The letter was written by Mrs. C. Scott is protesting the treatment of Mr. Daniel. She stated that Mr. Daniel was simply exercising his freedom of speech. She demanded an investigation to be done about the case. On February 12, 2002, a board

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Survey analysis for online resale shop Case Study - 1

Survey analysis for online resale shop - Case Study Example No participant was forced for any sort of unwilling participation. Additionally, all participants were given the right to withdraw from participation in the study at any stage. The researcher has also kept the element of confidentiality into consideration. Personal information of selected participants has been kept intact. The competition in the global business market s very intense these days. This intensified competition across markets have make the survival of business next to impossible, It has become very difficult for businesses to retain their potential customers in the age of advance technology. However, e-business in such instance is one platform where businesses are competing against each other to win their potential customers. For businesses to succeed it has become very important to offer both local & online services. To further acquire these details in depth, this study has selected quantitative research method. Using this, survey has been conducted. From the survey, it has been acquired that out of the selected 250 participants, 198 participants agreed that they like shopping online while 52 participants should resistance towards online shopping. From the responses’ it is noted that most of the participants like shopping online. Many of the selected participants also believed that they usually shop luxury goods from shopping malls such as: Westfield, Selfridges, Harrods†¦etc. In such instances, they spend  £251 -  £350 on usual basis on luxury goods. The most common platform selected by potential customers to make online purchases is from Amazon. Most of the people ask their friends for inspiration before making any online purchase. Two most important elements/variables for making online purchase for clothes are them quality/material while price is the second most important element. It is also evident that an online shop provides more up-to-date information than their

Friday, October 4, 2019

Performing well academically and having a social life Essay

Performing well academically and having a social life - Essay Example â€Å"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.† Being a 16 years old sophomore I believe I have faced enough competition in the early academic years. Since my childhood, I’ve been a shy, reserved and quiet person. I don’t interact with people much due to my hesitation while talking to new people. I feel uncomfortable when I am surrounded by a group of individuals and I’ve always tried to stay out of group discussions. These natural personality constraints led me to the isolation from my social circle. I have had a few friends and even their knowledge was limited about my problems, likes, dislikes and issues. These personality traits seem normal and unproblematic to many people. However, I personally feel that these were the factors that affected my academic performance the most. I never wished to take a position in the class in order to avoid prominence and attention from others. I did not take part in class discussions as I felt awkward and uncomfortable speaking in front of all students and the teacher. I kept myself from asking question even if I had some confusion in my mind regarding the topic being taught by the teacher. When I was a kid, I used to avoid interactions with other kids. I kept myself isolated in the parks, play grounds and even in the school. I used to keep my feelings secret and ideas personal. All these traits resulted in inner conflicts arising in me. I felt irritated by the thought that people avoid talking to me. I felt aggressive and angry when people talked to each other and did not involve me in their conversations. Somehow these were the reactions of my responses to them when they started a conversation or tried talking to me which I avoided most of the times. My parents noticed these problems and were constantly making efforts to make me friendly, confident and sociable. At first I found the lectures of my parents and elder siblings completely meaningless. I was extremely disheartened by the way people ignored me while talking to each other. This was the most difficult phase of my life. I lost my hopes of getting good grades, having friends and making my way out of the isolation that I created in the past years. However, the constant struggles of my parents motivated me to talk to them about my issues. I started discussing my experiences, daily activities and secrets with them. Their friendliness, affection and loving nature made me confident enough to share everything with them. The main problem then, was to change myself in front of others. I felt comfortable with my parents but when it came to other people I still felt the same hesitation and shyness. I started motivating myself to take part in the conversations. I started writing a diary of my day to day activities in order to blow out the negative feelings. I used to feel relaxed after writing the diary. I made a plan to encourage myself on speaking in crowds. Firstly, I started asking questions during the class lectures when I found anything confusing. I started taking part in the classroom discussions and academic debates which greatly helped me to enhance my social skills. My class fellows started discussing their academic and other issues with me which again was considered as an encouraging gesture by me. The first effect of this step was a positive apparent impact on my

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Ethics and Technology Essay Example for Free

