Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Death of a salesman- willy recalls his sons teenage years as fruitfull Essay

Death of a salesman- willy recalls his sons teenage years as fruitfull and charming. what evindence canwe find to show that the - Essay Example The form of illusion highlighted here may be termed as self-deception. Though Willy himself was never a big success and even at the age of sixty he had to borrow money from Charley to pay his bills, he is inquisitive and critical of his son Biff. Willy was critical of the fact that Biff has not yet â€Å"found himself† which was a disgrace. He seems to be oblivious to the fact that even he was not half as successful as Biff at that age. When Linda tells him not to be too critical of Biff since he admires him, Willy tells her, â€Å"I simply asked him if he was making any money. Is that a criticism?" (Miller 7) This shows his over consciousness regarding money matters and a reader who is not introduced to Willy’s state of mind and existence would think that he was perhaps a very successful businessman himself. This reflects a very significant symptom of the disease - confusion and illusions that lead to unorganized thinking. In fact he is to a large extent responsible f or his sons’ (Biff and Happy) immaturity and slow emotional development as he pampers them during their teenage years and tells them the importance of appearance over substance showing them the dreams of high promises held by their future. He recalls that Biff had a promising teenage but he lost many opportunities and hence could not make anything out of life. This also reveals his evasion from admitting that he is failure as a father. Biff has grown up admiring his father more by his words than actions. He has not been a successful student and failed in Math. Bernard, the son of Willy’s friend Charlie has always been a good grade achiever but according to Willy Charlie is not well liked like himself and following the same Biff responds to his father’s query about Willy’s popularity, saying that he is liked but not â€Å"well liked†. Willy even brags to his wife, saying that even though Bernard, the son of his friend gets good grades in schools, he cannot grow into a successful businessman unlike Biff and Happy. Willy’s comments at this juncture is worth taking a deeper reading, â€Å"Bernard can get the best marks in school, y’understand, but when he gets out in the business world, y’understand, you are going to be five times ahead of him. That’s why I thank Almighty God you’re both built like Adonises. Because the man who makes an appearance in the business world, the man who creates personal interest, is the man who gets ahead. Be liked and you will never want. You take me, for instance. I never have to wait in line to see a buyer.† (Miller 21) The above lines expresses his self boasting nature and setting a wrong example in front of his son Biff who ends up idolizing his father and following the wrong way. Staying around his father with a doting wife his sons cannot see his faults and all they end up learning is to give importance to appearance. Biff who has grown up with the habi t of a Kleptomaniac never faces his father’s disapproval when he lies about borrowing the things which he actually ends up stealing. When Willy tells Biff to study, the latter shows him the emblem of his University of Virginia he created on his sneakers. Bernard points out that those sneakers cannot obtain good grades for him. He also says, â€Å"I heard Mr. Birnbaum say that if you don’t start studyin’ math he’s gonna flunk you, and you won’t graduate. I heard him!† (Miller 20) Finally Willy ends up shunning away Bernard saying, â€Å"

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