Monday, September 30, 2019

Being a true disciple of Jesus Essay

A03. â€Å"It is not possible to be a true disciple of Jesus in the modern world† Do you agree? Christianity is a worldwide religion and this leads us to believe that it is possible to be a true disciple in the modern world. â€Å"Modern Christians believe that they are called to follow the example Jesus set. They spend time discovering the teachings of Jesus from the bible and trying to put those teachings into practice†. (Michael Keene). There are many examples of modern day Christians. Priests, Nuns and missionaries are examples of people who devote their whole lives to God. Oscar Romero was an archbishop in El Salvador where the government has constantly violated human rights. There are also many people living in poverty. Oscar spoke out about the government in sermons. In 1980 he was gunned down by four masked men. His last words were â€Å"May Christ’s sacrifice give us the courage to offer our own bodies for justice and peace†. I believe that Romero is an example of someone who followed Jesus’ example and was a true disciple. Many religious people take vows of poverty so that God is placed first above everything and that they do not get distracted by money. The Rich Man didn’t take this vow. â€Å"It is much harder for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle.† (10:25). Maximilian Kolbe was a polish Catholic priest who was arrested and taken to Auschwitz, one of the Nazi death camps, in 1941. After three weeks of dehydration and starvation, only four of the ten men were still alive, including Kolbe. During the time in the cell, he led the men in songs and prayer. One day the guards picked out a man to be tortured to death but Kolbe said â€Å"take me instead†. The cells were needed, and Kolbe and the other three were executed with an injection of carbolic acid in the left arm. His heroism echoed through the camp and in 1982 he was made a saint. He once said, â€Å"My aim in life is to serve others†. He sacrificed his life for another and put God at the centre of his life. This makes his out to be a true disciple. Corrymeela is a peace group on the Antrim coast in Northern Ireland. The community is made up of Protestants and Roman Catholics. They live together, work together and worship together. It is a place where people can meet to discuss their differences in an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust. I think the people involved with Corrymeela are good modern day disciples. However, there are many challenges that make being a modern day disciple difficult. War, hatred and violence make it very hard to love our neighbour and forgive. The event of the world trade centre collapsing due to a terrorist attack on September 11th is an example of a difficult time to forgive. 2992 people were killed due to this attack. We live in a consumerist society were the emphasis on wealth is great. This can lead to injustices and selfishness. It distracts Christians from living a Christian life and makes it difficult for them to be true disciples. Years ago there wasn’t any trading on a Sunday leaving more time for prayer and worship. Nowadays most shops are open from 1pm to 6pm this leaves little time for the people who work to pray and worship. It has an impact on our Christian lifestyle. Modern moral challenges such as abortion are unchristian. Many women have this procedure done to remove a foetus from their womb. People see this as a form of murder and that it is immoral. I believe it to be possible to be a true disciple of Jesus in the modern world, although it is very difficult as there are many obstacles in the way. Christians today still see it as being their duty to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to others. This may be by doing missionary work or more simply by living out the Christian life and being an example for others.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

La Leche League International: Promoting Awareness for Breastfeeding

La Leche League For decades there has been a debate over whether or not women should be allowed to breast feed their infants in public. Breastfeeding is a significant activity in early development. Human breast milk contains essential nutrients and calories that are vital to the growth and health of children during the earliest stages of life. There are many organizations that have been formed to promote the awareness and necessity for breastfeeding. The most popular organization is the La Leche League International (LLLI).The La Leche League offers the women of the Valley the opportunity to join an international women’s organization and to better gain valuable insight on the history of breastfeeding and benefits that breastfeeding provides to both the mother and her infant. The La Leche League International is a non-profit organization that was founded by seven mothers (Mary White, Edwina Hearn Froehlich, Mary Ann Cahill, Betty Wagner Spandikow, Viola Brennan Lennon, Mary Ann Kerwin, and Marian Leonard Tompson) in the United States in 1956.The founders of the La Leche League hoped to help other mothers who wanted to breastfeed their children but found it difficult. The La Leche League offers information and encouragement (mainly through personal help and experience) to all mothers who want to breastfeed their babies. The La Leche League encourages breastfeeding from birth onwards with no upper age limit for the child. The idea for naming the ‘La Leche League' came from a statue in St. Augustine, Florida honoring â€Å"Nuestra Senora de la Leche y Buen Parto† which means â€Å"Our Lady of Milk and Good Childbirth†.When the La Leche League was found, the words â€Å"breastfeeding† and â€Å"pregnant† weren't readily accepted in society, so the Spanish word â€Å"La Leche† (which stands for â€Å"the milk†) was used as to not offend anyone in the society. In 2010, the League published the book The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding which â€Å"is the most complete resource available for the breastfeeding mother. The book became a National Best-seller†. The La Leche League is active in 65 countries and territories; it reaches more than 300,000 mothers monthly through a network of over 7,000 accredited leaders (â€Å"Brief†).The La Leche League was founded to give information and encouragement, mainly through personal help, to all mothers who want to breastfeed their babies. While complementing the care of the physician and other health care professionals, it recognizes the unique importance of one mother helping another to perceive the needs of her child and to learn the best means of fulfilling those needs. It helps mothers who want to breastfeed through mother-to-mother support, encouragement, information and education, and to promote a better understanding of breastfeeding as an important element in the healthy development of the baby and the mother (â€Å"LLLP†).The La Leche League believes that breastfeeding is best thing to do for the baby and the mother. It offers a unique bonding experience that fosters a nurturing relationship between mother-to-child. The La Leche League also believes that breastfeeding can deepen a mother's understanding of the responsibilities and rewards of her new role in the family. To be a member of the La Leche League it cost an annual fee of $25. Members are granted access to an international e-newsletter, a discount in their online store and special offers via email.The La Leche League believes mothers who are members of LLLI breastfeed longer because they have the information, education, support, and encouragement they need to enjoy the experience. Supporting Membership in LLLI is a real bargain when you consider the costs of not breastfeeding! The best way is to join is through a local group, so that funds will be available in your vicinity to help mothers and babies locally but members may opt to join online (â⠂¬Å"Benefits of LLL†). The closest center to our area is in McAllen, Texas.The McAllen group meets every third Tuesday of the month. All breastfeeding mothers and mothers-to-be interested in breastfeeding are welcome to attend any meeting or call one of the Leaders for breastfeeding help or information. Babies are always welcome at the meetings as well. La Leche League Leaders are experienced mothers who have breastfed their own babies and who have been trained and accredited by La Leche League International to help mothers and mothers-to-be with all aspects of breastfeeding.They are available by phone whenever you have breastfeeding questions or concerns. Interested candidates for membership can join LLLI locally in 65 different countries and territories or online virtually anywhere. Although the La Leche League is a non-profit organization, in 2009-2010 it received â€Å"$594,083 from membership dues, $485,035 from Publications, $382,680 from Contributions, $327,044 Royalty Income, $34,522 from Periodicals, $7,760 from Miscellaneous, $5,279 from Interest Income, and $650 from Workshop and seminar fees† (â€Å"LLLIO†).The most commonly issue with mothers breastfeeding is if it is acceptable public acceptance. While there are no recorded laws in the US forbidding breastfeeding outside of the home and only three states in which laws place any limitation on the way in which public breastfeeding may be done, it is often frowned upon by the public. A woman who breastfeeds in a privately owned place open to the public, such as a restaurant or shopping mall, might lawfully be asked to leave, either by the owner or in accordance with the owner’s instructions.State laws that protect public breastfeeding fall into three categories. Currently, the strongest state laws are those that both protect a woman's right to breastfeed anywhere she or her child have a right to be, regardless of whether the breast is showing, and that also give the woman the power to bring a legal action against anyone who interferes with her breastfeeding. Other state laws establish a woman's right to breastfeed in public, but don't provide a way for her to enforce this right.The third category specifies that the act of breastfeeding is not indecent exposure (sometimes given other names, but always referring to the exposure of body parts), and prevent a woman from being charged with a sex crime for breastfeeding. Most of the states in the United States do protected nursing but there are three states that have no law protecting nursing, which include West Virginia, Nebraska, and Idaho. As for the state of Texas there is a law that protects nursing in public but without an enforcement provision (â€Å"Public†).Aside from knowing the laws about breastfeeding in public, people need to educate themselves on the benefits of breastfeeding to the infant and the mother. â€Å"Breastfeeding is one of the best ways to ensure a baby’s health and development. It’s a convenient, cost-effective, natural way to feed your baby† (â€Å"Breastfeeding†). Breast milk has been found to provide the ideal balance of nutrients for optimal growth and development, and it is easily digestible by the baby.This is because the breast produces colostrum, which is thick, yellowish fluid that helps a newborn’s digestive system develop and function properly. Nursing can also prevent many common childhood illnesses as breast milk contains antibodies that pass from the mother to the baby for protection. This is called natural immunity, and studies have shown a decrease in both hospitalizations and pediatrician visits in babes that were breastfed by their mothers. Some of the common aliments that are decreased include bacterial meningitis, iarrhea, ear infections, and respiratory tract infections. Other, more server condition, such as sudden infant death syndrome and childhood leukemia, have been confirmed by research to have a reduced risk of development in babies who have been breastfeed (â€Å"Breastfeeding†). For premature infants, human milk significantly shortens that duration of their hospital stay, hastens brainstem maturation, and reduces the risk of life-threating diseases. A mother’s breast milk is unique in both its composition and function, and cannot currently be reproduced by other manmade substance.Even though there are a multitude of benefits for the baby, there are also many for the mother as well. Breastfeeding helps the uterus return back to its normal size and reduces post delivery bleeding after by releasing a hormone called Oxytocin. It also burns up to five hundred calories per day, which helps the mother shed the pounds gained during pregnancy in a natural way, and breastfeeding may reduce the rick of developing postpartum depression. Breastfeeding exclusively can delay the return of the menstrual cycle for twenty to thirty weeks.Not only does this help the mot her recover quickly after leaving the hospital, but also it is 98% effective in preventing pregnancy. However, birth control is still suggested for preventative measures, and has not been found to have any adverse affect on the baby while breastfeeding. The most important benefit, however, is the bond developed between the baby and mother while breastfeeding, which helps to enhance emotional attachment between the two (â€Å"Benefits of â€Å"Breastfeeding†).The individual that I interviewed said that breastfeeding made her â€Å"fell closer to her baby and prideful that she could provide for her child† (Milligan). This physical contact also helps the baby to feel more secure and warm in their environment, and eases the transition out the womb. While breastfeeding, a baby gets skin-to-skin contact, ensuring a closer bond to their mother and helping the baby to feel more satisfied emotionally. Another great reason is that mothers can save thousands of dollars on hospit al visits and formal.Mothers can spend up to $500 each month for formula and up to $1500 for doctor visits, prescriptions, and hospital stays in the first year (â€Å"Benefits of LLL†) Since breastfeeding also results in a reduction in an infants illness, the mother will be able to take fewer sick days off from work. Although breastfeeding may seem scary or foreign, it is actually a very natural process to the body that will, with time, become both comfortable and natural for the mother.After weighing the multitude of benefits for the baby, society, and, the mother herself, breastfeeding is the best choice when it comes to feeding and caring for a baby in the most optimal way. That is why I believe mothers should to join the La Leche League to help promote breastfeeding in our community. Work Site â€Å"Benefits of Breastfeeding. † Natural Resources Defense Council. Natural Resources Defense Council. March 25, 2007. Web. April 2, 2012 â€Å"The Benefits of LLL Support ing Members. † La Leche League. La Leche League. June 6, 2011. Web.April 9, 2012 â€Å"A Brief History of La Leche League International. † La Leche League. La Leche League. October 14, 2007. Web. April 2, 2012 â€Å"Breastfeeding. † Healthy Women. Healthy Women. January 9, 2012. Web. April 10, 2012 â€Å"La Leche League International Operations. † La Lecha League. La Leache League. December 15, 2011. Web. April 9, 2012 â€Å"La Leche League Purpose. † La Leche League. La Leche League. October 14, 2007. Web. April 8, 2012 â€Å"Milligan, Alisha. † Personal Interview. April 8, 2012 â€Å"Public Breastfeeding Laws. † Mothering. Mothering. n. d . Web. April 10, 2012