Ethics and Technology Essay The biggest limitation of our existing system is its inherent inability to achieve its fundamental goal. Whatever happened to the dream of progress that modern technology would free people from drudgery, and everyone would be able to live in comfort, spending their time enriching the world and thinking great thoughts? Wasnt that what we really set out to achieve? Toward that goal, we can now make virtually any region of the earth comfortably habitable. We can produce food and clothing in staggering quantities, at unbelievable rates of production, using very little labor in proportion to the output. We have greatly extended the life span of our species, and we know how to cure or eliminate the suffering of a great range of diseases. We can communicate around the globe in less time than it takes to hear the voice of someone across a room. An interesting question to consider is this: if the technology necessary to live this way really could be developed, would it result in such a society? Starting from our present society, I would say absolutely not. The technology that could easily feed the world would probably result in mass starvation. The competitive system can produce the tools we need to create a future of freedom and enlightenment, but unless the system evolves, it will work against our using those tools to the benefit of humanity. The system must evolve. Were not spreading the benefits of advancing technology, were using it to exclude more and more people from the fruits of progress. Instead of laying off the excess workers and increasing the stress on those left behind, consider what would happen if we simply reduced the burden on everyone. We dont need to throw out our traditions of free enterprise and individual responsibility. We just need to revisit our vision of progress and see where we want to go, and where were heading. Not all technology is hampering the societys progress. Technology was developed to ease mans work and provide him with a little help . It wasnt invented so that we could just copy and paste an essay for our next paper, or download a ready made presentation from the internet or make google do all things for us. The web is what you make of it, you cant blame technology for ruining your work ethics. Its you whos become super lazy and dependent I am from a time when technology is called progress and it was considered heretical to doubt its benefits. We tend to forget the years before antibiotics when people died from pneumonia and infections. We take for granted the warnings about kidney failure, liver damage and replacement therapy for intestinal flora that accompany todays bigger and better medications. Technology has made our lives very easy, but it turn, has made us lazy. I believe that if we continue to make and improve technology, there can be some really useful inventions. However, we can make sure that the improvements don’t make us lazy, in very simple ways. We can ask ourselves, does this pen that writes down our thoughts and tells us how to spell correctly really need to be in everyone’s daily lives? Technology moves at a pace that can easily outrun ethical standards surrounding its use. The effects of technology on work ethics move at a similar pace with employers moving to establish ethical boundaries that seem to infringe on employee privacy rights and restrict communication abilities. These tactics have led to courtroom battles, quick job terminations and complaints filed with the National Labor Relations Board. Special Purpose: To inform my audience of the negative effects by becoming too dependent on technology. Central Idea: By becoming too dependent on technology will give negative effects to our education, behavior and economic. Introduction According to study conducted by a company called McCan Worldgroup, young people are obsessed with their technology until the point that they would rather lose one of their most important sense than to lose Facebook, the internet and their cell phones. â€Å"To them, losing the ability to explore and communicate via technology would be like a blind man losing his stick†. According to Oxford dictionary, technology means machinery or equipment developed from scientific knowledge. Do you realized how much we depend on technology?

