Thursday, September 26, 2019

World History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

World History - Essay Example However, the after affects of colonization are still causing shocks in regions such as Africa and some parts of Asia where unresolved questions still come up regarding international borders disputes or sharing regional resources. In such situations, it becomes easy to say that perhaps freedom from colonization was not a good idea for some sub-Saharan African nations where freedom has resulted only in the law of the jungle. Countries where independence was supposed to bring about a break from oppression and the rule of the elite have only seen corruption, inept governments and governmental policies which are making the rich richer and killing off the poor. For the lack of a better word, it seems that some former colonies are more or less ‘unable’ to handle the processes of government since they cannot establish governmental policies or control. It can be considered a little condescending on the part of Akbar (2005) but he strongly suggests that the management of financial affairs and handling large sums of money regardless of where they come from can be an issue for many young countries. This is especially true in the case where these newly independent nations have had no previous experience in managing such sums of money. Therefore he is in complete agreement with Rato (2006) and they both suggest that international organizations and donor agencies should help governments. This help should be targeted towards the creation of useful government policies and financial aid should be given to support specific causes and development programs. In effect, instead of establishing control over the government of the country, the donor agencies or countries can establish control over how the donation is used. While this protects the sovereignty of the nation, it also allows the weak government to gain access to some of the brightest minds in the world when they need to know how they can improve the conditions of their country. As per the recent

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