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Alcohol Is the Worst Drug in the United States

Alcohol is the Most Dangerous Drug in the United States Alcohol is more harmful than any other drug. Despite this fact, alcohol is still legal in the United States. There are many types of illegal drugs that are well known for their harmful consequences to humans but it is, in fact, alcohol that causes more harm than all of the illegal substances. A 2010 study by the Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs ranked alcohol as â€Å"most harmful† drug on a list of 20 drugs. Alcohol ranked higher than crack and heroin when the potential harm to individuals and others was examined. Alcohol causes physical, psychological and social problems.Alcohol is a depressant that affects every part of the human body. Alcohol affects the part of the brain that controls coordination, memory, judgment and decision-making. Each year, more than 5,000 people under the age of 21 die from underage drinking. Another 1,900 die from car accidents. And still more people die from alcohol-related homicide s, suicides and other alcohol-induced accidents. Alcohol costs the U. S. over 184. 6 billion dollars in 1998, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. This cost was more than the estimated cost of all other illegal substances put together-$143. billion-during 1998. Although alcohol has been dubbed the most harmful drug, it is not the drug that does the most harm to an individual. In fact, alcohol earned this dubious honor because of the effect that alcohol has on the people around the alcoholic. Herion, crack cocain and metamfetamine are much more harmful to a person’s body than alcohol is. In a later study in the British Medical Journal, alcohol was found to be the fourth most dangerous drug after heroin, crack and crystal meth. This same study deemed alcohol to be the second most dangerous drug to society.Some people say that alcohol should be banned. Despite the overwhelming evidence that alchol is very bad for indivduals and their loved ones, a lcohol remains legal in the U. S. During the 1920’s the US banned alcohol during a time called Prohibition. This policy is considered to have been a failure because it lead to more organized crime, increased alcoholics and negatively impacted the economy. Alcohol continues to be advertised on television and radio, apparently enticing people to continue to buy and drink alchol. Alcohol will always be legal. Alcohol is a big part of our American culture.It is embraced and celebrated by people of all ages every day. Our country is not prepared to make the consumption of alcohol illegal. Doing so would clog the court systems, lead to corruption of officials and cripple the U. S. econmy due to the lost tax money generated by the sale of alcohol. People do need to be educated on the dangers of alcohol so each person can make the best decision for themselves and their family, which would be to avoid alcohol alcohol all together. References Alaraki, M. (2010). Alcohol is society†™s most dangerous drug. Retrieved from http://www. dailyfinance. om/2010/11/01/alcohol-is-societys-most-dangerous-drug/ Nutt, D. J. , (2010). Drugs harms in the UK: a multicriteria decision analysis. The Lancet 376(9752), 1558-1565. Doi: 10. 1016/50140-6736(10)61462-6 Grohol, J. M. (2010). Alcohol the Most Dangerous Drug? Probably not. Retrieved from http://psychcentral. com/blog/archives/2010/11/01/alcohol-the-most-dangerous-drug-probably-not/ Neurobonnkers. (2012). The largest ever study in to drug harms places alcohol in the top four. Retrieved from http://neurobonkers. com/2012/08/06/the-largest-ever-study-in-to-drug-harms-places-alcohol-in-the-top-four/

Friday, September 27, 2019

Children and internet safety Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Children and internet safety - Research Paper Example The Internet assists us when we need it, but it also provides con artists and other predators into our children’s lives. We as parents have a moral obligation to protect our children against the devastating effects of what is available on the Internet. The difficulty remains, however, of how we assure our children’s safety. Parents are given charge of their children not merely through having created them. The want to protect and foster their children is an innate need that humans have. Therefore, it is imperative that parents not only monitor what their children view online, but whom they may be talking to. Given the capacity we now have to acquire data on any given subject, there are bound to be flaws in the system, as well as the ability to obtain information that most people would view as highly inappropriate. Violent episodes are abundant on the World Wide Web, from media accounts and vicious fighting, to â€Å"hate sites that encourage the discrimination of specif ic people. Data are lacking to illuminate how many youth are intentionally accessing violent websites.† (Hamburger, M. E., Ybarra, M. L., Leaf, P. J. and West, 2011). The trouble with children accessing violent sites are in the detriment that child can potentially incur. Children are effortlessly misled to believe what they see on television or the Internet is viable and useful information. However unfortunate, even Modi 1 The most well adjusted child’s psyche can fall prey to horrific scenes of violence, which can produce fear, anxiety and even anger. This can cause extensive harm to the child’s overall sense of self, and their well-being. ... Commercials of any kind are always aimed at a particular audience, whether it is an age group, gender, race or religion. In families that are tightly knit, parents often feel that they have greater control over their children, and what they view. They are often considered more attentive to their children and their activities as well, therefore giving them perceived control over their internet usage. This perception can actually be translated into reality in many cases. â€Å"†¦The higher perceived control over children’s Internet usage, the less children’s exposure to negative Internet content.† (Cheon, Hongsik John, 01 Dec. 2005) This should serve as an epiphany for any parent with concerns over what their children are viewing. Parents that question their children and what they observe on television and Internet have a propensity to implement more restrictions on their television and their computer. In today’s information age, even televisions are so ld with the ability to allow or disallow certain ratings of programs. This enables parents to preserve the naivete of their children even more. Frequently, adults view the Internet as a place for predators, namely pedophiles. Modi 2 A recent report states, â€Å"That there are an estimated one million pedophiles online.† (Descy, Don E., 2006) given those statistics, it is even more imperative that parents keep a dedicated eye on their children’s Internet accesses to prevent their child falling victim to an unscrupulous predator. Thankfully, there are people out there that have created programs to not only identify, but also capture pedophiles and prevent the victimization of children. One such program, called Perverted Justice (, 25 Feb. 2011)

Thursday, September 26, 2019

PV92 practical Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

PV92 practical - Assignment Example This would, therefore, mean that the genomic DNA is not protected from degradation by the cellular enzymes released during the isolation protocol of the DNA. Response to Question 2. In order to carry out a PCR, one requires DNA. This means a cell is important since it is the source of the DNA. The cell can also serve as a source for base pairs, enzymes and primers. Response to Question 3. There are various structures that are often broken in order to release the DNA from a cell. These include the cells, the cheek tissues, the phosholids, the nucleus, and proteinase K. this is done so that proteins along with other organically-soluble compounds are removed from chromosomes and cells. PCR Amplication. Response to question 1. It is important to have a primer on either side of the segment of a DNA that is going to be amplified because these form the four basic bases. Uracil exists in RNA, despite being a special case. Primers are vital and essential components of the synthesis. They synt hesize an RNA short piece which is complementary to the strant of the template DNA forming the bonds of hydrogen with it. This provides a DNA polymer with a starting poing which that is required for the synthesis. After the completion of the DNA synthesis, the segment of RNA is removed and a DNA replaces it. Response to Question 2. Taq DNA polymerase is the thermostable DNA polymerase that derived its name from the thermophilic bacterium called Thermus aquaticus. The T.aquaticus is a specific bacterium found in hydrothermal and hot springs vents. Response to Question 3. It is because they are the only four basic bases with uracil being is present in the RNA, although it is a special case. Components of Master mix include water, oug template, the buffer, deoxynucleotides, aum primers, template DNA and ampliTaq polymerase. The buffer is used for keeping the master mix at a suitable PH in order to make sure the reaction of the PCR occurs. Deoxynu-cleotides, in this case help in providi ng the energy and the nucleosides used for synthesizing the DNA. As widely cited, it is vital adding equal amounts of each of the nucleotide (, dTTP, dCTP, dATP and dGTP) onto the master matrix for purposes of preventing the mismatch of bases. The ouM primers are short pieces of the DNA that often bind onto the DNA template to allow the Taq DNA polymerase enzyme to start the incorporation of deoxynucleotides. The AmpliTaq polymerase is used, in this case, to add the deoxynucleotides onto the DNA template. Last but not least, there is presence of oug template that is often amplified by a PCR reaction. Response to Question 4. The DNA PCR amplification takes place in repeated cycles of the three temperature-dependent steps. In the first step, a double-stranded DNA or (dsDNA) template becomes denatured. In the second stage, the oligonucleotide primers become annealed to a single-stranded DNA also called (ssDNA) template. In this case one primer become designed specifically to anneal ont o a certain specific region found on the left side of the strands of the DNA with the other primer being designed specifically to anneal onto a specific region of the complementary DNA strand right side. In the third stage, the DNA polymerase is meant to extend on each primer in 3' to 5' direction, while duplicating the fragment of the DNA between the primers. While

World History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

World History - Essay Example However, the after affects of colonization are still causing shocks in regions such as Africa and some parts of Asia where unresolved questions still come up regarding international borders disputes or sharing regional resources. In such situations, it becomes easy to say that perhaps freedom from colonization was not a good idea for some sub-Saharan African nations where freedom has resulted only in the law of the jungle. Countries where independence was supposed to bring about a break from oppression and the rule of the elite have only seen corruption, inept governments and governmental policies which are making the rich richer and killing off the poor. For the lack of a better word, it seems that some former colonies are more or less ‘unable’ to handle the processes of government since they cannot establish governmental policies or control. It can be considered a little condescending on the part of Akbar (2005) but he strongly suggests that the management of financial affairs and handling large sums of money regardless of where they come from can be an issue for many young countries. This is especially true in the case where these newly independent nations have had no previous experience in managing such sums of money. Therefore he is in complete agreement with Rato (2006) and they both suggest that international organizations and donor agencies should help governments. This help should be targeted towards the creation of useful government policies and financial aid should be given to support specific causes and development programs. In effect, instead of establishing control over the government of the country, the donor agencies or countries can establish control over how the donation is used. While this protects the sovereignty of the nation, it also allows the weak government to gain access to some of the brightest minds in the world when they need to know how they can improve the conditions of their country. As per the recent

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Relationships between learning disabilities and the impact of Dissertation

Relationships between learning disabilities and the impact of behavioral disorders on standard experiences - Dissertation Example Is it possible to make an economic case for the value of government intervention in this regard? There is considerable evidence that a lesser investment will reliably produce lesser results in terms of education. (Inman, 1986). The time to start educational assistance for those with special needs is in their youth. A variety of studies indicate a principle of diminishing returns for efforts made to educate any useful job skills fully formed adults both academically and for a specific vocation. (Furstenberg, 1987) those with physical disabilities may still prove to be intellectually quite proficient. They may even rely more upon intellect than physical activity, and may be able to develop their intellectual acumen even further than the general population. If given special needs support in early childhood. Even those with mental disabilities may still grow into productive citizens if the nonfunctional can be taught to function by trained, competent specialists committed to the outcome of special education. DISCUSSION In terms of educational policy; a vital research question becomes: Should Learning Disabled and Behavioral challenged students be excluded from classes with baseline students? The challenges for these children are numerous, there are many reasons why children experiencing learning disabilities might fail in school, far beyond merely the obvious. When a child perceives him or herself as being mentally deficient/learning disabled the potential for great insecurity develops. School in general may seem painful, an embarrassing waste of time and venue for potential bullying and the degradation of the students self-worth. It is a daunting obstacle; how to focus on learning, if you were such a student – labeled and ridiculed for what it seems you have no control over. Often times, measures used in the past to give these students focused attention; placing them in segregated units, or separate institutions all together unintentionally exacerbated the problem. It makes sense to give extra attention to the learning disabled; and one might logically conclude that this attention should take place within a place all their own. But this natural exclusionary tendency towards those with behavioral, or intellectual disabilities can become a disservice, as will be demonstrated later. The findings of several researchers demonstrate how behavioral problems will disrupt the already unfavorable prospects of the learning disabled. It is worthwhile to specify the definitions of learning disabilities. Although a precision diagnosis and prognosis may not be consistent, there are warning signs that signify disability: Difficulty in learning the alphabet Poor reading comprehension Frequent mistakes when reading aloud Spelling difficulty Inability to express thoughts by writing Late language acquisition Lack of comprehension of humor, or satire Mispronunciation Confusion with written numbers Confusion with the sequence of a story (, 201 1) In essence, the typical tasks that are begun upon entrance to the public school system are those the learning disabled are most challenged by. A true disability must be diagnosed with care; in past generations, so-called intelligence tests might simply measure cultural references, biasing them against other ethnicities and cultures. (Dove, 1971) An

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Death of a salesman- willy recalls his sons teenage years as fruitfull Essay

Death of a salesman- willy recalls his sons teenage years as fruitfull and charming. what evindence canwe find to show that the - Essay Example The form of illusion highlighted here may be termed as self-deception. Though Willy himself was never a big success and even at the age of sixty he had to borrow money from Charley to pay his bills, he is inquisitive and critical of his son Biff. Willy was critical of the fact that Biff has not yet â€Å"found himself† which was a disgrace. He seems to be oblivious to the fact that even he was not half as successful as Biff at that age. When Linda tells him not to be too critical of Biff since he admires him, Willy tells her, â€Å"I simply asked him if he was making any money. Is that a criticism?" (Miller 7) This shows his over consciousness regarding money matters and a reader who is not introduced to Willy’s state of mind and existence would think that he was perhaps a very successful businessman himself. This reflects a very significant symptom of the disease - confusion and illusions that lead to unorganized thinking. In fact he is to a large extent responsible f or his sons’ (Biff and Happy) immaturity and slow emotional development as he pampers them during their teenage years and tells them the importance of appearance over substance showing them the dreams of high promises held by their future. He recalls that Biff had a promising teenage but he lost many opportunities and hence could not make anything out of life. This also reveals his evasion from admitting that he is failure as a father. Biff has grown up admiring his father more by his words than actions. He has not been a successful student and failed in Math. Bernard, the son of Willy’s friend Charlie has always been a good grade achiever but according to Willy Charlie is not well liked like himself and following the same Biff responds to his father’s query about Willy’s popularity, saying that he is liked but not â€Å"well liked†. Willy even brags to his wife, saying that even though Bernard, the son of his friend gets good grades in schools, he cannot grow into a successful businessman unlike Biff and Happy. Willy’s comments at this juncture is worth taking a deeper reading, â€Å"Bernard can get the best marks in school, y’understand, but when he gets out in the business world, y’understand, you are going to be five times ahead of him. That’s why I thank Almighty God you’re both built like Adonises. Because the man who makes an appearance in the business world, the man who creates personal interest, is the man who gets ahead. Be liked and you will never want. You take me, for instance. I never have to wait in line to see a buyer.† (Miller 21) The above lines expresses his self boasting nature and setting a wrong example in front of his son Biff who ends up idolizing his father and following the wrong way. Staying around his father with a doting wife his sons cannot see his faults and all they end up learning is to give importance to appearance. Biff who has grown up with the habi t of a Kleptomaniac never faces his father’s disapproval when he lies about borrowing the things which he actually ends up stealing. When Willy tells Biff to study, the latter shows him the emblem of his University of Virginia he created on his sneakers. Bernard points out that those sneakers cannot obtain good grades for him. He also says, â€Å"I heard Mr. Birnbaum say that if you don’t start studyin’ math he’s gonna flunk you, and you won’t graduate. I heard him!† (Miller 20) Finally Willy ends up shunning away Bernard saying, â€Å"

Monday, September 23, 2019

Organizational Policy and Strategy Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Organizational Policy and Strategy - Case Study Example The industry rivalry amongst the producer businesses is important criteria for introducing cutting edge differentiating element in the products to gain leverage. This is one of the major motivating factors for Samsung Inc to be highly innovative in its products and development processes. The quality and creative input within the product gives huge advantage to the suppliers and puts him in a bargaining position. Samsung producing high quality memory chips at relatively low cost has been able to bargain with its customers. The bargaining power of buyers is reduced when there is short supply of quality goods which have great demand. In the case of Samsung, the buyers increasingly prefer them because of their quality products and their credibility of supplying goods timely. The technological advancements have brought forth an explosion of information that is easily accessible to public through the internet and other media like television, radio, mobile phones etc. The competition from substitute become highly likely and the company needs to adopt innovative approach to its marketing. Samsung has successfully met this aspect by evolving flexible strategies like innovative product like and introducing elements of surprise within the products as well within the marketing of the products and services. Last but not the least is the threat from new entrants of the business. The globalization has provided facilitating grounds for new entrants and therefore, the existing firms must ensure that speed and flexibility become intrinsic part of their strategy as they become extremely important ingredients for the products so that the organizations can timely and efficiently meet the fast changing preferences of the customers. Under the dynamic leadership of Kun Hee Lee, the company enjoyed competitive advantage over their rivals in the world market primarily because of the sharp business

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Red Cabbage Indicator Prac Write Up Essay Example for Free

Red Cabbage Indicator Prac Write Up Essay The red cabbage indicator shows how a usual household product such as red cabbage can make a suitable indicator and be able find out if a chemical is either and acid, alkali or neutral. Acids are a chemical that reacts with an alkali neutralising it producing water and a salt. Acids are also commonly found to be sour tasting. Acids react with metals, releasing hydrogen gas and leaving behind a salt they also can conduct electricity. Acids also readily give off hydrogen ions and have a pH level lower than 7. Some more common laboratory acids are Hydrochloric, Sulphuric and Nitric Acids. Sulphuric acids and water are used in car batteries as the electrolyte. Bases or alkali are a chemical that will react with acids and usually have a slimy or soapy feeling on contact with skin. Bases readily accept hydrogen ions and has a pH level that is higher the 7. Bases have a bitter taste and neutralise d by acids, producing water and a salt. Some common laboratory bases are Sodium Hydroxide, Potassium Hydroxide and Calcium Hydroxide. Stronger bases are commonly used today in many cleaning products. Indicators help us find wether if a chemical is an acid or base. The scale that is used to find wether a chemical is an acid or a base is the pH scale. The pH scale gives us an indication of the amount of hydrogen ions and goes from 1 – 14, one being the strongest acid and 14 being the strongest base. Many plants and flowers have natural substances which have indicating properties that allow them to be used as indicators. The red colour of red cabbage comes from a molecule called an anthocyanin. Very acidic solutions will turn anthocyanin a red colour. Neutral solutions result in a purplish colour. Alkalis solutions appear in greenish-yellow. Therefore, it is possible to determine the pH of a solution based on the colour it turns the anthocyanin in red cabbage juice. Materials: ↠ Red cabbage leaves (or red flower petals such as carnation, rose or geranium) ↠ 250ml beaker ↠ Hotplate or Bunsen burner, tripod, gauze mat and bench mat ↠ Spotting tile ↠ Dilute (0.1M) Hydrochloric acid ↠ Dilute (0.1M) sodium hydroxide solution ↠ Vinegar ↠ Distilled Water ↠ Filter ↠ Jar ↠ Cloudy Ammonia ↠ Sodium Chloride ↠ Lemon Juice ↠ Shampoo ↠ Dish washing detergent Method: Part A: Making the indicator 1.The cabbage leaves were torn up and placed in the beaker 2.The beaker was heated until the water was gently boiling. The cabbage leaves continued to boil until the water has been strongly coloured red. 3.The cabbage leaves were allowed to cool and then to be filtered, strained or pick Part B: Testing the indicator 4.The cabbage water was added to all wells of the spotting tile and split equally between them. 5.A known acid and base were placed on a spotting tile on the cabbage indicator. The colour was record. 6.The remaining chemicals were placed on the spotting tile and were recorded as in step 5 Safety Assessment: Hydrochloric acid (HCL) is a corrosive liquid Skin contact: Exposer for a short period/s of time may cause irritation and prolonged exposer may cause burns Eye Contact: Exposer for a short period of time may cause irritation and may cause burns. Permanent eye damage may result. To avoid any contact with the substance wear: Protective Clothing Safety Glasses Safety Gloves (Optional) Closed shoes Eye contact – immediately hold eyelids open and rinse eye continuously for five – ten minutes Skin contact immediately rinse the affected area under water until there is none of the chemical left on the skin Contact with any other chemical should be treated as this one. All protective gear listed above should be used in the experiment in the same way. Hair tied back Jewellery to be taken off

Saturday, September 21, 2019

History of Food in the US

History of Food in the US Evolution of the food Cooking is a process which one can never discovered. Cooking and food are the things which were always being evolving with time. For the survival the most important requirement of a creature is food. If we move to prehistoric time cavemen created weapons for hunting to survive and as the fire was discovered the whole way of eating food changed. When colonization began and civilization have been set, hierarchy of classes of people started evolving on the basis of work done by them. Three categories were made like food for royal people, warrior people and Poverty-Stricken people to describe food. As the technology started evolving time by time in the area of agriculture people started developing new type of vegetables and fruits by the help of pesticides, hybrid technology and insecticides as compared to what they we use to eat in early times the food which use to grow naturally. But as people learn about the bad effect of pesticides and insecticides they started moving to organic food. Many decades back when women stay at home to take care of the family members, whereas the men use to work for earning money to fulfill the basic requirement of the family. Now a days when women are working with men in every field, so that’s why they get less time to cook food at home by which ready to eat food came in market. This is how centuries have passed and food has been evolved. American cuisine History of the United States can be reflected by its cuisine. European colonization introduced the number of ingredient and cooking style. In 19th and 20th century many style stated expanding in proportion to the immigrants flowing in from many other countries, this flow of immigrants diversified the food all over the country. Early American used number of cooking technique, in the early cuisine which were combined with the early European cooking ways structure the basis of American cuisine. When colonist came to eastern seaboard, they use to cultivate animal for their clothing and food, same as what they use to do in Europe. The diet of American colonist started rely on the region they use to live. Large amount of animal oils and fat were made to cook the colonial food whereas new Englanders use to have rum and beer, because marine trade gave them easy approach to the ingredient for producing rum, in which the main ingredient was molasses, which was easily available at trade in West Indies. In 19th and 18th centuries, American started developing new food during 1890’s – 1920’s production of food and presentation came in business. One Attribute of American cuisine is the fusion cuisine which was influenced by regional and ethnic which formed a modern cooking style. California cuisine California cuisine is known for its fusion cuisine and fresh goods, which came from fertile Salinas’s valley which is also known as salad bowl of America, to the wine countries all over the state. Health-conscious lifestyle of the people have combined with the local produce and have made a creative and modern type of cuisine. California has been a center for many immigrants and carried a range of distinct culture together, and time by time the cultures have synchronized and formed a fusion cuisine. Many ethnic food of the countries were modified according to local tastes, and keep on developing throughout the year. Sourdough Bread In 1849, during the California gold rush, a vital part of the San Francisco cuisine is sourdough bread. However the bread was developed way back in history, and yet it has become reputed in the world because of its deep sour flavor and its heavy texture. Also it is very hard to produce at any other place in the world. The microorganism used in the making of the bread can only survive in the circumstances prevailing in San Francisco bay area. The miners during the gold rush ate sourdough bread as one of their favorite starter and carried it around while they traveled state to state thereby spreading the delicious bread around in each place they went. Due to the popularity of the bread in San Francisco and its spreading method sour dough came to be a name for miners and the mascot of the today’s football team San Francisco 49ers is known as sourdough bread. In 1849 the Boudin bakery began baking sourdough bread and it has been in production ever since it has crisp and chew crust and goes along perfectly with a lot of the perfect soup of San Francisco, like clam chowder and cioppino and is often found to be carved and shaped into a bowl by hollowing it out and it is used to serve soup in it. Crab Louie It is a salad which is made from crab meat, in San Francisco from the 1900’s. Many story are being told about the origin of the dish, but it has been believed that it is a San Francisco dish. Seafood meat, tomatoes, lettuce could be romaine or iceberg, asparagus and hard boiled eggs are mixed and tossed with Louie dressing, which is made by adding mayonnaise and chili sauce seasoned with peppers. Now a day’s Thousand Island dressing can also be used. Cioppino Cioppino is a fish medley stew soup, San Francisco creation. The soup was created by the Italian immigrants in the mid nineteenth century. When fishermen from coastal region of Italy came to San Francisco and started living over there as a fishermen. When the day ends, they use to gather all the leftover and chop them, put them in a pot and create a stew. The word cioppino came from the word â€Å"to chop†, though some claims that it derived from cries of â€Å"chip in† which was heard when they use to return to the dock, asking everyone to add the seafood in the pot. Whereas cioppino in San Francisco is usually made with a mixture of scallops, Dungeness Crab, shrimps, clams, squids, numerous white fish, and mussels which were stewed in a broth of red wine. Shellfish were kept in their shells while they were stewed, which in terms added flavor, to broth. Afterwards Sicilians immigrants developed the shrimps by putting tomatoes in the broth, the way it is served today. Stew is used to be served with the meat in the shell. Famous Chefs and Restaurant of California Wolfgang Johannes Puck is a celebrity chef who owns a renowned restaurant named Spago. He spread the California cuisine by cooking food for high profile guest and their parties like Oscar after parties. Alice water is a restaurateur, chef and author. She owns Chez Panisse restaurant in Berkeley, California. Her restaurant is known for preparing food from organic and locally grown ingredient. Mette Williams is a celebrity chef who became famous by winning in a popular food network show because of her fresh and new thinking on Italian cuisine. Currently she is the executive chef of culina restaurant in Beverley hills.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Royal Institute Of British Architects Work Plan Stages