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Steps in Career Managment

Steps in Career Managment Career Pie model This model has three stages performance, image and exposure. Performance: It means the day to day task which are given to you and the outcomes that you provided of this work. Image: It means your image and impression in the minds of others Exposure: It is all about your results, impression and image from the point of view of people who want to know about you (BATTISTON). Job of your choice Choosing a career may appear very irritating task however it becomes a bit easier when you provide yourself time and plenty of choices to think about it. However the quandary is the absence of match between skills and the aptitude. You are lucky if your aptitude sets match your skills. Generally, while it is not difficult to create your aptitude sets as stated by your inclination, the test is to change your fitness as per the ability sets. Your bent gradually and unknowingly creates in you an attitude towards a specific field of movement (Anderson). Figuring out the promising career Many individuals look to others to focus their profession ways: instructors, neighbors, parents and associates. Ponder individuals you regard and what they accomplish for work. Require some investment to guide out your needs and to match your abilities with aptitudes that are energetically looked for inside specific fields of work. This will include a reasonable bit of exploration work however it is well worth the trouble. Distinguish the abilities you utilize when youre doing the things you appreciate Take a gander at the things you are great at doing as of recently. These will provide for you a great implication of what you are liable to delight in doing by method for a profession. For example, maybe you like being with creatures. As of recently this basic yet paramount delight opens up an extremely wide field of work for you that includes such conceivable occupations as watching over creatures, veterinary work, creature backing, transporting creatures, cooling creatures, making creature garments and food things, running a pet store, and so forth. Consider different fields extensively A field of work is much more than a solitary employment. It is a region in which numerous occupations or exchanges are conceivable and you ought to have the capacity to think about your preparation and investment regarding searching for a career way that will provide for you a shot no less than five related sorts of employments that are accessible inside that field. Think about cross-field work To have better career you need to focus on different fields and offer thought to the potential outcomes included in intersection fields; for example, numerous instructors are great with word abilities and subsequently make fantastic editors and distributers. Think outside the square your title gives (Career Research). Learn much about your interested field Internet, library and immediate contact examination will be needed here. It is likewise useful to ask your school, neighborhood group administrations, college, and so forth for aid in career decisions and advancement. Your careful exploration will help you to focus rapidly which territories you need to study in, and also the profundity of study needed. Learn from the people who work in the field of your interest When you have worked out which particular employments interest you, identify with those officially working in these regions. This will empower you to hear their proposals. Now and then you may even have an open door work experience by working in external environment (Cynthia N. Fuhrmann, 2013). Assess your decision of field Evaluate the remarks youve accepted, weigh these up with your exploration work and include your sentiments about your potential profession way. This is presently the time to choose whether this career keeps on appealing to you. Remember to incorporate the sort of lifestyle you might like in the adjusting comparison. Join the education or training center relevant to your area of interest While contemplating, dont disregard to exploit organizing open doors and opportunities for working in the field of career. These open doors will provide for you the best conceivable feel for the work and the sorts of individuals. Stay positive Finally when you are prepared and ready to have the career of your choice, the most essential thing is to support an uplifting viewpoint about your life and to be prepared for change, distinction and movements in your safe places. This is this present reality and it moves quickly; it is significant to stay aware of progressions and advancements (Finding Career Direction). Comparison of Present skills and those required for the job Presently I am going to have a degree in the field of Civil Engineering and I am in second year of my degree. I am learning the skills which are required to do a job as a CEO of a construction company. But it is a long route to be Chief Executive Officer of a construction company. At present I am concerned with the bookish knowledge I do not have much practical experience which is the basic need to get a good job. Hopefully with the passage of time I will grab all the necessary skills required to pursue for CEO of a construction company (CEO/President). The skills which are required for becoming a CEO of a construction company are: First of all I need to have a degree in Civil Engineering or in the field of Quantity Surveying. This is the main requirement of pursuing towards chief executive of a construction officer. I also need to have experience of at least 20 years out of which there should be 10 years’ experience in the managerial level. Apart from managerial skills I need to have technical and marketing skills. I need to have the ability to do the tasks required independently. I will be able to deliver the results on reliable basis. Written communication and excellent verbal skills are also required. Listening abilities are required to know the problems of the subordinates. I should be able to present the findings of my work and giving recommendations. I should also have knowledge about financial management. I need to have experience and training in financial modeling, financial management and financial advisory. Evaluation of systems and information, abilities to collect and analyze complicated dat a and giving logical conclusions about my working is also required. Planning is an important part in a company so I should be able to make effective planning. I need to have the experience in project management. It is required for me to have the capacity to absorb the pressure and to meet the deadlines. I need to have negotiable skills to have effective deals in the end. Negotiation skills are primary and necessary to have the deals done. I need to have good coordination with the staff and the subordinates. I need to be very gentle and flexible with them. Harmonious and good relationships are required with the employees, staff and the outside clients and people in order to develop a positive professional environment (Chief Executive Officer (Construction Company)). My responsibilities will be to communicate or provide assistance in communication to the Board of Directors or management with respect to the results and status of the projects through oral and verbal communication. I will have to develop the business of my company by presenting new projects which can be profitable in the eyes of the Board of Directors and the management. I will need to build good relationships with the partners and the investors to enhance the business of my organization. Client management and dealing is the core responsibility so I will have to consider it with prime preference so that I may capture a good amount of clients to enhance the business. I will need to manage customer and key accomplice relations to create new business by gathering customers, gurus, and accomplices and by going by to prospective banding together and new improvement locales. I will have to collaborate with specialty unit administrators to exhort on matters concerning the Companys best pra ctices as they apply to screening new fortunes. I will have to develop strategies for Consolidating reports from specialty unit administrators and different executives with the end goal of appearing for Board of will be my responsibility to establish objectives, destinations, breakthroughs, and work plans for business activities review plans and all different types of departmental reporting for soundness of suspicions, nature of projections, and significance in light of objectives and destinations. I will advise administration and performs allocated assignments to give sensible confirmation as to the unwavering quality and honesty of data; consistence with strategies, forms, administration rules, concurred contracts with outsiders and Government laws and regulations, protecting of organization holdings, financial utilization of assets, achievement of corporate goals, hazard administration and best practice forms. I will help to structure and secure outside financing for ventures and organizations. I will report on extraordinary surveys and recognizes dangers and open doors identified with interior and outer operations and create proposals for development. I will have to maintain all hierarchical and expert codes. Bibliography Anderson, R. A. (n.d.). How to Research Career Paths. Retrieved from happynews: BATTISTON, F. (n.d.). 3 Keys to Career Success: The Pieces of PIE. Retrieved from mondofrank: Career Research. (n.d.). Retrieved from jobsearch.about: CEO/President. (n.d.). Retrieved from hrvillage: Chief Executive Officer (Construction Company). (n.d.). Retrieved from jobberman: Cynthia N. Fuhrmann, P. S. (2013, September 24). Narrowing the Choices: What Career Path is Right for You? Retrieved from Finding Career Direction. (n.d.). Retrieved from mindtools: