Saturday, February 29, 2020

Adolescence and Teenagers

Teenagers spending time at night It is a common phenomenon seeing teenagers hanging out at night in big cities. Places which teenagers like to hang out are shopping malls, computer games centers and sometimes, roadsides. These places have become teenagers’ favourite places because they can meet other teenagers to socialize. Teenagers start congregate at these places since evening and some of them even stay out late loitering aimlessly. Many adults feel that it is risky to allow teenagers to loiter at night. However, some parents think that it is just a phase in life which adolescence feel that they need to mix around with their peer group. These parents tend to give too much freedom to their teenage children because they think that they should not deprive of their children’s freedom to mingle with friends. Nevertheless, not every parent agrees that teenagers should be allowed to go out at night too often. These parents are obviously concerned that when their teenage children spend time out of the house too frequent at night, their children will spend only little time at home with their own family members. When two parents are working, the only time which is available for quality family time is at night. Parents are also worried who their teenage children’s companions are and what influence their children will get from their companions. In addition, parents are also concerned about the food their children consume. It is definitely unhealthy for teenagers to spend their time at fast food outlets which serve high greasy and sugar-contained food. Overeating at night could result in obesity and diabetic. Besides, undesirable and inconsiderate habit of wasting the parents’ hard earned money will be developed.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Differences Between Concrete and Virtual Manipulatives in Preparing Thesis - 1

Differences Between Concrete and Virtual Manipulatives in Preparing 10th Grade Math Students for Standardized Tests - Thesis Example Presentation and Interpretation of Data Qualitative Analysis 1. Advantages of using Concrete Manipulative in Teaching Data was collected to ascertain the advantages that the use of concrete manipulative have on the learning of mathematics at the 10th grade. To do this, respondents were made to undertake various tests that involved the use of concrete or physical manipulative. It must be emphasized that, for a comparative study like this, it was necessary to get a yardstick to measure the performance of the students with. This is to say that it was necessary to create a platform that would make it possible to measure the impact of the concrete manipulative on learning separately. To this end, students were first made to undertake a class lesson on various mathematical topics including number sense, geometry, algebra, and probability and statistics. The first lesson did not involve the use of any concrete manipulative or any other form of learning manipulative. The lesson was therefore done in abstraction. After this, a second lesson was undertaken. This lesson on the other hand involved the use of concrete manipulative. As the leader of the class in the lesson, some major advantages of the concrete manipulative that were recorded include the fact that: i. ... 2. Limitations to the use of concrete manipulative The same group of lessons that were taught in the class as a means of ascertaining the impact of the use of concrete manipulative in teaching also brought out a number of weaknesses or limitations that are associated with the use of concrete manipulative in teaching. After the first lesson (pre-test), which did not involve the use of concrete manipulative was completed and the second lesson (post-test), which involved the use of concrete manipulative was underway, the researcher observed that it took more time to finish teaching the same topic when no concrete manipulative was used. That is, the use of concrete manipulative is time consuming. Again, it was noticed that class control became a little difficult when the teacher introduce the concrete manipulative to the class. Even more, there was clear indication and evidence that the continuous use of concrete manipulative for teaching was going to come with some extra expenditure to the class. Finally, it was observed that the use of concrete manipulative demands so much skill and experience. 3. Advantages of using virtual manipulative Great amount of data were also collected to ascertain the importance or advantages of using virtual manipulative in teaching mathematics at the 10th grade. Most of these data were secondary data from the literature review that was conducted. According to some of the major researchers whose works were reviewed, it was established that using the virtual manipulative in teaching and learning mathematics offers almost the same relevance and importance as the use of concrete manipulative (quote). This is because the academic idea of using virtual manipulative is to give a digital

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Operation management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Operation management - Assignment Example This is one of the important aspects in the operations of any organization; this is basically implemented in the product lifecycle. This operation in an organization aims to development of new products, product opportunities with competitive advantage. Quality This is an important aspect in an organization which ensures that in an organization there is effectiveness in its organizational structure, procedures, guidelines as well as the resources needed in the production of goods and services to meet customer satisfaction. Process and capacity design This is the process of ensuring that an organization determines the required capacity in order to meet the dynamics and the required organizational change. The design capacity is the maximum work or output that organizations produce or accomplish within an established time framework. A suitable capacity design in an organization should ensure that an organization achieves its effective capacity. Location selection This is where an organiz ation is located basically the physical location. Appropriate selection of the organizational selection is important because it contributes to effectiveness and efficiency in the context of accessibility. Layout design This is the organizational structure and the arrangement on how and where operations are done. Layout design is important aspect in ensuring effectiveness and efficiency on how operations are done; the layout design should be executed in accordance with the ways and the manner in which operations are done in an organization. Human resource and job design This is an organizational process which involves the management of the employees. This involves job selection where relevant vacancies are identified and thereafter recruitment and selection of qualified employee follows. This aspect is important because it ensures that the design job in an organization is matched with the appropriate skills and qualification for effective execution. Supply chain management This is a process in an organization which ensures that there effective and smooth execution of the organizational processes and activities. The importance of this aspect in an organization is that it ensures that the production process is effective and that the goods and services are made available in time and convenience taken into account in reaching customers and clients. Inventory This is an important aspect of an organization which ensures that there is appropriate and suitable management of demand and supply in an organization. Appropriate levels of inventory should be kept in an organization to ensure that the organizational operations are not subjected to any shortages or delays. Scheduling This is the organization and programming of operations notably is the production processes and accomplishment of activities. This aspect is important in determining whether the targets and goals of the organization have achieved. Maintenance This is important process in an organization whereby ope rations are maintained to ensure that they are working properly and operational. The aim of this process is to ensure that there is effective and smooth execution of operations and also a way of taking precautions on the eventuality of breakdown and failures. The notable key important areas in an organizati