Royal Institute Of British Architects Work Plan Stages The RIBA Plan of Work describes the activities from appraising the clients requirements through to post construction. The stages are also used in the appointment of architects and help to identify consultant services and indicate the resource and fee total by Work Stage. The information below is in accordance with CABE principles (Creating Excellent Buildings: A guide for clients, 2003, CABE and Being involved in School Design, 2004, CABE)) and the RIBA Plan of Work. The choice of procurement route has a fundamental influence on how different Work Stages proceed. This is summarised in outline as far as possible but the exact way in which different Stages are conducted within the overall project programme needs careful consideration at the outset. It is worth noting that the RIBA Plan of Work was originally developed to reflect the needs of Traditional contract forms. The subsequent development of alternative contract forms such as PFI, BSF and partnered contracts means that RIBA Stages dont necessarily fit precisely with discrete stages in these alternative contract forms. The Achieving Excellence in Construction Procurement guide 11 Sustainability identifies the intervention points for larger programmes such as BSF including PFI. See Any project needs a vision and key performance indicators to be identified up front. They should be assessed at each stage to monitor achievement and check that they are still appropriate. For a project that wants to integrate sustainability in all aspects of a project this is even more important, as for many clients it will involve some changes to conventional methods and new ways of working need strong management support if they are to be successfully implemented. KPIs should be identified in the early project stages for the whole of the Prepare, Design, Construct and Use cycle. RIBA Work Stage (Common name) People involved Purpose of work and decisions needed Tasks to be undertaken PREPARATION RIBA Stage A Appraisal (Briefing) All client interests, architect/ lead designer (depending on procurement route) Identification of Clients requirements and any possible constraints on development. Preparation of studies to enable the Client to decide whether to proceed and to select the probable procurement method. The latter is a particularly important decision, as it will determine the way in which project resources, responsibilities and risks are apportioned between the Client and its consultants and contractors. Set up project steering group or equivalent and identify the vision and key performance indicators (KPIs) for the project. Consider funding and procurement route- BSF, Academy, DfES bid, LEA resources, school, other agencies. Traditional contract: Submit funding bid to DfES Appoint Design Team PFI/BSF contract: Prepare option appraisals Submit outline business case (OBC) Obtain OBC approval Fix budget for project Advertise in OJEU Partnering contract: Advertise for and select partnering contractor Develop scheme with client and contractor to determine budget Appoint design advisor, education expert and design champion. Set up Client organisation for briefing RIBA Stage B Preparing Strategic Brief Clients representatives, consortium/ partnering team members, architects, engineers and QS according to the nature of the project. Preparation of general outline of requirements and planning of future action on behalf of, the client with client confirming key requirements and constraints. Identification of procedures, organisational structure and range of consultants and others to be engaged for the project. The strategic brief is a key output from this stage and becomes the clear responsibility of the client. Studies of user requirements, site conditions, planning, design and cost etc, as necessary to reach decisions Monitor performance against the vision and KPIs for the project. LEA prepares accommodation schedules in consultation with schools. Traditional contract: Sketch design proposals Cost check against budget Prepare final detailed brief. PFI/BSF contract: Select shortlist of bidders. Prepare ITN and issue to bidders Receive bids from bidders Evaluate sample designs (BSF) Evaluate and select Preferred Bidder Partnering contract: Decide Partnering Programme (workshops etc.) Cost check against budget DESIGN RIBA Stage C Outline proposals Stage C begins when the architects brief has been determined in sufficient detail (Sketch plans) All client interests, consortium/ partnering team members, architects, engineers, QS and specialists are required. Provide the client with an appraisal and recommendation in order that they may determine the form in which the project is to proceed. Ensure that it is feasible functionally, technically and financially. At this point the development of the strategic brief into the full project brief begins and outline design proposals and cost estimates are prepared. Develop the brief further. Do studies on user requirements, technical aspects, planning, design and costs as necessary to reach decisions. Monitor performance against the vision and KPIs for the project. Traditional contract: C to F Detailed design and tender documentation produced PFI/BSF contract: C to F Negotiations with preferred Bidder to finalise contract details. Non sample designs prepared in BSF Partnering contract: C to F Final design developed jointly within budget constraints, most likely to an Agreed Maximum Price (AMP). The Brief should not be modified substantially after this point. Depending on the procurement route, changes after this stage can incur additional cost or lengthen the programme. DESIGN RIBA Stage D Scheme Design &Planning; Detailed Proposals; Submit Planning Application (Planning drawings) All client interests, architects, engineers, QS and specialists and all statutory and other approving authorities, contractor (if appointed). Determines the general approach to the layout, design and construction in order to obtain authoritative approval of the client on the outline proposals. The project brief will be fully developed and detailed proposals will be made and compiled, generally in a Stage D report. The application for full development control approval will be made at this point. Complete final development brief and full design of the project by the architect. Engineers prepare preliminary design. Preparation of cost plan and full explanatory report. Submit proposals for all approvals. Monitor performance against the vision and KPIs for the project. Traditional contract: C to F Detailed design and tender documentation produced PFI/BSF contract: C to F Negotiations with preferred Bidder to finalise contract details. Non sample designs prepared in BSF Partnering contract: C to F Final design developed jointly within budget constraints, most likely to an Agreed Maximum Price (AMP). DESIGN RIBA Stage E Detail Design; Final proposals. All client interests, architects, engineers, QS and specialists and all statutory and other approving authorities, contractor (if appointed). Completion of the brief with decisions made on the planning arrangement, appearance, construction method, outline specification and cost of the project. All approvals will be obtained at this stage, including for Building Regulations. In effect, during this Stage final proposals are developed for the Project sufficient for co-ordination of all its components and elements to realise the construction. Full design of every part and component of the building by collaboration of all concerned. Complete cost checking of designs. Monitor performance against the vision and KPIs for the project. Traditional contract: C to F Detailed design and tender documentation produced PFI/BSF contract: C to F Negotiations with preferred Bidder to finalise contract details. Non sample designs prepared in BSF Partnering contract: C to F Final design developed jointly within budget constraints most likely to an Agreed Maximum Price (AMP). Any further change in location, size, shape, construction method or cost after this time is likely to result in abortive work. Some procurement methods can make it easier and less costly to make changes after this Stage. DESIGN RIBA Stage F Production information Architects, QS, engineers and specialists, contractor (if appointed). Final decisions taken on every matter related to design, specification, construction and cost. For a traditional procurement process, production information is first prepared in sufficient detail to enable a tender or tenders to be obtained. Any further production information required under the building contract to complete the information for construction is then prepared. All statutory approvals should be obtained by the end of this phase. Prepare final production information i.e. drawings, schedules and specifications. Monitor performance against the vision and KPIs for the project. Traditional contract: C to F Detailed design and tender documentation produced PFI/BSF contract: C to F Negotiations with preferred Bidder to finalise contract details. Non sample designs prepared in BSF Partnering contract: C to F Final design developed jointly within budget constraints, most likely to an Agreed Maximum Price (AMP). DESIGN RIBA Stage G Tender documents; Bills of Quantities Architects, engineers and specialists. Contractor (if appointed) Prepare and collate tender documentation in sufficient detail to enable a tender or tenders to be obtained for the construction of the Project. It should be noted that this Stage is much more relevant to Traditional forms of procurement. Prepare Bills of Quantities and tender documents Monitor performance against the vision and KPIs for the project Traditional contract: G to H Tendering process contractor selected PFI/BSF contract: G to H PFI contract signed LEP established in BSF Negotiations with contractor for future phases in BSF Partnering contract: G to H Contract signed Maximum price (AMP) fixed DESIGN RIBA Stage H Tender action Architects, QS, engineers, contractor, client. Prepare and complete all information and arrangements for obtaining tender(s). Identify potential contractors and/or specialists for the construction of the project. Tenders obtained and appraised with recommendations made to the client body or Steering Group to allow an appointment to be made. It is important that the contractors understanding of, and commitment to, the project vision and its sustainability is tested at this stage. This can be achieved by the inclusion of this as a key selection criterion early in the procurement process. Hold pre-tender briefing for potential contractors to ensure they have a good project understanding Obtain and appraise tenders Appoint contractor Monitor performance against the vision and KPIs for the project. CONSTRUCT CONSTRUCT CONSTRUCT RIBA Stage J Project Planning; Mobilisation (Site Operations) Architects, QS, engineers, contractor, client Building contract let and contractor appointed Production information issued to the contractor Site is handed over to the contractor Take action in accordance with the RIBA Plan of Work Appoint contractor Hand over site to contractor to prepare prior to construction Monitor performance against the vision and KPIs for the project. Traditional contract: J to M Construction monitored by design team PFI/BSF contract: J to M Construction of first phase Facilities Management (FM) service delivery commences on completion Partnering contract: J to M Contractor, design ream and client continue to partner to achieve budget/programme RIBA Stage K Operations on Site; Construction to Practical Completion (Site Operations) Contractors, sub-contractors Contractor programmes the work in accordance with the contract and commences work on site. The client or their representative the architect in Traditional procurement administers the building contract up to and including practical completion (this is the point at which the contractor hands back ownership of the site and completed project to the client). Further information supplied to the contractor as and when reasonably required. Take action in accordance with the RIBA Plan of Work Regular site inspections of work to ensure it meets specification. Monitor performance against the vision and KPIs for the project RIBA Stage L Completion (Site Operations) Architects, engineers, contractors, sub-contractors, QS, client This Stage is clearly separated from the construction phase. Final inspections are made to ensure specifications have been met. In addition, the final account is settled Take action in accordance with the RIBA Plan of Work Monitor performance against the vision and KPIs for the project USE RIBA Stage M Feedback Architect, engineers, QS, contractor, client, users as appropriate At this Stage, the building has been handed over to the client for occupation. Any defects will have been remedied and the final account settled. This allows the management, construction and performance of the project to be assessed. Analyse job records and inspect completed building(s) as appropriate. Conduct studies of the building in use. These are particularly important to focus on energy in use against the design specification. Monitor performance against the vision and KPIs for the project. The RIBA Stages conclude at Stage M. For projects to be sustainable, the operational and decommissioning phases need to be separately identified and planned for by the client. For PFI/BSF procurement, these will be the responsibility of the consortium.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Emily Dickinson :: essays research papers

