Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Slavery Trials and Errors in American History - 2209 Words

American History is filled with several trials and errors. However, possibly the greatest blemish in American history would have to be the long-standing system of slavery that plagued early America. Slavery had existed in America until 1865, far longer than many other countries. During the time when slavery still flourished, some people attempted to promote abolitionism but the majority of pro-slavery individuals did not budge. Nat Turner, William Lloyd Garrison, Abraham Lincoln, and slave runaways are all people that carried out specific anti-slavery acts and were on the forefront of abolitionist movements for their time. Nat Turner was born into slavery on October 2, 1800. Even though Nat’s father was not present throughout much of his†¦show more content†¦Although there were no real threats after Nat had been captured the south still found itself in a state of self-created paranoia. Plantation owners became very strict with their slaves in an attempt to control ti ghtly so as to prevent any other revolts. Abolitionists were blamed and larger gaps began to separate whites that disagreed on the issue of slavery. Nat’s revolt showed whites that slavery was a very volatile business that may not last much longer. Also, William Lloyd Garrison found himself being accused of being behind the rebellion and of inspiring it with his abolitionist paper, The Liberator. However, the revolt only helped the abolitionist cause and served as standing proof to why slavery could not continue. William Lloyd Garrison was born on December 12, 1805. Garrison grew up in Newburyport, Massachusetts. His father, Adijah Garrison, found it difficult to support his family in the maritime depression during the War of 1812 and began drinking his sorrows away. Eventually, Garrison’s father abandoned his family and left Garrison and his three siblings with their mother. From a young age Garrison was apprenticed to â€Å"the publisher of the Newburyport Heral d† (Berlin, p.209), and it was here that Garrison gained a passion for the craft of printing. Garrison did not receive any formal schooling butShow MoreRelatedThe Past Occurrences Of African Americans1202 Words   |  5 PagesThroughout the past occurrences of African Americans, several recurring themes are prevalent. These themes shape their past and signify patterns that may be correlated to other topics in history. Trial and error proved highly pervasive in the history of African Americans as much of their progression in society stemmed from several unsuccessful attempts that eventually resulted in victory. Slave revolts, pleas for emancipation, and bids for equal rights were never initially successful when they involvedRead MoreRacial Discrimination Has Been A Chronic Problem854 Words   |  4 Pagesbe different from each other and also, that being different does not make one person less than. 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