Saturday, August 3, 2019

Gender-Neutral English Language Essays -- Papers

Gender-Neutral English Language The English language has evolved through history in a male-centered, patriarchal society. The male orientation of English carries two complementary implications: being male is normative and natural; and therefore, not being male is abnormal and unnatural. The shifting of our language from masculine to gender-neutral may be awkward at first, and our children may wonder what all the fuss was about. The English language is always changing and the future will hold a gender-neutral language. Throughout the history of the United States, men have been the dominant sex. Men have not only been the documenters of the English language, but also the creators. â€Å"Men, especially those with class and race privilege, remain the chief gatekeepers of language: the editors, publishers, rhetoricians, dictionary-makers, broadcasters, high-status educators†(Henley, 1983). The inequalities in the use of language are numerous. â€Å"The grammars of the seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth centuries give evidence that indicates that most of the names in English are used for exclusive masculine reference (Kramarae, 1981). Some argue that language shapes the attitudes and beliefs of a society, â€Å"the language has worked with remarkable success in making it possible for man to perpetuate himself as master, to foster the illusion that women are dependent, and in fact, to subjugate women. Male dominance in language may not only reflect but also be involved in the perpetuation of cultural male dominance† (Caldie, 1981). However, some say that language is a reflection of the values of a society it would be simple to blame men for the bias in the English language. The word â€Å"man† was once interrupt... ...s of American, Inc. Graddol, D., Swann, J. (1989). Gender Voices. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Newberry House Publishers, Inc. Grudem, Wayne (1997, October 27). Do Inclusive Language Bibles Distort Scripture? Yes. Christianity Today. p. 27. Heatherington, Madelon E. (1980). How Language Works. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Winthrop Publishers, Inc. Henley, N., Kramarae, C., & Thorne, B. (1983). Language, Gender and Society. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Newbury House Publishers, Inc. Jacobson, Carolyn. (1995) Non-Sexist Language. [On-Line] Available: [1995] Kramarae, C. (1981). Women and Men Speaking. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Newbury House Publishers, Inc. Stackhouse, John G. Jr. (1999, November 15). The Battle for Inclusive Bible. Christianity Today, p.38. The Bible

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