B) The riddle we can guess We speedily despise - Not anything is stale so long as yesterday’s surprise - How important is the idea of riddling in Emily Dickinson’s poetry? Cover a range of poems in your answer, and discuss at least four of them in close detail. During the late nineteenth century, Emily Dickinson (1830 - 1886) featured as one of the few female poets in the largely male-dominated sphere of American literature. Although she authored 1800 poems, only seven were published during her lifetime - why? Emily Dickinson has always provoked debate; over her life, her motivations for the words she wrote and the interpretations of those words. It can be argued that Emily Dickinson herself, was as ambiguous, as misunderstood and as elusive as her poetry. As a outlet for relentless examination of every aspect of her mind and faith her poems are both expository and puzzling. Her conclusions are often cryptically implicit and largely dependant on the readers ability to put together the pieces - to see the connections and implications. Amy Lowell said "She was the mistress of suggestion....and to a lesser degree, irony" The ruses and riddles in her poems came from her; and as such she too was a riddle. The riddle was important to Emily Dickinson for several reasons. She wished to reason with her own feelings despite her contradictory beliefs - she wished to be one who "distils amazing sense / from ordinary meanings (#448)". For her, life, nature and faith were all riddles in themselves. None of these three come with all the answers, although clues are given - her poems both deal with and mirror this phenomenon. And through a riddle, at the last - sagacity must go - (#501) (In these lines Dickinson doubts the sense of religious claims about life, death and life after death). Her cryptic language thus became part of her search for truth and personal clarification. She couched her poetry in ambiguous, complex and multi-layered language - in this form it became both a defence, and a game. The riddles concealed her anarchy, her dissension and her audaciousness in questioning the status quo. She achieved her most audacious commentaries and attacks on American perceptions and values through riddle and ruse; by ellipsis, dodge, a vague daring, an evident superiority of language and idea, staying virtually unknown . The ambiguities in the riddles were her defence against authority, religious tyranny and "norm" thinking.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Workplace Observation Essays -- Pharmacies Pharmacy Business Essays

Workplace Observation I am currently employed at B&L pharmaceuticals, one of the largest manufactures of generic medications in the world. In this paper I will discuss how communication flows in my workplace, organizational diversity, and conflict management. With my current position as a Group Leader the flow of communication is very important. Communication Communication at B&L consists of emails, work procedures and policies, telephones, and bulletin board postings throughout the facility. A majority of the emails are sent both internally and externally, make the bulk of the communication that takes place here at B&L. Using outlook express, emails also allow for the scheduling of meetings and appointments. Telephones are used to communicate within the company by dialing exte...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

For which characters in Of Mice And Men do you feel sympathy the most? Essay

Refer closely to the novel in your answer. I felt some sympathy for Curley’s wife as she was the loneliest of them all. She had a husband who didn’t love or respect her as he went to brothels. As well as Curley’s wife I pitied Slim. He has a lot of responsibility and calms everything down in a tense situation. He was the only person who knew that George shot Lennie after the death of Curley’s wife, which shows the amount of responsibility that is on his shoulders. I have some for Crooks as he is at a disadvantage as he is black so will have a lot of prejudice towards him. He is not allowed in the bunkhouse and so he would be very lonely. He also has the disability of having a crooked back. In the end I felt pity for Candy as the prospect of owning a farm is shattered. He could have lived the rest of his years in relative comfort. Steinbeck uses effective pathos after the death of Curley’s wife. ‘ His eyes blinded with tears and he turned and Went weakly out of the barn’ Now that he knows the dream is over he has nothing to look ahead to which is saddening. Because of his age he won’t be able to get a job. You also pity him because of his disability, which won’t help him find a job. ‘I wont have no place to go, an’ I can’t get no more jobs.’ Also when Carlson shot his dog to put it out of his misery I felt some sympathy. He had the dog for along time and had grown attached to it. Without his dog he would be lonely .This theme of loneliness runs throughtout the book. He then shows regret that someone other than himself shot his dog. ‘I shouldn’t ought to have let no stranger shoot my dog.’ I have sympathy for Lennie as when he had killed Curley’s wife he had ruined the dream for everyone. He would have felt bad about this and the fact that he wouldn’t be able to tend the rabbits which was one of his fears. The other being Ggeorge leaving him, which would mean that he would be lonely. His fear run’s loose as he listens to a talking rabbit: ‘If you think George, gonna let you tend the rabbit, your even crazier’n usual.’ Lennie always has George telling him what to do because he keeps on doing stupid things. In a way Lennie should be pleased about someone keeping a lookout for him but because Lennie is so slow he is upset by it and sometimes Lennie loses his temper. I felt sorry for him most when Curley started a fight with. ‘Lennie’s hands remained at his side; he was too frightened to defend himself. This is because people usually feel sorry for things that are defenceless. But even after Curley had repeatedly punched him Lennie still shows remorse for breaking his hand, which shows he is a ‘nice fella’ . A guy who you wouldn’t want something like this to happen to. ‘I didn’t wanta hurt him.’ The reason I don’t feel sorry for Lennie is because he has a companion like George to look after him and because he is so stupid he doesn’t realise what how poor his lifestyle is. ‘But he was too dumb even to know he had a joke played on him’ I feel sympathy for George as he is lumbered with Lennie. ‘Lennie for god’s sake don’t drink so much.’ It’s as if George is looking after Lennie like they have a parent/child relationship. A similar thing occurs when George threw away the dead mouse Lennie kept in his pocket I feel pity for George as he has a lot of pent up aggression as he uses phrases like ‘son of a bitch’ and ‘crazy bastard’. This is probably caused by the situation he is in. He has no security and his only companion is Lennie who is always getting into trouble. I feel empathy for George, as he is so lonely. This is the same with all the other characters. ‘Guys like us that work on ranches are the loneliest guys in the world’. The only way George can escape this position is through his and Lennies’s dream, of owning a farm. George and Lennie ‘aint got nothing to look ahead to’ but the dream sets them a goal. Then George has to do a horrible thing by killing his only friend. He didn’t even seem to think about other alternatives but he saved Lennie from being tortured. Steinbeck builds this up from when Candy’s dog was shot to save it from the pain of living up until George saving Lennie from the pain of being tortured The reason I don’t feel sorry for George is that he has a companion like Lennie. Someone he can trust. If Lennie was in the same position he wouldn’t survive like George, as he doesn’t have the brain. So George can be thankful that it wasn’t vice versa. ‘Lennie who had been watching imitated George exactly’ This shows that Lennie adores George and is a kind of role model. It also shows that Lennie likes him so he won’t double cross him. He is too stupid to do that anyway. I have little empathy to with Curley, as he is lonelier than ever without his wife. He is always getting into fights, which could mean that he is looking for attention. I have sympathy for is the Boss, as he owns the place. He is most probably rich and has a lot of luxuries compared to the workers .I do have some empathy towards the boss .He also has a lot of responsibility as he has to run the ranch and has a son like Curley who is always causing trouble. Through this book Steinbeck tried to portray what the poor people felt at the time. It shows us that the ‘American’ dream doesn’t always come true and that the battle between the ‘good guy’ and the ‘bad guy’ doesn’t always go in the ‘good guy’s’ favour.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Haas and Flower Reading Response Essay

â€Å"If readers construct the meaning of texts, how does information transmission work?† Through constructing the meaning of texts, a reader can interpret and summarize chunks of writing into something that is already processed by the reader. Personally, I know that if I begin reading a piece of text that I have never researched or learned in the past, obviously I cannot make an information transmission. On the other hand, when I read a piece of material that I’ve learned in the past, it helps me to fully interpret and think critically on the topic. If a reader can complete a create a connection between past learning and the newer topic, the reader can construct a personal judgment or opinion. The reader’s thesis is then developed and the reader can fully absorb and accomplish what is a â€Å"good read.† â€Å"What kinds of knowledge did you bring to this article that helped you make sense of it?† The information I brought to the article was really a collection of teachings I received through high school. The knowledge to re-read text if I don’t fully comprehend the author’s point. Also the ability to stop and evaluate the text to figure out what Haas and Flower were trying to explain. I received fairly intensive English courses in high school, from which I was able to transmission my past lessons to the text Haas and Flower presented. Without trying to sound repetitive, I was able to pick apart phrases of the text that I simply didn’t understand, even by rereading, and use the context to help make snese of the wording Haas and Flower use.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Respondeat superior Essay

?1. Provide an overview of the respondeat superior legal doctrine and explain its significance in the health care industry. Additionally, explain at least two defenses to this legal doctrine. Your initial post must be a minimum of 250-300 words. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts. The respondeat superior is a legal doctrine that holds the employers legally responsible for any wrongful acts caused by their employees. The employer is liable for any injuries caused by their employee to their patients. A health care organization can be held liable for any unjust acts their employees cause. â€Å"A hospital has vicarious liability for the negligence of its nurses, which allows a patient to bring a lawsuit against either the nurse individually or the hospital as the employer, or both (Giordano, 2003). It is up to the health care organization to ensure a staff that promotes ethical care and who are competent in their job. â€Å"A hospital has a duty to the patient to ensure the competency of its nursing staff and the physicians who maintain privileges at its institution† (Giordano, 2003). It is important that the health care organization maintains a place that revolves around safety for the protection of their patients and visitors. â€Å"Failure to do so may create institutional liability on the part of the hospital† (Giordano, 2003). One of the defenses should be providing adequate care to all patients by monitoring them more often and providing them with the right dosage of medications when needed. â€Å"In medication administration, the 5 R’s are often cited: right patient, right drug, right route, right dose, and right time. All too often 1 or more of these â€Å"rights† are violated, and a patient is injured† (Giordano, 2003). Another defense would be that the health care organization should train all staff upon hire and implement all rules and guidelines and advise them that any misconduct will result in termination. Malpractice cannot be avoided but they can be reduced (Giordano, 2003). Giordano, K. (2003). Examining nursing malpractice: A defense attorney’s perspective. American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. Critical Care Nurse, 23, 104-107. Retrieved from http://ccn. aacnjournals. org/content/23/2/104. full. pdf

