Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Security Fundamental Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Security Fundamental - Research Paper Example Moreover, by utilizing IPv6 addressing scheme, brute force and other associated probe attacks can be prevented and for private IP addressing scheme, it will not be accessible from the external networks. In order to enforce a strong password policy, easy and guessable passwords must not be set. Moreover, there are certain rules that must be followed such as (Graves, n.d): The password must be kept confidential Password must be updated on periodic basis Password must be difficult to guess Passwords must be alphanumeric Maintaining password history for eliminating old password reusability Enabling Role based Access Control 256 bit encryption for passwords Enable self-password management for resetting and creating own passwords (Kim & Solomon,) one of the most tried and successful attacks for gaining password are brute force attacks, as the attacker tries different passwords until he retrieves the successful password. Likewise, the trend of this attack has forced network security experts to enforce password policies containing all the factors mentioned above. However, a continual improvement cycle is required for a sustainable password policy management system within the organization. After discussing the password policy, authentication is also an essential component for granting access to genuine users on data and servers. As per the scenario, a triple factor authentication model will be recommended. Likewise, a combination of password and access code is required to gain access to data and networks. Some of the examples include fingerprints or voice recognition along with password or retina scan with password. Moreover, for addressing repudiation issues, digital signatures can be used that will be provided by the third party i.e. Certificate Authority. A digital signature is simply a message that is digitally signed by the sender’s private key and can only be verified by anyone who possess or has access to the sender’s public key, therefore, proving authenticity that the sender has access to the private key (Argentina, 2009). Similarly, the â€Å"CA certi?cates are digital certi?cates issued by one certi?cation authority (CA) for another CA. CA certi?cate identi?es the certi?cation authority (CA) that issues server and client authentication certi?cates to the servers and clients that request these certi?cates. Because it contains a public key used in digital signatures, it is also referred to as a signature certi?cate. If the CA is a root authority, the CA certi?cate may be referred to as a root certi?cate† (CA certificate.2007). Likewise, certificate Authority framework incorporates entitle management process, self-service management, Delegation of centralized rights to administrative staff, auditing, integration, reporting, scalability options and support for server and hosts. Cost for the Plan The cost that is estimated for this security plan will be around $30000 to $40000. The detail for this estimated amount is dem onstrated below: Cisco Router or Manageable Switch $20,000 to $25,000 Cisco ASA Firewall with Network and Host based Intrusion detection system $10,000 Dell Power Edge Server along with Windows Server 2008 operating system $2000 To sustain and secure data and computer networks of the electronic company, there are other factors that need to be addressed apart

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