Friday, September 13, 2019

Research Methodology and methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Research Methodology and methods - Essay Example Since this disorder has no scientifically proven single kind of a treatment for cure, the treatment for this disorder must specially aim towards being especially adaptable for meeting the needs of each individual child with disorder (Myers, Johnson, and Council on Children with Disabilities, 2007). In the past few decades, the UK government has largely focused on the inclusive mode of education to facilitate the process of social adjustment for children with any form of disorder including autism (Broach, Chalmers, Laurance, McKay, McKenzie, and Mustapha, 2004). This has been acheived chiefly through an emphasis on creating more mainstream schools that are inclusive in nature, where students of all kind (with special needs or otherwise) are made apart of the general stream and studies and provided for accordingly (Wilkinson and Twist, 2010). This paper will deal with this topic of educational system for boys with autism in Saudi Arabia, based on guidelines framed by the UK government for the British system of education. Methodology Any research work is actually a procedure of various systemic enquiries on a certain chosen problem that ultimately leads to the conception of new knowledge on that particular subject (Graziano & Raulin, 2009, 26). Since my topic is chiefly based on the autism and relevant suitable modes of education for autistic children, it deals with the problem seen in the modern mode of education that tends to differentiate between general students and special needs children. It will thus be a ‘systematic inquiry whose objective is to provide the information that will allow†¦problems to be solved’ (Blumberg, Cooper, and Schindler, 2005, 20). Here the problem is related to the education processes used for imparting education to the children with disorders (autism), where we find that under the traditional mode of education special needs children are provided with a different form of education thus segregating them form the genera l students. This leads to later maladjustment by the children with disorders, to the normal social and workplace environment. While some countries have recently started focusing on the inclusive mode of education, there are problems arising in this new mode of education too, where the general educators cannot meet the demands of teaching general students and special needs children, under one classroom setting. In order to arrive at a workable solution for the above stated problem issues, my paper will follow the research process methodology as outlined by Graziano & Raulin, which is represented in the flow chart given below in Fig 1. Their procedure is bases on observation and rationalism, or reasoning through analysis. Here the whole systemic enquiry starts with the generation of idea (the management question), which is often initiated through personal experiences (me being an avid internet user) or other’s research work (studying books, magazines or articles on the subject of web marketing and the social media platform). Once the problem has been defined and the research questions framed, the procedure design starts. Under this section many journals, books, articles, and governmental publications, will be studied to comprehend the meaning of autism, and the types of educational modes that are suitable for imparting effective education to the special needs children. Various data will be collected and analyzed from the different governmental (UK) websites to understand the scope and nature of inclusive mode of education, and also the nature of the various problems faced by the general educa

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