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Judy Jones †beauty, devil, or victim? Essay

â€Å"Winter Dreams†, one of the greatest works of F. Scott Fitzgerald, has successfully depicted the downside of the so-called American Dream in his time. The story described the frustration of people who had defined their happiness as material success. Beside the protagonist Dexter Green, there was another character that made readers preoccupied with conflicting ideas after reading the story. She was Judy Jones, the center of Dexter’s winter dreams. In this essay, we will examine this character to see whether she was a statue of woman beauty, a devil who kept hurting other people, or a victim of such a material society. First of all, we must admit that Judy Jones was a masterpiece of God. When it comes to an attractive girl, we can definitely take Judy Jones for an excellent example. Judy, in the author’s description, was a gorgeous young girl whose charm was composed of a striking appearance, a great sense of style, and a magnetic personality. To plenty of men, Judy was an extremely adorable girl with whom they couldn’t help falling in love. Almost every man in the story had to admit that Judy was greatly good-looking. Dexter, the protagonist, had recognized Judy’s potential great beauty when she was just eleven. He depicted little Judy as an â€Å"inexpressively lovely† girl who â€Å"brings no end of misery to a great number of men†. When Judy turned twenty, she became an irresistible beauty with a slender figure, passionate eyes, picturesquely beautiful complexion, and especially, an appealing down-turning mouth that â€Å"gave a continual impression of intense life and vitality†. Additionally, Judy’s stylishness made her become more appealing. Her costumes not only perfectly fitted her but also made her stand out in any situation. She once showed up at the golf court so gracefully in â€Å"a blue gingham dress†, which got many men’s attention. Another time, she suddenly appeared in such a healthy and attractive manner on a racing motor-boat with an eye-catching pink bathing-suite on her beautiful body that Dexter couldn’t do anything else but complying with all her requests. When Dexter  met her again at the dancing club after a long time, she still looked as pretty as a doll in a sparkling gold dress. Moreover, Judy’s charm was fortified with a special personality. Though a slender girl, she not only knew how to swim or dance but also knew how to surf on the sea and drive a motor-boat with no difficulty. She was always aware of her charm, always confident, and friendly towards the man she was interested in. Also, she was not afraid of actively asking a new acquaintance on a date and did make it become a romantic and memorable date than ever. That she knew how to make a man happy with fulfillment was so true since Dexter, during his life, would never forget the moment (though short) with Judy on the dark sun-porch, deeply in the passionate kisses. Hence, generally speaking, Judy was a dream girl for plenty of men. What is more beside Judy Jones’ great looks? Surprisingly, it is a not very beautiful soul, or critically speaking, a cruel nature of a devil. As an eleven-year-old girl, Judy Jones had adopted an incorrect etiquette. She was so rude when addressing Dexter as â€Å"Boy† while she was obviously younger than him. Besides, she couldn’t conceal her bad temper when having something unsatisfying. Not seeing any caddies available to serve her, Judy vented her anger on Mrs. Hilda-her nurse by â€Å"taking one of the clubs, hitting it on the ground with violence†, and wildly shouting at Mrs. Hilda that â€Å"You damn little mean old thing!†. When Judy entered adulthood, the cruel side of her nature became clearer. One of her disgusting qualities was once again the impoliteness. She seemed amazingly unconcerned and unapologetic when hitting Mr. T.A. Hedrick in his stomach with a stray ball. Furthermore, Judy Jones was a statue of a material girl who judged a man only by his material success and seemed to ignore the moral value. On the first date with Dexter, Judy straightforwardly told him about her recent upsetting love affair with a man who, in her words, â€Å"was as poor as a church-mouse†, and boldly asked Dexter â€Å"Are you poor?†. What if Dexter had said â€Å"Yes†? Logically, she might have thrown him out of her life at once! Judy Jones’ cruelty was explicitly revealed through her selfishness, wilfulness and impulse-driven behavior. She was always trifling with others’ affection. When she was interested in a man, she did not hesitate to take advantage of her charm to achieve her goal – making him crazily love her. Nevertheless, once losing the excitement, she mercilessly kicked the guy out of her current life and looked for a new delight. Her wickedness, however, did not stop at the â€Å"new one in, old one out† attitude towards love. When the miserable neglected man gradually forgot her and was about to start a new life, she tried to draw his attention back by â€Å"granting him a brief honeyed hour, which encouraged him to tag along for a year or so longer†, then left him, hurt him again, and of course, non-stop looked for another interesting guy to fulfill her desire. She acted wickedly regardless of others’ feelings as if she had had the right to do it. Dexte r was one of the most miserable victims of Judy’s love games. He was suffering not only from being neglected again by Judy but also from regretting giving serious hurt to his fiancà © Irene Scherer and her parents. Obviously, Judy Jones’ selfishness had given pains to plenty of people. Why was Judy Jones such a disgusting devil? Were there any sensible reasons for this, which are worth our sympathy? Firstly, Judy Jones was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and with a great beauty that could help her win almost every man’s heart. She lived an extravagant life with plenty of elite suitors always around. That she could acquire what she wanted effortlessly made her appreciate nothing. She hardly had any meaningful interests in her life except flirting men around. She assumed that her radiant beauty was a master key to the happiness, but her upsetting married life at the end of the story proved that she was completely wrong. Her unhappiness afterwards resulted from the emptiness of her soul and an intensive desire for what is so-called happiness that she couldn’t know how to achieve and even couldn’t define. That was why she once cried and complained to Dexter: â€Å"I’m more beautiful than anybody else. Why can’t I be happy?†. The fact that she kept hunting for joy with different men gives us an impression of her illusion and disorientation in her journey to seek happiness. No matter how popular, rich, and even talented a man was, Judy couldn’t find a permanent sense of fulfillment with him. She just sought a  man to fill the emptiness in her soul. Secondly, we must take a look at the society in which Judy grew up – a society that placed material success over moral values. Therefore, that Judy Jones adopted such stereotype and judged a person by his wealth was not incomprehensible. Poor Judy failed to understand what true love was and consequently, did not know how to have it. The last reason we can think of is the lack of adequate parental guidance from her childhood. Her parents were rich, but like other people in that society, they must have concentrated only on earning money to fortify their social status. Through the story, readers can see that the bond between the Jones’ m embers appeared not to be so close. While Irene’s parents were described as kind and caring people, Mr. and Mrs. Jones were usually said to be absent from home. Moreover, we can notice the image of a Judy surrounded by her servants and boyfriends, but we hardly ever find any interaction between Judy and her parents. Living prosperously but being neglected by parents, Judy was given a chance to develop such a misconception of love and happiness. Judy’s endless search for satisfaction seemed to burn itself out by the end of the story. She got married to Lud Simms – a bad husband. She lost her good looks and devoted herself to her children. Judy Jones, the symbol of Dexter’s larger-than-life dreams, then became a boring Judy Simms. Many readers may feel satisfied with this ending since Judy ought to pay for all the pains she had caused to other people. However, if we give ourselves a pause for rethinking, we may somehow feel sorry for her. Judy was, by no means, a devil from birth. She was just a victim of the society in which she was born and grew up. To conclude, if we could give something to this character, we would give her just a moderate look, not a great beauty. Were it so, she wouldn’t have had any â€Å"weapon† to hurt so many men, and she might have got a more peaceful life.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Research Methodology and methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Research Methodology and methods - Essay Example Since this disorder has no scientifically proven single kind of a treatment for cure, the treatment for this disorder must specially aim towards being especially adaptable for meeting the needs of each individual child with disorder (Myers, Johnson, and Council on Children with Disabilities, 2007). In the past few decades, the UK government has largely focused on the inclusive mode of education to facilitate the process of social adjustment for children with any form of disorder including autism (Broach, Chalmers, Laurance, McKay, McKenzie, and Mustapha, 2004). This has been acheived chiefly through an emphasis on creating more mainstream schools that are inclusive in nature, where students of all kind (with special needs or otherwise) are made apart of the general stream and studies and provided for accordingly (Wilkinson and Twist, 2010). This paper will deal with this topic of educational system for boys with autism in Saudi Arabia, based on guidelines framed by the UK government for the British system of education. Methodology Any research work is actually a procedure of various systemic enquiries on a certain chosen problem that ultimately leads to the conception of new knowledge on that particular subject (Graziano & Raulin, 2009, 26). Since my topic is chiefly based on the autism and relevant suitable modes of education for autistic children, it deals with the problem seen in the modern mode of education that tends to differentiate between general students and special needs children. It will thus be a ‘systematic inquiry whose objective is to provide the information that will allow†¦problems to be solved’ (Blumberg, Cooper, and Schindler, 2005, 20). Here the problem is related to the education processes used for imparting education to the children with disorders (autism), where we find that under the traditional mode of education special needs children are provided with a different form of education thus segregating them form the genera l students. This leads to later maladjustment by the children with disorders, to the normal social and workplace environment. While some countries have recently started focusing on the inclusive mode of education, there are problems arising in this new mode of education too, where the general educators cannot meet the demands of teaching general students and special needs children, under one classroom setting. In order to arrive at a workable solution for the above stated problem issues, my paper will follow the research process methodology as outlined by Graziano & Raulin, which is represented in the flow chart given below in Fig 1. Their procedure is bases on observation and rationalism, or reasoning through analysis. Here the whole systemic enquiry starts with the generation of idea (the management question), which is often initiated through personal experiences (me being an avid internet user) or other’s research work (studying books, magazines or articles on the subject of web marketing and the social media platform). Once the problem has been defined and the research questions framed, the procedure design starts. Under this section many journals, books, articles, and governmental publications, will be studied to comprehend the meaning of autism, and the types of educational modes that are suitable for imparting effective education to the special needs children. Various data will be collected and analyzed from the different governmental (UK) websites to understand the scope and nature of inclusive mode of education, and also the nature of the various problems faced by the general educa

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Mixed Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Mixed Strategy - Essay Example My parents would always remind me whenever I came home late from partying that I should change my ways if I were to get a college education. My friends and classmates would no longer be there for me and that I should learn to stand on my own, be independent, because college is going to be a serious matter. My mother, who only finished seventh grade, would lecture to me again and again how important college education is and that if I want to have a better life then I should mend my ways. On the other hand, my father, who is a law school drop out, would back her lectures with the gravity of college. He said that if I would not learn any study skills I would be put in extreme embarrassment because professors would give unannounced quizzes and oral examinations. A student would be asked to stand up whenever he/she is called to answer and he/she would not be allowed to sit unless he/she is able to answer correctly. Before I graduated high school then, I spent less time with my friends and began to take a serious look at my life and my life ahead. I wanted college so much that I should be ready to face it and as much as possible finish it, not only for my parents’ sake but for my own personal satisfaction and fulfillment. I wanted a life that is more comfortable and convenient than what my parents gave me. Having spent more than a year in college, I feel that life is not that bad after all. I have new-found friends who back me up whenever I get entangled with my Math problem sets, others are there just to cheer me up whenever I have to spend sleepless nights just to beat the deadlines for my papers. Friends can be found everywhere and I can choose the good ones who will give me good influences. My professors are also not as bad as my father said. They are very supportive and understanding. My professor in Art, for instance, lent me some of her books for my project in Miro and Dali. She even coached me on how to use the internet for research since I only used the

DNA fingerprinting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

DNA fingerprinting - Essay Example It helps in identification of an identity with full confirmation (Brinton, K., & Lieberman, K).Scientists use the unique markers, match them up in order to form a permanent fingerprint. It is useful in obtaining the identification needs and it also helps in providing information in case of missing people. We can find out through the samples that they belong to one person, related people or non related people. There are various forms of DNA fingerprinting which includes Southern Blot, through which scientists analyze the genetic pattern which is a part of a person’s DNA. In it the isolation of DNA from rest of the cellular material is done followed by cutting the DNA into several pieces and then gel electrophoresis is done and finally the blotting of the DNA is done (National Health Museum). Another kind of fingerprinting includes Restriction fragment polymorphism which analyzes the lengths of the strands of DNA. Polymerase chain reaction was used in laboratories for hereditary authentication. Amplified fragment length polymorphism is also an important kind of fingerprinting. The most widely used kind of DNA fingerprinting is the short tandem repeat method which helps in extracting the DNA. ADVANTAGES AND APPLICATION OF DNA FINGERPRINTING: DNA fingerprinting helps in determining Paternity and maternity, as a person inherits the VNTRS from his mother and father that’s why it helps in finding biological parents. It also helps in finding personal identification. the fingerprints which are formed from the genetic bar codes helps in identifying individuals. It is very important in criminal suspects and criminal identifications. DNA material which is from blood, hair, skin cells and other genetic proofs are available at the crime scene. These DNA fingerprinting is thus helpful in finding the criminals, guilty people and the innocent people. DNA fingerprinting also helps in testing for the ethnicity. Overall the tests are very helpful in finding deceased people identification (Benefits & Limites of DNA Fingerprinting) It is a very helpful method in finding bodies and identifications of soldiers who are killed in wars. It also helps in finding inherited disorders in new born babies and prenatal babies. DISADVANTAGES OF DNA FINGERPRINTING: Fingerprinting process requires proper quality control methods and regulations along with proper standardization in order for it to be accepted universally. There are not many places and labs which can conduct the DNA fingerprinting process well, overall there are only few proper labs who can provide accurate results for DNA fingerprinting. The probability of DNA sequence of being similar is just one in 50 billion which is extremely low. There is also a problem of population genetics as the genetic inheritance are not distributed evenly and they are not the same overall across the human beings. There are few technical difficulties as well in DNA fingerprinting process, It required to be run on vario us samples and twice. There is another important disadvantage of threat of the results being used for privacy concerns. Complete confidentiality is required and the information should not be shared with anyone except the owner. REFERENCES: Benefits & Limites

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Security Fundamental Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Security Fundamental - Research Paper Example Moreover, by utilizing IPv6 addressing scheme, brute force and other associated probe attacks can be prevented and for private IP addressing scheme, it will not be accessible from the external networks. In order to enforce a strong password policy, easy and guessable passwords must not be set. Moreover, there are certain rules that must be followed such as (Graves, n.d): The password must be kept confidential Password must be updated on periodic basis Password must be difficult to guess Passwords must be alphanumeric Maintaining password history for eliminating old password reusability Enabling Role based Access Control 256 bit encryption for passwords Enable self-password management for resetting and creating own passwords (Kim & Solomon,) one of the most tried and successful attacks for gaining password are brute force attacks, as the attacker tries different passwords until he retrieves the successful password. Likewise, the trend of this attack has forced network security experts to enforce password policies containing all the factors mentioned above. However, a continual improvement cycle is required for a sustainable password policy management system within the organization. After discussing the password policy, authentication is also an essential component for granting access to genuine users on data and servers. As per the scenario, a triple factor authentication model will be recommended. Likewise, a combination of password and access code is required to gain access to data and networks. Some of the examples include fingerprints or voice recognition along with password or retina scan with password. Moreover, for addressing repudiation issues, digital signatures can be used that will be provided by the third party i.e. Certificate Authority. A digital signature is simply a message that is digitally signed by the sender’s private key and can only be verified by anyone who possess or has access to the sender’s public key, therefore, proving authenticity that the sender has access to the private key (Argentina, 2009). Similarly, the â€Å"CA certi?cates are digital certi?cates issued by one certi?cation authority (CA) for another CA. CA certi?cate identi?es the certi?cation authority (CA) that issues server and client authentication certi?cates to the servers and clients that request these certi?cates. Because it contains a public key used in digital signatures, it is also referred to as a signature certi?cate. If the CA is a root authority, the CA certi?cate may be referred to as a root certi?cate† (CA certificate.2007). Likewise, certificate Authority framework incorporates entitle management process, self-service management, Delegation of centralized rights to administrative staff, auditing, integration, reporting, scalability options and support for server and hosts. Cost for the Plan The cost that is estimated for this security plan will be around $30000 to $40000. The detail for this estimated amount is dem onstrated below: Cisco Router or Manageable Switch $20,000 to $25,000 Cisco ASA Firewall with Network and Host based Intrusion detection system $10,000 Dell Power Edge Server along with Windows Server 2008 operating system $2000 To sustain and secure data and computer networks of the electronic company, there are other factors that need to be addressed apart

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Islamic Banking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Islamic Banking - Essay Example Islamic Banking is a type of banking that is constantly based on the Islamic or Shariah law and its implementation is through the growth of Islamic economics. This type of banking system prohibits the fixed payment interest on loaned money and it also shuns the investment in the business that cater goods and services that are considered unlawful in Islam. Today more than 200 Islamic financial institutions exist around the world (Iqbal and Llewellyn, 2002). Ahmad El Najjar pioneered the first Islamic bank that came into existence in Egypt, in 1963. Thus, when 1976 ended, there were nine banks in the country that were established on the same concept; however, previously in 1974 the Organization of Islamic Countries had established a bank called Islamic Development Bank that purely ran on the principles of Islam. Although the bank was not a commercial one, it did provide funds for the businesses in order to encourage economic growth. After recognizing the Islamic banking system, several banks came into existence, such as Dubai Islamic Bank, Faisal Islamic Bank of Sudan, and the Bahrain Islamic Bank (Shariah-Fortune, 2012). Despite the growing trend in the Islamic banking system, unfortunately the inception of Islamic Banking in Pakistan did not survive. ... The banks previously were more focused on interest free banking; however in 1985, the Organization of Islamic Conference affirmed takaful, or Islamic insurance, as Shariah compliant. Thus, this gave the Islamic banking sector a wider tangent that now covered capital markets, capital formation, and varied financial instruments and intermediaries (Shariah-Fortune, 2012). The development and growth of Islamic Banking has always been experimental. The pioneers of the Islamic Banking have faltered, failed, and learnt through mistakes over time. However, the system has been prolific to the economies. Several empirical studies entail that the performance and efficiency of Islamic banking are significantly good. One of the studies conducted by Iqbal in 2001 drew a sample from countries that had Islamic and conventional banking; he took 12 Islamic banks and 12 conventional banks from 10 countries in order to find out the productivity of the banks using a comparative framework. His study concl uded that the Islamic banking displayed higher rates of growth in key variables in comparison to the conventional banking system. It also highlighted that the Islamic banks apparently performed well and generally they yielded good profits and well capitalized; another factor that surfaced was that Islamic banks used resources more effectively, which were available to them. Moreover, when the conventional banks were studied alongside Islamic banks as a group, it turned out that they outperformed the conventional system in all areas. However, there were certain variations among the Islamic banks that surfaced during the studies in terms of growth and performance (Iqbal, 2011). Nevertheless, Samad in 1999 compared